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Neo Samus

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Everything posted by Neo Samus

  1. They did this for Melee? Note: I didn't have internet until 2003.
  2. I still wonder if there is still more online modes......I'm not holding my breath or anything, but I can still wonder. EDIT: I just thought about this....the updates are going to stop on January 24 with the release of the Japanese version, isn't?
  3. This is not the Tournament mode guys. Chill. Tourney is still 32 or 64-player.
  4. That's fucking awesome!!
  5. Well its neither, but informative. I'm liking this mode.
  6. I wonder what craptacular update we will have tonight?
  7. I know. It's almost like a whole new game. I had to re-think some of my stratgies with Luigi because of the whole "greased shoes" effect.
  8. I noticed that too. It even works if you ground pound from a high altitude.
  9. I'm not going to hold my breath or anything but, there could still be a ranking mode.
  10. I woder if we'll be able to tell if someone gets dropped? Like if it makes a sound?
  11. I actually like what they did with random battles....to a point. I'm still irritated by NWFC in general, but I like the CPU coming in to fight if someone drops out/connection gets lost. Keeps the battle the same as if nothing happened? I wonder what level the CPU will be at if someone gets dropped?
  12. Oh, duh. I should've known that's what he was talking about.
  13. Elastic band effect??? Huh?
  14. "Would someone PLEASE think of the CHILDREN!!!!!"
  15. Happy B-day! Have a long Island Iced Tea for me.
  16. I can't believe that too much dust is considered neglect. That's just pathetic!!! Will Sony ever grow a brain, and for that matter, a heart?
  17. Damn Toy time purple coin. After, what seemed to be 50 tires, I finally beat Toy Time Purple Coin Star. With that, I got 120 stars and....you know who. Quick question can you get the 121st star before playing as Luigi?
  18. Do your paper dammit!!!
  19. Man.....this thread just keeps getting weirder and weirder O_O Dear god....well I know there was someone who was curious about what Pokemon would be returning. Give us another character for goodness sake!!! [/whining]
  20. If I'm not mistaken, that's Nate Bihldorff the localization Manager for NOA. Also Miyamoto personal translator/bitch during presentations. Sakuari, you had a chance to do an awesome update. Instead you fuck it up. Kinda ironic considering its Dec. 3.
  21. As much would love to see a character update, I'm not holding my breath. Please prove me wrong Sakuari!!
  22. I hope everyone can finish their mixes. I would to see a final product come from this.
  23. Thanks for the tips. I'll try them later today (or when the Purple comet appears again.)
  24. Yeah I know most of it is different. What I meant was when temple kicks in. It sounds like the drums are a bit different and that a slightly different sounding piano was playing for either the harmony or the melody.
  25. Oh god.....that took me forever!! What I did was back flip then did the spin attack at the right moment (highest moment of the jump) and grabbed onto the ledge. Took me a few times to pull it off. Anyone have any suggestions on how to beat the toy time purple coin? That one is a total bitch!!
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