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Neo Samus

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Everything posted by Neo Samus

  1. Downloaded Air Zonk last night. Classic Shooting at its finest! If you are a fan of shooters, find a way to get some Wii Points and download it NOW!!! It's also on the main page of the Shop Channel.
  2. That was my favorite part of MGS.
  3. The thing is, most consumers either a) don't konw what Blu-ray is or b)don't give a damn about blu-ray. I'm not really impressed with either format to be honest. Persoanlly it seems like Sony is trying to shove Blu-ray down everyone's throats.
  4. Hey you forgot Air Zonk! for TG-16!! I'm totally getting that game today and maybe Yoshi.
  5. Update topic: Meh. Update commentary: Priceless.
  6. You got it right on the nose. The Missus is not very fond of the music. BUT, she does like the piano arangements.....so I might have a chance.
  7. If only I was this lucky to have VG music at my wedding. To answer your question, would either F-Zero panio remix be suitable? Maybe I can still convince my fiance to play one piece of game music (remixed, I think if I would play actually game music I will get starred at by my entire party)
  8. Well for those of you that wanted more interactivity in the stages just got their wishes answered. "The terrain is flat. I mean, really flat." You don't say Sakurai, you don't say! Edit: Friendly Hunter: I'd say the later of the two. Just keep me on your good side.
  9. Your essay brought a tear to my eye. That was beautiful. You have my prayers and wishes to both of you.
  10. I think it's mainly used in adventure mode. Offtopic EZ: Who is that in your sig? She looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it? Is she from FF8? Edit: Bowser looks bad ass. I've never really liked him but I would play him on occation just to say I have. I wonder what they are going to do to balance the characters?
  11. So you are basicly saying that you want no characters in the game? Sorry for double post.
  12. Awesome update. I was kinda dissapointed when I realized that Samuari Goroh was not playable. But this is still gonna add an additional amount of replay value!!
  13. I totally know how Zircon feels. When I was younger (10 years old) I almost had Appendicitis but it turned out to be Mono. I say almost because Appendicitis and Mono have a lot of the same symptoms and the majority of the pain is in the lower stomach reagion (near the appendix).
  14. Wow this is awesome! I head a bit of the tunes in the 1up preview video on gamevideos.com. Fantastic stuff! Plus the fact that it's fucking Contra is just sweet as hell!! Congrads!
  15. Good to hear you are feeling better. If I would have know sooner I would have signed the card! Maybe next time!
  16. I don't think someone with one arm would be able to play SSBB.....
  17. "That new Nintendo" LOL I love when people don't the name of something and call it "that new thing"
  18. Almost everyone I know has at least "heard" of the DS. I think it's the people you know. The DS is huge in America (but we already knew that). That is strange that they haven't even heard of it. Do they know about the Wii?
  19. No, I think you got it all. How long did that take you to figure all that out?? Asking Atma.
  20. But C. Falcon Was one of the orginal 12 Smash Bros. I remember reading (I believe the old Smash Bros. site) that all the orginal Smash Bros. will return in Brawl.
  21. It would be funny if Kirby got Wario's massive teeth when he copies him.
  22. While Kibry's thinking "WTF! That's my move!!"
  23. I actually still have my N64 hooked up and have F-Zeo X in there right now. But I want the updated visuals. I wish we were able to get different regions, cuz I have the Japanese version of F-Zero X which I like better for one reason (this may sound shallow), Blood Falcon's ship in the JP version is called the Hell Hawk, but was renamed Blood Hawk in the US version. I found it cool that Nintendo (in Japan at least) was more leaniant about harsh words like Hell and Damn. Bardic, you should also add Air Zonk to that list of TG-16 games.
  24. I see what you did there.
  25. I was so sure that F-Zero X would be avaiable today since Europe got it on Friday. Maybe next week they will suprise us with two N64 games! My Wishful thinking will probrably get crushed though......
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