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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. theophany was the last track. we're officially finished, people =)
  2. i've been trying to visit each person's house at least once and a while to see what updates they're doing. i've got a ton of cobble left over from the monolith, so let me know if you need some. i left a bunch in the community chests near the spawn, too.
  3. oh, there's tons of room - you've just gotta walk for about thirty seconds to find it =) i don't want a thousand people running into other caverns because they're too lazy to wander in the awesome world we have. also, lol at orichalcum's picture. the monolith is in full evidence there, on the right!
  4. ah, i saw you in-game and didn't know who you were. gotcha. new players, remember that as you enter the game, you'll want to find your own area. with the advent of the glass highway, you can easily access areas of the map unexplored. between halt, halcyon, author, and myself, we've got the spawn pretty much mapped out, but we've not done anything on the other side of the mountain to the right of the spawn, or anything behind the spawn. i'd suggest you go start in one of those areas. we're running out of good resources, unfortunately, in that area. so we need to continue digging in new areas. also remember that you don't want to steal from other people. do your own digging =) IN OTHER NEWS, the monolith is complete. 121 blocks tall, from bedrock and lava to above the clouds =) i used 1350 torches (that's 330 or so coal!) and over 2000 cobblestone and fired stone to build it. there's a stairway to go to the bottom, or just look through the glass. i'm going to build a zillion signs and leave them in a chest near the monolith as a "guest book" next time i'm online =) as soon as buckets are fixed, i'll be encasing the top in glass with lava inside as well, since it'll shine better than a burning torch would.
  5. the more you can feed me, the more i can do. i'd like the entire tower in obsidian, but that'd be about a thousand blocks. so i'll settle with just one or two columns to start =) once they get lava and fluid generation fixed (ie, buckets make source blocks and not just random blobs), i'll be topping off the tower with lava, encased in glass. it'll shine better than a fire, and look cooler.
  6. this coming from a guy who, according to his signature, uses hacks to skew his gameplay stats in his favor.
  7. qfe...i want to finish the Tower of Phallic Power!
  8. i'd like to reiterate my request for a mobile version of this site, particularly for android- and iOS-based phones. i'd get a hell of a lot of usage out of a mobile version, as i'm sure would lots of other people. with the proliferation of mobile users thanks to cheap 3G phones, i think this would be a worthwhile investment.
  9. i think you gave it to me back in the dark ages, evan. that's how he got it.
  10. capa langley, where IS your house? atlantis, i mean. i couldn't find it yesterday in spite of looking everywhere for it. found bottle rocket's, halt's, fireslash's, halcyon's, lemon's, chicken itza, and saw hybridloser from a distance, but couldn't find yours anywhere.
  11. handle and server info thread. i need obsidian for my dickjoke monolith. i'm only putting it on the outside, don't worry =) torches would be nice, too, but i think i've got enough coal to make them myself. i'll keep passing off sand when i've got it.
  12. i'd love to know where the diamond is in-game =) i'm in need of obsidian to complete the monolith. if anyone figures out a manufactury or something, i'd be appreciative of whatever i can get.
  13. you know, i would love to be able to link minecraft names to OCR handles. can people start posting their names? mine is prophetikmusic (obviously), and my house is right near the giant phallus that i built in front of the spawn.
  14. same here, as well. any ideas what was going on?
  15. server appears to be having issues - i can't connect. unfortunate, since i was a zillion blocks in the air, working on my monolith.
  17. this post sounds ridiculously uninformed. it also sounds like you didn't even bother to either read most of the thread or just go look at the website or videos of the game.
  18. don't be worried if you don't hear from larry right away. he's pretty darn busy.
  19. wait, you're pulling out because you can't get a ten-dollar part from walmart? i'll MAIL you a mouse if you pay for shipping.
  20. so, i guess i'm missing something. can't access the link that used to be in fireslash's post, and i can't access whatever IP he put there, either. help me, please =p
  21. well, turns out that everyone i would have been staying with has fragmented into their own rooms, which filled up...and no one told me =( anyone got an empty spot? i'm never there except to sleep, anyways
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