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Neo Samus

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Everything posted by Neo Samus

  1. Most if not all gamestops or EB games has the complete game on the demo unit. Like what Amayirot Akago said, it is an amazing game. Go try it out!
  2. HA! "Watch this shit! He ain't gonna hit me. He ain't gonna hit me!!" Priceless.
  3. I never heard about that before. Where did you hear that from? That would be really neat if it is true.
  4. It's more music video than actual trailer. Trippy as hell!!! Great now that song is stuck in my head!! Kokoro Scan kokoro scan....something something something!!!! LOL!!!!
  5. Good eye. I totally missed that.
  6. This is why I don't wait for the updates. It's usually on time right? Except for the new character ones? Edit: Never mind just refreshed again. Cool stage. I believe you can see this stage from the last official vid, yes?
  7. Funny story, I got a conformation about my jackets on Thursday Oct. 25. On the email it says 5-10 days right? Well I got them the NEXT day. I was like WTF that was quick! It's really odd too because I live in IL and Nintendo is in WA. This happen to anyone else???
  8. Glad to see the Classic mode is back. I never doubted that it was gone.
  9. I'm going as a Wii. Yes I said a Wii. I will post pics as soon as I can.
  10. Wow, I had a creepy dream that today would be some sort of Stage update, or that Ashley would be playable. O_o This is the greatest update so far.
  11. OMG I'm laughing so hard I fell off my chair! I'm actually having truoble typing this. I can't stop laughing....oh man....phew. How have I not heard about this guy before? Great stuff.
  12. NiGHTS (Saturn)- HELL YES. What gets to me about NiGHTS is the atmosphere. The game is so out there it's almost magical. The graphics might not stand the test of time that well but it's still somewhat visually appealing because of the use of colors and textures on the characters and playing fields. Panzer Dragoon Zwei (Saturn)- Coop summed it up for me, except I loved the music. Yes, it wasn't as grand as PD but it was still fantastic for my ears. YES Panzer Dragoon (Saturn)-Yes, I know I fliped them, but I forgot to post about PD. Dragoon 1 was the first game that I played on an import Saturn. It was THE reason I got a saturn when I was able to afford it (I was only 12 when the Saturn came out), that and the arcade hits. yes
  13. My hard earned blood, sweat and tears are on that survey for you.
  14. Dr. Phil: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? on topic: Nice Move set that Dedede has. I will enjoy pulling Waddle Dees out of his ass. I'm also for having Krystal. We need more...variety...hem.
  15. Maybe she'll be an assist?
  16. Damn work....blocking everything. What does the article say, and is it valid? Also Bigfoot, it's cool that you were try to steal my thunder. Hehe.
  17. That's excatly what I was thinking too!! I posted it a page back. Great minds think alike.
  18. This game alone would be the only reason I'd buy a PSP. But $200 (to me) is still too much for a portable.....
  19. Giant infant Metroid for Assist Trophy. Drains a portion of life from victim and gives to player that used the assist. Also, King Dedede FTMFW!!!
  20. I believe those would be the people that have never played a Kirby game in their life.....or don't give a shit about game music in general.
  21. Wow, this is exciting! To see a project make it to a game that it was dedicated to is fantastic. I'm hoping for the best.
  22. I can't actually view it, but I saw a couple from gamepro and you can't see shit on the vids IMHO.
  23. Yeah it's a common misconception about the internet. Radical Dreamer: Wagyna; you can play with it in more ways than one.
  24. I think it would be cool to see Ashley in Smash as well. She could be the next Mr. Game & Watch in the quirky-ness factor. That and the fact that my fiancee loves the character Ashley (ironicly her name is Ashley too!) Also, if I'm not mistaken, Cobalt is a woamn not a a guy.
  25. I don't think that's what Cobaltstarfire meant. I do feel your pain Megadave. I think Mac would have been an awesome addition to the Smash crew. Like I said before, at least he's an assist so he gets recognized in some way. On a somewhat unrelated note, for some reason Ashley's Song has been stuck in my head for the past two days. I have to say, I think that's one of my favorite songs so far.
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