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Neo Samus

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Everything posted by Neo Samus

  1. Light scratches, yes. Medium mostly, but that might have been on my part at not being very good at waxing. It might take a few processes, but it will remove the scratches, not fill them. Which is a nice.
  2. I wonder how the police will handle this? I know he killed man, but it was self-defense.
  3. Wow the amount of talent in this thread is amazing! Bean, blackmyst, OA, hell, everyone's artwork is freaking awesome to the Nth degree. Why I never checked out this thread before is beyond me. Oh yeah, nice Cospaly going on there Jill. You almost look like OCR-tan.
  4. That's awesome Arek! Happy birthday! So are you planning to get plastered tonight? Or maybe over the weekend?
  5. I bet this kid doesn't even know what OCR is. He probrably found it on limewire or some other P2P program. That's how I found out about OCR. Blue Vacation was the first one I found. It had "OCRemix" in the title but I had no idea what OCRemix was until a friend of mine told me about this site. He figures, some random person made that mix and thought "what are the chances that mixer will notice that I use his song as my own".
  6. The fact that it's one of DJP's mixes, the man, if he is a man, should have his balls torn from his penis. This is just dumb on his part. Nekko- oh yeah that's totally on caliber with DJP!
  7. I'm pretty sure this is fake. But in the (very slim) likelyhood that it is real, the date it comes out could work.
  8. Congrads guys! I never got a chance to vote, but glad to see the results positive.
  9. Tripping doesn't seem to affect me that much. Now that I think about it, it's only happen to me a couple of times.
  10. Video games turned me into a zombie. Something about brains just sounds so tasty.
  11. Gald to sse you back as a mod. Now go stop those spammers!
  12. Ok, I thought I was the only one. Is there any way to remove that 1 unread message though?
  13. This is just a guess, but maybe once you lose all your balloons the kills you do don't count to the total score? Or when you make a kill you decrease's the opponents score?
  14. You are not the only one Dave. It seems like no one can be "happy" any more. There is always something that someone doesn't like about some game. But I'm getting off topic. About Battle Mode, I'm liking a lot of the new ones. For example, the Desert Thowmp stage looks cool espically when the Thowmp hits the sand and creates waves.
  15. Three words, Novus Plastic Polish. Amazing product. Don't buy from there website though, kinda pricey. I got mine from detailing4less.com good deals.
  16. Ok, I got her name. Kirin Landsgaard. She works in the sound dept as a quote "green light person" as she put it. Kinda of a semi-producer...but not. I found out this week she is going to Seatle to hire musicans to make an Orchestra to record for the next WOW installment. And no, don't ask what she know's about the next WOW. She has to stay tight lipped about it. She also has a Myspace page. Just search her name to find her.
  17. Well that sucks......I guess I can sort of understand DLC, but no online is just complete bullshit.
  18. Oh duh, I should have known. Maco, I think they are boobs.
  19. From what I've heard (think it was IGN) there is no 2P GP mode (it's online only with other real racers no CPU) and Battle Mode is Team only (Red Vs. Blue). I'm still getting this though, I love Mario Kart.
  20. Where's the one with the zipper from??
  21. I think she is a composer but I'm not 100% sure. The next time I see her (soon I hope) I'll let you know. I know that her husband (who also works at Blizzard) is a composer.
  22. Does it have to be a programmer? Cause, I know a lady (a customer of ours) who works at the sound dept. of Blizzard. No joke.
  23. I just added you on Friday. But it still says waiting for registration or something like that.
  24. 13 out of 18. I've never heard of Gorf. There was a couple I've should've known, like ET and Joust. I've never played Burger time though, so I didn't know that one.
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