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Neo Samus

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Everything posted by Neo Samus

  1. I guess they are not so "Epic" any more, huh?
  2. What are the closest stores near you? Or are you looking "online" only?
  3. Dave did you add me? I was planning on adding you as well. Is it bad, that during work the only thing I can think about is Smash? Silent; I tried adding you last night when we were playing against Diablo, did you recieve the message??
  4. I've added you. Edit: Is everyone experiencing a lot lag, because I'm not noticing it that much. The only time it got bad for me was when I lost the connection with diabloshadow.
  5. I'm working on adding everyone. I played a couple of matches with Diablowshadow last night, the lag wasn't that bad either......or I can tolerate it more that others.
  6. I've added my friend code on ClanOCR. I'll be home tonight, but I'm not sure if I'll be online or not, have to finish homework first.
  7. Love your music SGX! Happy Birthday! Keep making those awesome arrangements.
  8. Man you're making my stomach growl. I've actually had a philly Cheese Steak when I was in Philly visiting family from NJ and PA. SOOOOOOO much better than in other states.
  9. Did a few random matches, did pretty well. I forgot to write my friend code down, but I'll make sure to post it on the clan site late tonight.
  10. Happy Birthday Sephfire! Times 2!!!!
  11. OMG I HAZ IT!! LOL sorry I had to. But this game is amazing, the AI is tough too! Shit, I'm a little rusty, so I'm gonna work on my skills before I do some online (I'll get creamed).
  12. I'm somewhat similar. In my case I don't have a disintrest in lyrics, I just never really pay attention to lyrics. I guess that's why I'm not into rap or hip-hop because of the repeating beat annoies the heck out of me IMHO.
  13. Damnit....now I'm hungry!!
  14. True. To be honest, I'm not even sure why I used those words. heh. Whatever, let just have fun. EDIT: Nice pic there.
  15. I didn't mean death as satanism, just death as that, death as a literl term. When I think of Christan music I think of music about life. I know Death Metal isn't actually about Death but, do you see my point and it's somewhat LOL factor?
  16. Sorry Jill. I tried defending your honor. I'm planning on making a account, but I'm at work, so I don't have access to my e-mail.......bastards!!!
  17. I'm planning on it. I really want to see how well you guys can kick my ass.
  18. OMG guys! Put your di*ks back in your pants! LOL! We all know Jill is very attractive, but keep it some what clean. Also, Zircon might kick your ass.
  19. For some reason as a kid I never got "into" his show. But looking back and watching some episodes now, I must've been on crack to not like his show! If it's now too warm by then I shal where a sweater form Mr. Rogers.
  20. LOL, he's jealous of your whiteness...and red hair. Personally I think redheads are awesome (I guess that is why I am engaged to one. Haha!)
  21. I don't listen to them as often as I used to. But I still enjoy every new one that gets posted on the site. I know Christian Death Metal exists, but the name screams (literlly) oxymoron.
  22. Happy Birthday F4T4L. Hope your birthday is a safe one. Get it? HAHAHAHAHA.....don't kill me.
  23. That's awesome, I'll make sure to sign up. What's up with changing the site every, what, 6 months?? Or am I just going crazy?
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