NiGHTS (Saturn)- HELL YES. What gets to me about NiGHTS is the atmosphere. The game is so out there it's almost magical. The graphics might not stand the test of time that well but it's still somewhat visually appealing because of the use of colors and textures on the characters and playing fields.
Panzer Dragoon Zwei (Saturn)- Coop summed it up for me, except I loved the music. Yes, it wasn't as grand as PD but it was still fantastic for my ears. YES
Panzer Dragoon (Saturn)-Yes, I know I fliped them, but I forgot to post about PD. Dragoon 1 was the first game that I played on an import Saturn. It was THE reason I got a saturn when I was able to afford it (I was only 12 when the Saturn came out), that and the arcade hits. yes