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Everything posted by MaxFrost

  1. dammit, me too. CURSE YOOOOOOOU
  2. I'll use the simpler template T-Shirts: Adult Large Music: Well, I like Rock, Hard Rock, Any kind of Metal, some Punk, and anything thats not Country or Rap. Not too picky about my music either. Games: I have an xbox 360, a DS, and a tricked out gaming PC. I enjoy platformers and adventure/action games over FPS. Games I already have for 360: Riddick, Gears of War, Crackdown, Ninja Gaiden 2, Halo 3, BlazBlue, and Star Ocean. Games I have for PC: uuh...way too many. Every Blizzard game to date, DMC4, Fallout 3, Prototype, Neverwinter nights 1 and 2, all valve games to date, torchlight, trine, HoN, Aquaria, Bioshock, Unreal Tournament 2004 and 3, Dawn of War 1, Homeworld 2, Street Fighter 4, World of Goo, Plants vs Zombies, Peggle, Borderlands, and Assassins Creed. I think that covers all of those. DS games: All the castlevanias, New Super Mario Bros., Children of Mana, Disgaea, Advance Wars:Dawn of Ruin, and Final Fantasy 4 TV/Movies: Not a big movie/TV guy. Big superhero action flicks are acceptable though. Hobbies: Big reader when I get the chance, I also dink around with LEGO from time to time, but be warned, it's usually the big stuff nowadays. If it's under 600 pieces, it's too small. Big music listener and performer. Other info: I like random stuff. If you find an awesome trinket, I'll probably love it to death if it looks cool. Indie music is also pretty awesome, though be warned I already own Varia Suite, Chronotorious, and most of zircon's released albums.
  3. PM their emails, I'll send em an invite
  4. I'm running around with a level 42 soldier right now, and I'm doing pretty well. You're right in saying the turret becomes pretty useless, it doesn't hit nearly as hard as it does early on. I just picked up an awesome sniper rifle, it averages 1200 damage a hit, but it also is just about guaranteed to light whoever it hits on fire as well. It has a 4x fire mod and "Pele demands a sacrifice" on it
  5. B is for BOMBERMAN
  6. Yeah, that was painful >_<
  7. say this again zircon, and I'll stop buying your stuff. Anyways, they're both awesome, (both being zircon and malcos) and will both live in my iPod for quite some time.
  8. yeah, garian and I have played together quite a bit. his Brick is LoL to watch. my gamespy id is MaximumFrost, hit me up on steam with the same name.
  9. I will admit that garlic was pretty kickass, and definately deserved the spot on the other album, but this is a fantastic piece of music. Keep up the awesome work jm!
  10. I'll have to try that out when I get home today. I'm tired of having to fuss with router crap when I shouldn't have to.
  11. I'm also playing, have a level 20 Soldier who can very easily go back to med spec (support spec is imba for tanking on groups). This game is freaking awesome. I'm kinda irritated at the multiplayer bit though. It shouldn't be this hard to get people hooked up. I blame gearbox for a shoddy PC port, makes me wish I got this on the xbox instead (even with a better video card in my PC, vsync alone makes the PC one worth it)
  12. I used to be a long timer player of WoW. Played from summer 2005 to the end of September 2009. Reason for quitting? Needed more free time between doing both school and job full time. I will admit WoW is an awesome game, and being able to catch up quickly is a huge + in an mmo. However, when you were at the top of the raid game like I was (essentially in a top 200 World guild since Fall 2007) even with Blizzard doing their best to retain players, I finally hit total burnout. It's not the first time this has happened to me with a Blizzard game, Diablo 2 still makes me cringe. If you have the time and can immerse yourself into the community, MMO's are fantastic, but many of us, like myself, really need to get on with life. I had fun playing WoW, and may even go back when Cataclsym hits (must eat story!) but I can't do the 4 day a week raid thing anymore, and that was a huge draw for me. In regards to the communities, the forums generally are hit and miss. I was in Lhivera's guild for a year or so, he's an awesome guy, both in game and on the forums. Lot of trolls out in the various forums, usually whiny kids who don't know better, and trying to explain to them how to play better is often pointless.
  13. another for rockpapershotgun. If you're a primarily PC gamer, that's the place to go for news and updates. they do givaways through there periodically too, and because readership is actually a bit low there, chances of scoring stuff are pretty high. for the rest of my technology news, slashdot.org and arstechinica.com
  14. warbeast is a lot of fun. I was pulling off some of the same stuff you were talking about, like heading people off while circling behind with the hounds. I do fairly well with wildsoul as well. I still do not get why I fail so hard with _any_ agi hero. Both str and int heroes I play much better, but agi for some reason doesn't mesh well with me. Meh, oh well. I need to stop being as agressive as I am. Agressive works in quake and deathmatch, not team fights.
  15. another vote for Sins of a Solar Empire here. If you like Ages of Empires, you'll love this, same sort of style as it. If you like fast paced like SC, go with Dawn of War 1 or 2
  16. hahaha, that's awesome. As for playing support, at least with demented shammy and nyphonia, you can play some serious lane harras regardless if you're by yourself or not. Demented shammy is actually fairly strong solo in that he really can't be killed unless he gets seriously zerged, and I'm sure there's item builds to help prevent that. I need to rely more on overall build awareness then stacking the hell out of int. I don't bother with HP boosts most of the time, and that's often what gets me ganked.
  17. You're getting a lot of stuff done O_o we had some good games last night...I'm think I'm on the brink of becoming worthwhile at playing this game, but I'd need to play a dps hero instead of a support class to really see if I've really managed to learn anything. Am I the only person who absolutely adores support (i.e. babysitter) heroes? I think I'm going to main Demented Shaman from here on out, he's fits my playstyle perfectly, just need to work on anti-1v1 ganking builds (I suck when I'm solo, no matter who I play)
  18. First off, coop, that's an awesome concept. Army building via thrall making. And second, where the hell is the coop sig? it's MIA!!!
  19. damn, I need to get in on this action...I think I'm MaxFrost on HoN, haven't booted it up in a while. I'll probably be playing a bit tomorrow.
  20. If I can find an appropriately sized box, about 14 bucks. I will send one controller with the system, but if you want both, you gotta pay for the other one.

    And just double checking, but you do realize that mario kart is for the SNES, right?

  21. Finally got the disk, great work guys! Though being picky, dethfrog needs to be more....aggressive.
  22. This is one of my favorite tracks from the CD, which is a great work overall. Fantastic blend of elements, not to mention it lives up to it's title. As for all those doubting legality, mustin's one of those guys who's gone through the trouble of not producing just one, but several pay-for arrangement albums. Yes, he's profiting, but he's also aqquired licencing and is paying royalties. He's not making a quick buck using other people's work without permission. Support this! This CD is very high quality, and is worth every penny!
  23. I'm still waiting for my copy to show up : /
  24. I just saw the awesome off the cuff reviews before I ordered it...now to actually listen to the preview tracks >.> EDIT: totally worth the purchase. glad I snagged it in CD form
  25. http://defensegrid.hiddenpath.com/ costs like 10 bucks, but it's pretty awesome. I've yet to complete it, but it's very pretty.
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