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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. no, but your laptop might have either a really poor set of drivers to begin with, or they might not be optimized to run with x64. this might be a dumb question, but with only four gigs of ram, why are you using x64 anyways? i doubt your laptop can go any higher on the ram it's got installed, and it's not like you're gaining much unless you've got a monster discrete video card with tons of VRAM in your laptop (which i doubt with that processor). i'd just stick with x86 regardless in that situation - fewer issues with compatibility.
  2. you wanted updates? well, i'll be sending The Private Message to larry some time tomorrow. you know, the one that includes the link to all the audio, website, and art files. the one that signifies the end of a project
  3. i think this probably isn't going to happen, actually.
  4. i'll be honest when i say that the reason i listed to dream theater is for portnoy and petrucci. with portnoy gone...that's a big deal, for me.
  5. i'll likely do a christmas song this year. i just don't know if it'll be a game song or not. probably not, since i pass them to my family.
  6. of course, you could always just get dbPowerAmp, and let it convert literally every audio format to every other format. i think i've got converter packs for 65 formats, now, maybe more. it also modifies your mouseover info box, so when you mouseover an mp3 file it shows the tag, length, and everything else. oh, and it adds a right-click command to auto-convert whatever you want. yeah, the command-line version is probably better.
  7. damn, i was late. it's an octatonic scale, pretty clearly, and it's refered to as the "3 4" octatonic scale. there are three scales - 1 2 (root is C#, starts with a half-step), 2 3 (root is C and starts with a whole-step), and 3 4 (root is C#, starts with a whole step)- depending on whether the scale starts on C or C# (eventually, you have to wrap it around until you get a root) and the absolute pitches of the second and third notes. that is, if i remember my post-tonal theory well enough. so, for example, this 3 4 scale would be written as C# D# E F# G A Bb C C#. an interesting note about octatonic - it's the second most widely-used scale that requires the use of both flats and sharps in the same scale, with harmonic minor scales being the most widely-used. as siriusbeatz said, it's basically a scale that can be used over diminished chords (like the ii0 in a ii0 V7 i progression, 2-5-1 in minor). the term octatonic can technically be used with any scale that's based around eight notes plus the octave, so even a major scale with both minor and major 7ths would be octatonic. the tonality created by a whole-half scale, however, is refered to as octatonic exclusively. the scale itself is finding a lot more usage in modern tonal composition, however, as it allows for a more complex-sounding scalar figure than a traditional major or minor scale. unlike traditional seven-note scales, it also allows for two beats of sixteenth notes in a run with the scale ending on the top note, as opposed to the septuplet that is often used for the same figure with major or minor scales.
  8. i'm betting that something's causing a conflict - probably one of those poorly coded proprietary laptop drivers - and that's what's causing the long time. where does it hang in the process? on the windows symbol? or the fancy blue screen that's right before it pops up with the desktop? i usually suggest a reinstall in this type of situation - clean, on a fully formatted drive (none of that fast format crap).
  9. it's worth noting that Thin Crust is one of the most consistent posters in the PS3 thread.
  10. baruki, you should post some of your lyrics in the Recruit and Collaborate subforum, so that people can see what kind of talent you've got. i'd suggest looking at some of DragonAvenger's work, too, since she's a singer who loves writing interesting lyrics as well. welcome to the site!
  11. well, yeah. and i just got this sig in june. i have to wear it out first.
  12. same thing as what has happened with the 360 - only MS used different models of consoles to stop it instead of these terrible updates. sooner or later Sony will realize what Microsoft did - piracy is good for system sales. look at it this way - piracy isn't bad for Sony, or Microsoft, or any of them. piracy is bad for developers. Microsoft banned six hundred THOUSAND consoles in one fell swoop, and within a month their sales of new and used systems AND games skyrocketed. people aren't going to stop pirating because of a loss of functionality like no online play - they're just going to either keep playing or get a new console.
  13. yeah, they released a mandatory patch that closes the security hole. at this point, though, it doesn't matter. the ps3 was "unhackable" for so long because it was a perfect sphere of protection - no one could get into the hypervisor to run unsigned code, no matter what. now that there's a hole that has been exploited, they'll be able to continue to research from inside the veil as opposed to battering against the outside of it more.
  14. i never got that. a car is, like $15,000, and stealing one will land you in jail. a CD is $10 or so, and stealing one will get you a slap on the wrist (if that!) and a scolding by your parents. what a stupid analogy.
  15. there are two big arguments going on here: the first is that people who mod consoles inevitably pirate games and steal from The Man. the second is that 75% of people don't buy music, they download it. the first is the only one that matters for this conversation. you really don't understand why someone would want to use the PS3 as a linux box? simple. it's called the Cell processor, and it's the seven-core monstrosity that makes the PS3 so excellent at rendering high-poly graphics. it's also a beast when it comes to encoding and transmuxing video and doing other high-powered embarrassingly parallel tasks. for what it's worth, there's quite a few theories that you'd be able to enable legitimate PS2 game playback on the console through loading the emotion engine (what the CECHC and CECHE PS3 models used for software emulation of the PS2). i own a CECHE PS3, but i'd love to be able to upgrade and not lose that functionality. as for the argument that when you buy an iphone or a ps3, you're buying only the manufacturer's functionality and nothing else, that's pretty stupid. you're buying the hardware and software, yes, but you're also buying the right to do whatever the hell you want with it. it's YOURS. some corporate shmoe shouldn't be able to limit what you can do with YOUR hardware.
  16. actually, thin crust, this only happened like two weeks ago. and i posted it the day it came out. so it's not really old news. sony seized all of PSJailbreak's assets, but there's so many open source version floating around (for the blackberry, TI84 calculator, USB dev boards, and android, and supposedly a PSP kit is in the works) that it doesn't matter. also, it doesn't matter if it doesn't work anymore in 3.42. as the psp has shown, there's a ton of custom firmware options that will be come available pretty quickly. there are a lot of people - myself included - that never updated past 3.2x, because they wanted to keep the Other OS option available. the PSJ hack allows me to get back online through that OS without being forced to update to use my console. i think you're missing the point, though. yeah, this enables piracy, and that's not necessarily good. but what IS good is that now you'll be able to use the ps3 for tons of cool stuff that, since the removal of the Other OS option, you haven't been able to touch.
  17. i wasn't clear. i said there was no light involved, and that's not right. it's that there's different kinds of light involved.
  18. well, david, i think that's your answer. i know in your email you mentioned being interested in Reaper - why don't you get the free trial and check it out a bit?
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