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Everything posted by MaxFrost

  1. Bahamut, got an update?
  2. your best bet is to talk to Zircon if possible. He used winxp64 for quite a while, and has recently switched to w7-64, so he's probably the best to bounce questions off of.
  3. that's awesome, it's actually something I wanted to get myself, but still haven't bothered, mostly because I use Lego's for that atm. But I'll be getting rid of my bucket o legos here soon, so I'm going to be in the market for a modeling dohicky here soon.
  4. I remember sending you your gift very early last year in order to ensure that it made it on time.
  5. Still have received nothing.
  6. You're welcome
  7. I contacted my person to see why they hadn't recieved it, but they've been elsewhere. They should have it by now.
  8. I still haven't gotten anything, but weather has been cranky here recently. As for my gift, it should have arrived by now.
  9. If they dry out before being used, they'll keep working.
  10. Hey, coal is rare in some places. Like here in California. And if it's a cool model, I don't think the owner would care what its made out of.
  11. See, it's stuff like this I would love to own. I'm actually jealous
  12. My gift is sent, I still haven't received anything.
  13. I have not bought my present for my person yet, but that was because I was stuck in MN with limited funds. Never fear! I shall find you something awesome. And something you wanted too
  14. Books, random cool toys, legos, minatures for DnD.
  15. I used to have a set of Sennhiser HD-280s, but they...got old. I think I beat them up a bit much. I'm still using my Logitech z-40's that I got back in college, still one of the best computer consumer grade (i.e. not neutral) speakers I've ever run into. I also have a Logitch G-35 surround headset that's a little bass heavy, but works pretty well overall.
  16. I've had 5 year olds happen to two seperate games. They loaded up the game, and proceded to wipe out every single save state on the carts, including the grindcore "know every spell possible for every character, and best equipment" save.
  17. Wow. This is an amazing OST. Want to buuuuuyyyyyy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imBU-G5jSLM&feature=related SOOO GOOOOOD
  18. What's better is that he's already made over 3 million off this game
  19. okay, just went through the ost. It's yawn. Don't bother, nothing stands out...
  20. To be honest, the soundtrack did fit the tone of the game extremely well. But they used full orchestration, which can end up sounding the same again and again if care is not taken to let smaller parts take place. Unfortunately for all of us, there's no sound track mode in the game, so I can't go back and listen to individual charts.
  21. Soundtrack wasn't anything special. There was one quieter piece that stuck out in my head around chapter 9, but I don't remember exactly where it was. Aside from that though, freaking awesome game. So glad I finished it.
  22. I believe the basis of that article is that gamers analyze a situation more quickly and get the same results as those who take more time. Doesn't mean decision get any better, just ability to analyze a given situation and glean an aspect of it.
  23. oh geeze, now my one atrocity that I posted somewhere is once again exposed to the light of day...
  24. speaking of counters....
  25. Depends on the band honestly. Most, probably just studio. But when a jazz group or big band come into the picture, live wins every time. Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band is one of the few I've had the pleasure of being at live, and while the music is exactly the same (cept for solos), the impact that the band can produce is impossible to reproduce on most sound systems out there. If the band has a track history of being very completely awesome live, there's usually a reason why.
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