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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. I'm glad I got mine in early, or I would have forgotten about the new deadline.
  2. So close, yet so far.
  4. hay yore sig changed
  5. ...and that is why I will buy the physical album.
  6. That would be the United States, to clarify.
  7. Since I've accomplished my short-term goal of creating a original work (something I hadn't done in about a year) I'll probably do something random this time. Maybe a Wikipedia-style entry?
  8. ...even if they worked it harder, made it better, did it faster and made us stronger?
  9. I don't think I've ever spent more than 40 minutes on a mix.
  10. Everyone placed but me? That's that shit right thurr. Seriously though, congrats.
  12. Well, I've got the thingy in my sig now. So, did anything distinctive happen at that Vegas show?
  13. *attempts to arrange with musical typing* Dammit! Must... get... MIDI keyboard...
  14. The first ReMix I ever heard from the site was "Birdman ClearSkies" by Scott Peeples. That Eric B. & Rakim beat was so frucktuckiting FRESH! Lemme just go download that agai-- *realizes with shock and horror that--* It's gone!
  15. How could it not have been? BTW, what's that thingy under your sig?
  16. For me it was Sonic 3D Blast (Sega Genesis), which reminds me... *quickly checks to see if "Diamond Dust Zone, Act 2" was ever ReMixed* Nope. Fuck! There must be some way I can get my arrangement idea out to someone to produce...
  17. ...or you could post it at The Writer's Thread, linked in the first post.
  18. New music video
  19. Yeah, I've been waiting for the results so I could post my personal reviews of the entries.
  20. Where'd you get the shirt?
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