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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i've got a terrible acoustic bass, too. they're tons of fun! =)
  2. half the people here likely don't know the intricacies of this brass instrument - which is unfortunate, because its older brother (the euphonium) is way awesomer than your standard four brass instruments. so you might want to point out that you can do most anything a trombone can do.
  3. i play acoustic guitar at my church on some sundays, but i wind up being stuck on bass or sax more often.
  4. sarcasm meter = broken. also, you post way too much in this thread. thread started by your broseph...coincidence? I THINK NOT.
  5. i knocked out a big one last night, too. it's getting a little frustrating.
  6. i got an email from meteo in my personal email account, asking to be an intermediary regarding this transaction. based on what wes says, and what i've heard from meteo, i'm inclined to say that the issue was primarily caused not by an intention to cheat someone, but rather just meteo's slightly obsessive care that he takes over his money (stemming from aspergers syndrome, which meteo suffers from), and his tendancy to be a bit overbearing sometimes. it can be tough to reason with him when he gets a head of steam. i'm certain that neither party wished ill to the other, though, so i'd suggest just approach transactions with meteo with care, as you would with anyone else you don't know. i'm sure he will do the same in the future - and not use a damn starters check, which was pretty stupid of him i wouldn't advise against dealing with meteo in the future - just take care to excersize the reasonable restrictions that you would with any third-party transactions. thanks to both parties for full disclosure by both. edit: updated to current. let's keep the normal conversation rolling, folks.
  7. what about espn? that's a big seller, at least for me. i don't have cable or over-air programming on my tv. there's also the fact that you can't game online with others without XBL. which is why most people get it. the rest is just icing.
  8. it would be easy to just have a slow curve out of the way of your place and then back in the line, i'd think. same with mine - i'm dead north, so it'd need to swing around a bit.
  9. ...you mean that i might have a bye too? that sucks. i was actually hoping for competition. on an unrelated note, as a guy who works with computers day in and day out, i've never, ever formatted my hard drive. i don't understand how so many people have to do it so often. it's an absolute last resort, and there's so many more things to do besides that before you go that route. even then, you can do a windows repair install and save all your files and just fix the windows-specific registry and file stuff.
  10. why are we building highways when waterways are so much faster to get around in?
  11. i was going to say this, for a different reason. 6/4 can be reduced to 3/2 - if the piece clearly is in a duple and would benefit from the simplification. like i said, though, 6/4 usually represents a compound meter, not just a large 3/4.
  12. the second and third shots look like my second home back in server v1.
  13. does the 1215 do 1080p? i don't remember. my wife's laptop is terrible, and can't even do standard definition without a bit of dropped frames. only reason i'm looking at this.
  14. you're just really into stepping on peoples' toes in this thread, aren't you?
  15. he found three giant dungeons right off the bat, if i remember correctly.
  16. the concept is that, while you might be able to make finished songs in under three weeks, you wouldn't have time to really go through and make sure it's a polished product, right?
  17. this releases in nine days. anyone looking at it?
  18. nope. common misconception, though. 6/8 is a triple meter, with a basis on a group of three eighth notes, where 3/4 is a duple meter, with a basis on a group of two eighth notes. 6/4 is a duple meter, implying a measure of 4/4 and a measure of 2/4, alternating consistently. it isn't always, but often that's what it means. when it's representing two measures of 3/4, it's usually used to imply a triple feel - meaning, each downbeat of each measure of 3/4 feels like one macrobeat in 6/8. i can't listen to soliphar's track at work, though, so i can't weigh in.
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