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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. mine wasn't a 7200.11, which is the model that craps out on everyone - it was a 7200.8, actually - but seagate's completely lost my trust recently.
  2. that's a dirty lie. i only watched you for like two minutes, not ten. i thought the lower screen was a mousepad or something, the glare meant i couldn't see what was going on.
  3. what's with the three names? are you a group or something?

  4. got a final cut from dj mokram a little while ago - he's gotta upload a wave to me or the server (hay dafydd i lost my logon information in a recent reinstall can you send it to me again). talked to blind on the phone, managed to mix up one of his mixes with one of haroon piracha's, which was embarassing, but we chatted about his mix and what he's gonna do. been recieving material from others, too, including level 99. we're moving along, but it'll still be a while till release.
  5. i remember calling stevo in october of 2007 asking why my computer wouldn't recognize my brand-new 300gb seagate hard drive. two months later i did my first 1500$ build, and three months after that i hit twenty systems built. what a joke =) i7s are fucking gorgeous, particularly for what you'd need. spend the cash for the good mobo and the zalman zm650 (i think that's what i have, it's a 650w psu with the guts to put out 750w on occasions and 700w consistently without really straining, and it's an 80+ certified brick...virtually identical to the 750w model in design with one less rail) and you're set for a long, long time. i5s are even better, if you don't mind throwing the cash down for a higher clockrate. i don't know much about lappy graphics cards, but if the m260 is anything like the gtx260 in design, it'll be awesome. i generally don't suggest spending the cash on a gaming laptop since it'll overheat constantly and drain your battery extensively. if you can get one with a discrete graphics card and a lower-level integrated one that you can switch between, that's a good idea because it gives you a ton more options for power management.
  6. bumpalicious. just sent escariot some info on upgrading from my old hardware i sold him...8 months ago, i think. i sold him what was the guts of my computer at the time so i could upgrade to newer stuff.
  7. i'll collaborate with anyone who wants assistance realizing their mix - orchestral, jazz, electronic, whatever - and i'll play sax or sing for people who want that as well.
  8. uh, kinslayer, that's the point. it's meant to be random. also, btw, this project won't be out anytime soon. i'm waiting on a large amount of material.
  9. there's also the file-save as function, too =)
  10. there's a difference between asking a question and saying "hay guys i write metalz can i be on your orchestrated project".
  11. that's something i like. legendary on h3 is just too easy with four people - one guy stays back and snipes and you just do a battle of attrition. in this one, it stays just as hard even if you try to stay back because of the health thing.
  12. i think it resonates a bit better because the ODSTs have a bloody face, so you can really get into them. i suck at the game, really - i'll get my ass handed to me pretty often on the higher difficulties - but i DID do heroic on my first campaign runthrough. if anyone wants some playtime, let me know. avaris, my old roomie and i did four sets on firefight last night, but it was casual cause we were just dicking around.
  13. are you for real? just wait for the NEXT metroid project, in a week or two. they're always popping up.
  14. no way, dude, am i sleeping on the floor. married life has crippled me.

    you sleep on the damn floor and you'll like it!

  15. brush, how is it possible to have that awesome name? remixer huggers? i'm on most nights (not this weekend) at some point. avaris is the same.
  16. does anyone else have it? i saw hy bound on with it last night, and i know avaris is into it, but haven't heard beyond that. so, whatcha all think? i thought the campaign was a thing of beauty. lots of vehicle sequences (wasn't a huge fan of the last one, though, buck's a horrid gunner compared to the marines), a great storyline, and some fantastic new characters to add to the series. dunno if it was worth 60 bucks, but i got it for free so i don't care either way. and the mythic disc is nice. glad i never actually bought all the newer dlc. i thought the soundtrack was absolutely phenomenal, too. my wife even noticed the quality. great job combining new ideas and themes with old and recognizable ideas. some...interesting (read: bad) choices as well, but as a whole i really liked it.
  17. hey, i remixed that track very recently on the tales project. wish i got there first =( i'm so bad at older games, i usually only recognize it if i've done it myself.
  18. i always laugh so hard at this phrase. dunno why. hope i never get it.
  19. this guy will flap around on the floor like a fish. it's true - i saw it at mag 5. sleep in his room at your own risk. shaun, drive with me now that we don't have to worry about jewbei. i'll have cyril the wolf this year with me, so three in a car, meeting up with you in that town in NY, and we go to baltimore and rawk out with schtevo the whole way there.
  20. that's not necessarily a bad thing. have you looked at some of my old posts in there? i must have been cracked out for a week to post some of that shit. like, five times.
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