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Neo Samus

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Everything posted by Neo Samus

  1. He (Shikigami) is right. The game was called Zoda's Revenge: Star Tropics II. It was the second to last game Nintendo released for the NES.
  2. Heh. I gotta kick out that commnet. Beside Snake Kirby, Zero Kirby looks pretty funny as well.
  3. Honestly, I can think of two different responses, one kind hearted and one heartless. Good - Would feel very sympathetic towards the family who's child was the victim and try to help them out in this time of need. Or something of that nature. Heartless - Well the word says it all basiclly. Not caring at all and brushing it off to the side. Ignoring it.
  4. I have a question for you wingless. When you or others at Midway hear about a death and the death is "related" to Mortal Kombat. Does it phase anyone over there?
  5. Regardless of the issue of blaming video games once again, these girls are seriously fucked in the head. What was going on in their heads to think that this was ok to do? I really don't think games had a role in this. EDIT: That too Sologamer. I wonder how much booze they had?
  6. Oh wow. I was unaware of that. I find it strange though....the shop channels tax for me is 6.25 or 6.5. When I go to stores my tax is 7 or higher. Oh I know, it's just my county tax and nothing more. No city tax is slapped on.
  7. Where have you been? The Shop charges 6.25% sales tax. So when I buy 1000 Wii Points it cost me $10.63.
  8. I would've never expected Heath Ledger to be this good (and creppy) as the Joker. I'm not doubting his acting abilties by any means. I've just never seen him do an evil role before. Props for him on opening up to new and different roles.
  9. I think it was handjobs.
  10. Wow, I've never seen someone use my name in a poem before. You must be bored. haha. I'm still waiting for any takers to buy me a VC game.
  11. Sooooooo....any one want to buy me a VC game? another thing, is everyone here engaged? LOL!
  12. I think he meant someone as wonderful as her.
  13. That's cool that Stafy is in SSBB at least as an AT. Intersting how you can attack him. I'm glad Waluigi is not playable, not a big fan of him.
  14. LMAO!!!! Thanks Jill!
  15. You are a very lucky man. I hope you know I wasn't trying to sound negative about your fiancee with the whole bridzilla thing. I'm just also going through the same phase you are right now with planning our wedding, and I was trying to be funny....but it didn't work..... EDIT: actually to comment on when you asked about my last name. Every once in a while my fiancee Ashley jokingly asks, "Do I have to change my name to Wiener?"
  16. That's good. Maybe you'll get lucky and she'll never become a bridzilla.
  17. No Drew Wiener is my real name. Andrew is my actual name but I've always gone by Drew. Both of your comments made me LOL. At least I'm not getting defensive and start screaming OMG STFU!!!
  18. I don't know why but I LOL'ed at the photographers comment. Enjoy each other for a while...then you can go back to hating each other. I'm totally kidding!! You guys look really good together. Do you guys have similar interests?? Oh, one more question. Has she started having "Bridzilla" moments yet? Mine has, but nothing major....yet.
  19. 50' DLP. Heh, I wish. Honestly just games, and some clothes for work. I hate buying clothes.....so I let other do it for me!!
  20. I was wondering when he was going to talk about this stage. For a moment there I thought it was not going to be in it.
  21. I heard this on the News this morning. I laughed so hard I almost spit out my cereal everywhere. I mean, I use w00t on occasion but......good grief Webster.
  22. I'll belive it when I see it. I like the Ice Climbers song. EDIT: 73
  23. Personally I think the Zapper is very fun to use. The only downside is just wrapping the Nunchuk in the Zapper compartment. It's not hard, its just time consuming.
  24. For $20 with Link's Crossbow Training. It's a steal.
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