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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. that's not exactly true, but they are prized for sentimental value. and lamps.
  2. i remember when you sent this in. remember when you asked me for help on the drums? you were sequencing it with reason stock drums and couldn't get it to have any punch. fishy was literally like 25 posts 'old' when we heard his first clips for this project. same with anso. i was in the 700s or so for my stuff, hadn't been around more than a year or so at that point. cerrax was a newbie, everyone was new. lot of good memories involved with this project. the jigglypuff thing literally took like 20 minutes, but was pretty hilarious at the time. the forums were always a blast, so goofy all the time. i probably had 500 or 600 posts there in the first year before my involvement in the project waned. there's also the time i used my mod powers to give me 1337 posts. also, in other news, jaroban is awesome. downloading now, gotta listen to this over the weekend.
  3. the series II super action 80 horns retail for around 3500 if they're paris models, closer to 2800 if they're US-made. just fyi. most music shops will sell for around 3k, though, since the 3500$ is the msrp.
  4. wait, you've got a 75-year-old buffet clarinet? ...how much do you want for it?
  5. good info, there. i'll look into those companies more. i tend to prefer smaller companies for my audio components (grado/alessandro labs headphones, NHT monitors and sub, etc).
  6. i OWN the 990 already. i'm trying to get an upgrade, not an old mic. also, 57s are great in the studio because of their high SPL and unique sound when getting, say, pumped-up amps at close range. note that this has nothing to do with what i'm asking for. cyril, what's that mic good at?
  7. the sm57 is a dynamic mic. i'm looking for a condenser. also, really?
  8. we've got a "post your workspace" thread, but no live instrument thread. so, what are you packing? the only rule is that it has to be a traditional instrument - like a trumpet or a guitar - so no midi controllers, no rackmount effects, and no amps. if you got it used, list what you paid for it =) if it's new, don't worry about it. i've currently got: selmer paris series III alto sax, serial number 628xxx - bought new conn tenor sax (garage sale special!) - 100$ and a pair of nice football cleats ibanez EW20ZWENT acoustic guitar (that's the zebrawood one) - bought new washburn 12-string acoustic from the early 90s (don't remember the model), no pickup - 50$ and two matched audio technica dynamic mics kay 8-string mandolin, circa 1971, no pickup - 175$, and it came with a case and two sets of strings arbor semi-hollow electric guitar with aftermarket tuners and electronics (new, as of today!) - 175$ fender 4-string acoustic bass guitar - 100$, came with a properly fitted gig bag esp 6-string electric bass (spalted maple top) - 100$ and a behringer 6-input mini mixer we also got an upright grand for free off of craigslist when we were in ithaca. i don't remember the manufacturer, but it was made in the 20s and weighs roughly a thousand pounds or so. oh, and it's missing a wheel and a few ivories, but nothing major
  9. after finally getting the rest of my hardware where i want it, it's time to upgrade my primary microphone. i've been doing all of my recording on a beat-up marshall MXL-something condenser that i picked up for 75$ in 2005. i'm looking for at least one, maybe two, new mics for use with my saxophone (no bari sax) and with vocals. they'll be recording through a focusrite saffire pro 40 into my discrete music-only DAW. i've looked around a bit, and have liked what i've seen for the ATM 450, cascade FAT HEAD II, and a few others. i'd prefer to spend less than 250$ per mic. if i'm going with two mics and not a more flexible option, though, there needs to either be a show-stopping performance difference or a price break to make it viable. i can't afford two brand-new mics right at the moment. i don't have a vocal booth or recording room yet, so this stuff is being purchased with the idea that i'll have that type of space within the next few years. any suggestions?
  10. i remember hearing the wips for that in...like...2007, was it? long time ago. very, very funny stuff.
  11. the name "bullet for my piloswine" makes me laugh EVERY TIME. also, vig is still a jooj? i didn't know he's been to the site recently. like in the last year. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURN
  12. at the time that the FF7 project came out, though, i remember you mentioning that all remixers on the project got into the OCR artist database as a result. i know that your mix for DKC got posted later, but i remember looking at your page and seeing "Remixes: (0)" after FF7.
  13. larry had a page long before he was a remixer thanks to the FF7 project. i think it's a glitch, not a feature.
  14. is live-a-live pronounced lih-ve or lie-ve?
