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Neo Samus

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Everything posted by Neo Samus

  1. Sorry to hear that. If I didn't have prior engagments I would gladly have come. Maybe it was the location that was the issue?
  2. Happy 19th! hope your day was productive.
  3. NIce! What would be a good song to use for musical chairs? Also, happy birthday!
  4. I'll admit, I have never watched any of your vids before, but after watching this new one, I subscribed to your youtube account. Keep up the good work!
  5. So was the meet-up a success?
  6. Gave my (sort of) step dad a round of golf at one of the local country clubs in our area. He loved it. Gave my real dad nothing because he is a douche and never contacts me.
  7. I was going to play the casual card with my last post, I figured that would've been mean. Looks like I've should've known better.
  8. I don't get why Gamestop raised the price on WM+. Do they really think customers will be that stupid not to notice?
  9. Tiger is so worth the money, and I'm not a big fan of golf. But having frisbee golf is there is a big plus.
  10. I'm really looking forward to Diabolical Box....even though I only played the demo of the first, but it was awesome from what I got to play.
  11. Unfortunately I can't go because of prior plans.
  12. Have a fantastic day.....er I hope you had a fantastic day! Edit: never mind I forgot OCR's clocks are fast......
  13. I'm celebrating today by playing Tetris DS. LOL!!
  14. Looks like I brought this thread back to life. It's interesting how fast people grow up. It was only a few years ago that I was in High School (7 to be excat) and now I'm married, it's almost sacry how fast we grow up.
  15. We were engaged for 2 1/2 years. Planning was a pain in the ass (more for her than me) but the day was perfect. The Ceremony was outside and the weather was sunny and not too hot.
  16. Honestly is there any REAL need for Wii Motion +? When I saw the trailer for the first time and I heard adam say "Any objections, Lady?" My jaw was on the floor. Then seeing Samus kick the living crap out of some of those enemies made me tear up. Sinff, it was so beautiful!!!
  17. Ah, ok very cool. Good luck with everything. BGC, thank you! It's kinda funny, I almost feel as if I'm part of a special club now! Here's a question, did any of you get nervious or anxious before getting married? People kept asking me and I never got that nervious about getting married Edit: BGC, where is that from?
  18. Thanks Zircon!
  19. When's the big day? Are you getting nervious at all?
  20. Damn straight!
  21. Amtrak has a regular schedule of trains round trip chicago to St. Louis http://tickets.amtrak.com/itd/amtrak/FareFinder?_tripType=Return&_origin=chicago&_depmonthyear=2009-06&_depday=27&_dephourmin=&_destination=St.+Louis&_retmonthyear=2009-06&_retday=28&_rethourmin=&_adults=1&_children=0&_infants=0&_searchBy=schedule&x=15&y=10 I used the 27th and 28th dates.
  22. You just noticed? And mow my wife is a Wiener too!
  23. I know this thread is a bit dormant, but it is official, Neo Samus is now a married man! I got married to my long time GF (almost 8 years) Ashley on Friday May 22, We don't have the pictures yet but I'll post some as soon as we get them from the photographter.
  24. If the date is offically June 27 I can't go. I have prior engagements, sorry:sad:
  25. That was my favorite part right there. I was LOLing so hard when that came up.
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