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Neo Samus

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Everything posted by Neo Samus

  1. She adorable. Just wait till she becomes a teenager! In all seriousness, congrats and good luck. This is a special day.
  2. Happy Birthday Harmony! Sucks that you couldn't get the day off. Do you have anything planned for tonight or this weekend (Besides Brawl?)
  3. Happy birthday Jill! Hope your birthday is a good one. Is Zircon and your family taking you somewhere special? You are only 22???? I thought you were 25!!!! Please don't kill me!!! Damn BardicKnowledge beat me to that question.
  4. This is kinda off topic but, is this a recent thing where you can have imbedded youtube vids on forums?
  5. Iron Sword....the one with Fabulous Fabio on it. God that game was horrid.
  6. Lets hope the date holds. That would be awesome for a big game like MGS4 to come out during the summer.
  7. It really depends on how tech savy someone is. But part might be are they willing to learn the configuration of the controllers?
  8. I'm hoping that it will be the end of friend codes...well pay to play at least.
  9. Snaking in MK64 was possible? How? When you drift you slide a lot more than on MKDS.
  10. I will appreciate that when I get home. Awesome find Tables. Oh and thanks for the addon link Atma.
  11. Sound's like a load of crap to me. Seems like he is trying to start controversy. Edit: Never mind. This is crap. The pay to play better be friend code free.....
  12. April 10 in Japan, 11th in Europe. NA shows (on Wikipedia) April, 28 (latest). Not sure what that means...
  13. I'm in no way saying the graphics are perfect. They are far from it, but as Azul said, lets hold our judgement untill we see the game in motion.
  14. Man if they were Galaxy quality, I'd be shiting my pan.......ahem bad analogy. Well you get the point. At least the tracks look awesome.
  15. I guess my only real gripe is the character models. I wish they had just a bit more detail. Besides that, images like Ghost Valley 2 shown above prove to me how much I want this game. I guess I truly am a Nintendo nut.
  16. What's everyone's opinion about the graphics of Mario Kart Wii? There are some pics where I think the game look really good, example scenery images. Then there are the ones with close ups of the characters and I just go WTF? Why do all the character models look like they were takeing straight from MK DS?
  17. Cheep ass! I had a friend who did that. I wanted to kick his ass for always bombing us with Link. But because of him it made me a better player by forcing me to dodge and gaurd instead of going balls first into the fight without a cup.
  18. LOL at your comments to arek during your journey.
  19. I've seen a couple of the levels on youtube. I know the "no voices" is kinda lame. But at the same time it makes it unique. response to atma....againHOLY SHIT!! 40?? You are right, that is insane!
  20. Response in white for atma an hour and a half for the last stage? Seriously? How?
  21. I'm so seeing this opening night.
  22. I dare you Atma. Just to see there reactions! HAHA!! On a serious note, how far are you in Subspace? if you need to put in white, that's fine.
  23. Holy crap castle!! I didn't even have the music that loud and I still jumped!
  24. Sorry, I can't view Youtube while at work (blocked). I'll check when I get home.
  25. Black hole glitch?
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