  15. dhsu - Vagrant Story sounds very interesting. i really enjoyed the storyline of other Ivalice-based games, so i think that i'll give that a try on my PSP. i thought i heard about a port being released...? luhnny - played CT like seven times. loved it. not interested in playing again, though. rozo - are you talking about SD3? nick - never got into the DQ games. thought about picking them up, never got around to it. is there a specific progression that you should/need to do? or is it more like the FF games where it's a general direction instead of a direct sequel? bardic - i've played all of the FF games. wasn't as big of a fan of IX, though, mainly because of the idiocy of some of the characters. the storyline not making much sense at all - like the final few hours are insanely strange - didn't help. dhsu - i'll look into grandia II as well. malaki - i'm planning on trying tactics ogre when it comes out on PSP later this year. played XIII and really enjoyed the battle system and graphics - too bad that vanille and the kid were annoying as hell. lightning and fang were a refreshing change of pace, though, and snow wasn't as bad as he could have been. gario - Bowser's Inside Story is a jrpg? emperor - played the fire emblem series - LOVED it. i've played every single game, gotten through every battle without losing a character what i've seen of phantasy star doesn't interest me, though. as for lost odyssey, that's the 360 game with 80hrs of storyline gameplay, right? i'm just afraid to go into that one =) i've got knights in the nightmare sitting around on my flashcart for my DS, so i'll check that out too. jonnas - i should point out that while FFT is one of my favorite games, the advance versions drive me INSANE. the added element of rules per battle drive me batty, and the main character - particularly in the second one - is an imbecile. i finally got to the point where i said, "this isn't fun...why am i playing it?" i tried covenant of the plume, but i died like a hundred times in the second major battle, about an hour in. is that supposed to happen? was i missing something? hawkwing - actually, i've never played SoM. so there i've got those two SO remakes on my PSP and just never got around to playing them. i'll take a look when i get a chance...with the sound off. guro/emperor - ok, super mario RPG emulated, here i come. coop - actually, i loved DA:O, DA:O:A, and all of the DLC. can't not play bioware games. legion303 - i hated disgaea, actually. i don't like it when writers write people to be stupid. people don't act like that - where did that convention come from? it drives me bonkers. brushfire - i herd u liek mudkips whew! thanks for all the input so far, people. you all are awesome. edit: i tried playing the GBA rom of Golden Sun on my PSP's emulator, and it hard-crashes within five minutes of starting the game. so i put it down and never touched it again. not sure why it crashed so much.
  16. so i don't like jrpgs, on the whole. i hate the ridiculous and convoluted storylines, i don't like grinding, and i don't like anime or anime-inspired cliches (15-year-old protagonists with crazy hair, every girl being 12 and cutesy and annoying, loud and overdone gasps at the dumbest things, generally terrible voice acting). however, one of my top games of all time is FFX, and i remember enjoying FFXII in college as well. so there has to be some redeeming qualities. i should note that i'm not talking about action RPGs here. i've never found a japanese-style action RPG that wasn't a mindless hack-n-slash game, so i'm saving my interest in the ARPG genre for when Hunted: Demon Forge, Dungeon Siege III, and Diablo III come out. so i'm primarily talking about traditional JRPG games, although i love strategy RPGs as well. i enjoy a complex battle system, well-developed characters that aren't one-dimensional story props, and a story that is complex without being idiodic. the better the voice acting, the more i'll like it, as well. if there's no voice acting (for the handhelds), even better. i also rarely give games more than an hour or two to capture me before i throw them away because i hate them, so there's gotta be something right there to get me in or i'll just return the game. so...any ideas? please don't just jump in here and state a thirty-item list of games - tell me WHY i would like it. i've got a 360, PS3, PSP, DS, and a computer.
  17. i wasn't a big fan of resistance, but the uncharted games are excellent (although they got hyped up a lot since both were among paltry competition for GOTY on the ps3). GT, as a racer, is incredible - but if you don't want an ultrarealistic racer, well, of course you're not going to like it RoF got terrible reviews as being derivitave, not fun, and a mega-grind. i was under the impression that people didn't like it.
  18. you're really trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. why not buy, say, a set of Logitech Z5500s? that supports coax, optical, 3x 1/8", and represents a set of high-quality speakers with good bass response. the woofer's got 275w on it, too, and the other five speakers bring the total to 505w. got mine two years ago for 275$ with free shipping. there's always a deal somewhere for them. if you want to do music production, and you want to use speakers, use a 2.1 setup (surround sound is a waste of time unless you're doing foley audio). but then you've gotta think about room noise and the acoustics of the space you're in. use discrete systems for discrete applications. if you're REALLY desperate about getting audiophile sound in a 5.1 setup, then you can't use pre-amplified speakers unless they've got a way to switch to passive. you'd be looking for something like the NHT M-00 monitors, but they're stupid expensive and need an expensive amp to run the way you want them to run.
  19. it's all audio crap, and some movies. surprising, but if you're into backing up your blu-rays, that's 50gb a disc.
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