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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. 1) cyber peacock (X4) 2) rainy turtloid (X6) 3) blast hornet (X3) i know so little about these games, i had to look up a list of mavericks to make sure i was looking at the right guys
  2. i'm a big fan of football. too bad my hometown team (the bills) is terrible this year.
  3. man, it's not going to be out, like, tomorrow or something. i haven't even heard back from larry yet about anything, and we're still waiting on one wave (someone's out of town until wednesday at the earliest). so just chill, and enjoy the project that just came out a week ago. that one needs its props, too, you know.
  4. huh. it saved my life quite a bit in solo heroic campaign, and particularly in coop legendary and firefight (where you can hunker down and get help from teammates). i must be doing it wrong or something.
  5. evade is elite-only. drop shield is awesome, but armor lock is excellent, and probably the most useful in campaign where there are tons of stickies/tank rounds flying everywhere. saved my life countless times. sprint is ok, but you're still getting shot.
  6. i think achievements are fun to get, and it feels good to have proof of, say, that time that you played through Gears of War 2 on insane, despite all the game-breaking bugs. it doesn't really detract from the gameplay, and it often gets people to try stuff that they'd never have tried elsewise.
  7. i finished the game on heroic solo yesterday. i didn't have an issue with the driving in the game. of course, i just drive in circles until everyone's dead, but i didn't have issues with constantly dying anywhere in the game, let alone driving.
  8. i can see it. the production values and gameplay are easily tops for me so far this year in the fps category, possibly in others as well.
  9. the old halo 2 clan was pretty popular, but it's true - we're more single- or coop-player people, i guess.
  10. naw, he's totally right. a game like scribblenauts will get WAY more 'publicity' on this forum than a game like halo reach, even though every publisher on the planet would draw a hammer and bash in mr. scribble's head if it meant they could get reach on their publishing lineup. it's the definition of a cash cow. think about it this way. halo is considered the definitive experience on a 360, similar to how halo and then halo 2 was the definitive experience on the original xbox. when they shut down the live servers for the OXB, literally the only game getting more than single digits of players was H2 (which had a thriving community still, five or six years after release). halo 3 multi has been in the top three for playtime on live since it came out in late 2007 (i think, when DID it release?). reach will likely be one of the most-played shooters on live until the next xbox comes out, in three years or so. and, the reach thread on OCR had two pages as of the day of release, while trash like nier has more.
  11. hey, dude, what's the word?

  12. well, that proves it. stop visiting all those barn porn sites, and your computer will run much faster.
  13. a) that's why they're releasing on the PC first i'm willing to bet that they DO have some super-secret build somewhere c) all mmos suck when they're released, and are in turn way better about a year later
  14. man, make sure you set aside a bit of time for the endgame for ME2, because it's like 3 hours of awesome.
  15. you'd get about 3.3 or so with x86. if you can actually use all 4 gigs, more power to you - but my desktop has 4 gigs with 3 useable, and i've ran out of ram playing games twice. booting into safe mode should give you a list of drivers that it's loading. does it take just as long booting into safe mode? if not, then it's because of one of the 'extra' things that's not MS-certified. go into msconfig, turn off everything on the startup tab (for now), and see if it's still laggy. if it is, start turning off services until you isolate the one that's causing it. then do a google search on what it is, and whether or not you can get rid of it.
  16. seriously. i think people are forgetting that this is a damn beta, for a reason. because shit doesn't work
  17. oh, it's not offensive. well, not to me. very offensive to the people who it refers to. but they don't know we're calling them that. bwah hah hah...
  18. do you know where that name came from? there were five of us there, when that name was created. it's an epic story, to all involved. chipp, i've got some stuff laying around if you want to get into it. what style are you looking for, specifically?
  19. i spent a lot of time playing this game, and really enjoyed it. can't play it on the 360, though, you've gotta play on the PC. totally different game. i might have to dig into some of these mods. they look pretty good.
  20. my copy comes tomorrow, per amazon's release-date shipping. i don't even know if i can afford it this month, but i can't pass up what's likely going to be in my online xbox for the next year or so.
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