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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. two months (almost) - so a bump is in order. i've been saving for a while to finally split my home system (i7-860, 4gb DDR3 ram, 5tb of space, GTX 260 core 216) into two systems - one for gaming and online use, one for offline-only music. i'm getting close. it'll be the first time i'll have two dedicated machines with unique uses at any given time. looking forward to it =) depending on how i scale it and how i work everything, it'll be anywhere from 600-1000$ for the upgrades, but it's been over a year since i've done anything major to my home machine. i'm past due for an overhaul. moving my music onto an offline-only machine will not only bring productivity benefits, it'll allow me to experiment more with overclocking than i've been able to on my primary system in the past (always been worried that losing a CPU would put me out of business musically for the months to save up for a new one). it'll also allow me to fotz around more with custom setups, as i won't have to have a million hard drives sucking power and generating heat in what for most cases is the primary air intake port on the system (the front lower bay).
  2. i have not heard back from dave and larry regarding a possible release date. or anything, actually.
  3. 1. please format this close to correct. if it was a few things, i wouldn't care, but it's like thirty items. 2. post a price. for bundles this big, there's a lot of play in the price.
  4. fully updated, including all your new stuff, wes.
  5. 14.2 is a falcon, unfortunately (BenQ hard drive, yours is right near the end of the manufacturing cycle). 12.1 is jasper. so i'm not interested in the console. i might be interested in some of the games down the line, though.
  6. i haven't seen binjovi's place yet. i'm looking forward to finding it (next time i'm on my desktop...my wife's laptop gets under 10fps if i've got anythign longer than TINY selected for draw distance). i can't really find anything when i can't see that far =(
  7. you're almost there for checking - right next to 12v, it says either 16.5, 14.2, or 12.1. 12.1 is jasper, the others are older editions. another way to check is to look at the power brick - if i remember correctly, jasper's the only one that uses a plastic power brick with a plastic connector (the others are gray metal, with a shiny metal power connector). lastly, jasper's basically silent when games are installed. almost unable to be heard. you can check what games you've purchased by looking under the "Played Games" list on xbox.com/live. just look for games that you have achievements for (can't get achievements on demos). i'd like to see what other games you've got. my brother-in-law and i are looking for a system to give to his brother for christmas, and 120$ for an elite system with two controllers is a good deal.
  8. there's a real chance i might be interested in that 360 closer to the holidays. is it a jasper elite? also, specifically what games are on it?
  9. itt BS is totally clueless about literally everything going on. i love how clear it is that he hasn't even bothered playing the game yet. orichalcon, i think that cove looks awesome =) time for a full renovation! but get the waterways out there from the spawn, first, so that we can find you.
  10. does anyone have clay? i've been looking for some, but haven't seen much of anything on the surface.
  11. kind of like when a track i hadn't remembered submitting got direct-posted =)
  12. lol, i saw that wood and almost lost control i restrained myself, though. a second set of monoliths would be fun to do. we can put them right through the floating continent into the ocean, with some space around it to disconnect it from the floater.
  13. theophany was the last track. we're officially finished, people =)
  14. i've been trying to visit each person's house at least once and a while to see what updates they're doing. i've got a ton of cobble left over from the monolith, so let me know if you need some. i left a bunch in the community chests near the spawn, too.
  15. oh, there's tons of room - you've just gotta walk for about thirty seconds to find it =) i don't want a thousand people running into other caverns because they're too lazy to wander in the awesome world we have. also, lol at orichalcum's picture. the monolith is in full evidence there, on the right!
  16. ah, i saw you in-game and didn't know who you were. gotcha. new players, remember that as you enter the game, you'll want to find your own area. with the advent of the glass highway, you can easily access areas of the map unexplored. between halt, halcyon, author, and myself, we've got the spawn pretty much mapped out, but we've not done anything on the other side of the mountain to the right of the spawn, or anything behind the spawn. i'd suggest you go start in one of those areas. we're running out of good resources, unfortunately, in that area. so we need to continue digging in new areas. also remember that you don't want to steal from other people. do your own digging =) IN OTHER NEWS, the monolith is complete. 121 blocks tall, from bedrock and lava to above the clouds =) i used 1350 torches (that's 330 or so coal!) and over 2000 cobblestone and fired stone to build it. there's a stairway to go to the bottom, or just look through the glass. i'm going to build a zillion signs and leave them in a chest near the monolith as a "guest book" next time i'm online =) as soon as buckets are fixed, i'll be encasing the top in glass with lava inside as well, since it'll shine better than a burning torch would.
  17. the more you can feed me, the more i can do. i'd like the entire tower in obsidian, but that'd be about a thousand blocks. so i'll settle with just one or two columns to start =) once they get lava and fluid generation fixed (ie, buckets make source blocks and not just random blobs), i'll be topping off the tower with lava, encased in glass. it'll shine better than a fire, and look cooler.
  18. this coming from a guy who, according to his signature, uses hacks to skew his gameplay stats in his favor.
  19. qfe...i want to finish the Tower of Phallic Power!
  20. i'd like to reiterate my request for a mobile version of this site, particularly for android- and iOS-based phones. i'd get a hell of a lot of usage out of a mobile version, as i'm sure would lots of other people. with the proliferation of mobile users thanks to cheap 3G phones, i think this would be a worthwhile investment.
  21. i think you gave it to me back in the dark ages, evan. that's how he got it.
  22. capa langley, where IS your house? atlantis, i mean. i couldn't find it yesterday in spite of looking everywhere for it. found bottle rocket's, halt's, fireslash's, halcyon's, lemon's, chicken itza, and saw hybridloser from a distance, but couldn't find yours anywhere.
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