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Neo Samus

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Everything posted by Neo Samus

  1. Toaster Kirby special ability - Launching burnt toast at you.
  2. I knew they couldn't get rid of Jigglypuff and Ness!
  3. And people thought that Sheik was gone. This makes me more confidnet that Ness, Jigglypuff, Falcon and Luigi are still in.
  4. Sound's awesome. Good luck with the project. Speaking of Contra 4, I still need to find that game.
  5. Damn. Oh well. Maybe I'll get Forever Ocean then. The game is intriguing to me. Plus for $30 you can't beat the price.
  6. So the delay was true? What's the date now? March what?
  7. It's things like this that really make me respect the EGM staff. Not afraid to tell it how it is. There's so much corruption in this world, it's good to see the small people stand up.
  8. Damn! The link is broken now....I should have ordered it. Oh well, just a couple more weeks then we can finally play it! Ok, this is weird. The link is broken, but when I search for smash bros., it still shows 19.82 on the search results page. But I can't view the page, says product not found.
  9. I know. I'm still debating if I should pre-order......I think my fiancé is gonna get it for me on Valentine's Day. Damn these decisions!!! This is not the only game either. DMC 4 (360 only) is going for $40 and Condemmed 2 is $20.
  10. Sorry to go slightly off topic but I had to post this. Prepare to cream your pants!!! http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=6527131&sourceid=35343330411815755716
  11. I call bullshit on the delay. Someone is just trying to make nintendophiles panic on Internet Forums. People like that piss me off.
  12. Thinking about it myself.....I don't know what I would do if he was playable. Laugh hystrically, or scream in terror.
  13. What if Tingle is a playable character?
  14. It's been said twice now, but Little Nemo the Dream Master is awesome (and challenging!). Any of the Mega Man games, Contra's, SMB 3, Duck Tales, etc. Oh yeah, TMNT 2 & 3. Gotta play those.
  15. Sound's logical to me. I was really hoping that Olimar was goning to be in brawl. Thank you Sakurai-San. My prediction for tomorrow - Pikmin stage, AT Metroid (confirmed in commerical 1 for Japan), or how to save.
  16. I think you missed RD's joke there. ontopic: Wow, a lot of hate for brinstar. I love playing that stage. With a lot of Melee stages returning I think there is a good chance that we might see a lof of 64 stages returning as well. At lesat I hope they do.
  17. I used to watch a lot of anime when I was younger DBZ, Sailor Moon (yeah, yeah, yeah....you watched it too admid it). I'm really picky about what I watch nowadays. Feature Films and such. But for some reason Shin Chan is a show I just can't stop watching. It's hilarious!
  18. If anything it will be Ridley. The bounty hunters from MPH are not very popular. I wonder how good the chances of Sparkster be included are?
  19. That Angel Island mix is.....can't think of an appropriate word.......one of the best I've heard on the Dojo so far.
  20. Born and raised in Illinois. Northern Chicago Suburbs.
  21. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful day.
  22. Wow your voice just blows my mind! O_O Excellent stuff so far. I can't wait for the release.
  23. Great stuff guys. Not bad for having just one month to complete it. Merry Christmas!
  24. Agreed. Been playing it with my Fiancee's brother and we have a blast for hours.
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