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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. the issue is that OCR won't take anything that's been released for profit elsewhere, so that it won't infringe on copyright laws. if the stuff's been released totally free, no strings attached, and you're allowed to publish it, then it'd be allowed.
  2. did i hear 'pay something'? i'm in. i sent you an email.
  3. i love freelancer, and have played it several times from start to finish. i really wish a more robust version existed - one with more missions and a solid economy - that didn't either have a massive learning curve (x3 games) or an absolutely horrid storyline with vocal actors on par with star ocean 4's lobotomizing of my eardrums (rogue universe). even the mods don't really have the depth to them that i yearn for.
  4. remixes are generally built around the melody of a track by altering the instrumentation and creating new sounds around it. starcraft doesn't exactly have much in the way of memorable melodies. i still remember the music after playing it for so many hours way back when, but i remember the feel and not the melodic content. of course, there's also the fact that most of the people into starcraft's music are busy playing starcraft and not working on remixes of starcraft's themes. i'd love to see some articles. from a classical musician's perspective, i really wasn't that into the aria. it's kind of boring...even more so than most arias are. if those people are like OMG 16-BIT BLISS and that's why they liked it...well, whatever floats your boat. i wasn't into ff6 that much myself compared to other games in the series. besides, if you don't like the glut of well-known games with excellent and memorable soundtracks appearing in the credits of ocr, why are you asking for a version of celes's aria? yes, you're the only one who thinks that there's not enough variety. on the planet. that's why there's a project for little-known songs from games going on right now, and why the last ten posted remixes include lost odyssey, reset generation, and pilotwings. no one likes games that don't start with "chrono" or end with a number. also, if you actually listen to the recent mixes of ff6, chrono trigger, and ff7 (to name a few 'over-remixed' albums on this site) and think that they're bad or under par or something, make some of your own. start a new trend.
  5. i just listened to the first disc a few times. i really, really like 'the sky holds no angels for us'. great title, guys! the guitar at the beginning - all delayed and that - sounds really fantastic.
  6. i LOVE omnisphere. the choirs are really flexible.
  7. totally got my boxed disc today. the case had a crack in it, but it's on the back and not very noticeable. it feels so cool to see my name in the booklet! talk about an excellent way to listen in the car. edit: rozovian, i think your review of my track is totally appropriate. i have no idea what the hell it was either =)
  8. once things get a little closer to being done - in a few months - i'll take the leftovers.
  9. one of the bonuses about this is that they'll fix the incompatibilities with the software version of the Emotion engine - making it run properly on CECHC and CECHE models (like mine). i hope they do this with other major games, like FFX and XII (they have issues with dropped frames and invisible cutscenes throughout the games).
  10. i doubt they'd go to 480p. this requirement drop allows devs to work in, say, 560p or so...but they'll never go that far, i don't think. the whole thing with the 360 is that it's a high-def console, and that high-def content is critical for the system. it's also supposed to help xbla more, since they can spend less time working on super-def visuals and more on gameplay, so that fewer games suck.
  11. school started up for me last week. i'm going to grad school full time in two days a week (urgh) and working four. it's busy, but i'm glad i'm actually able to support my family doing it.

  12. ...meaning you pirated FL, since if you buy it from anywhere you get information on how to get an account. nice work.
  13. i honestly thought this was my thread, and was horribly confused why walan posted in it.
  14. assuming you own fl, you should post a question like this over at their forums. you'll get an answer from a mod or admin within a few hours.
  15. hey i downloaded all the tracks but i deleted them all because they aren't chiptunes just wanted to tell everyone who spent two years creating them that they all are terrible k peace btw MAKE MORE MUSIC does anyone else think that the above statement mirrors most of the critics of this album? entitlement is a BAD thing, lurkers.
  16. i'm probably interested. anything other than megaman?
  17. there's this cool thing called the site search function. of course, you could have just looked at the forum descriptions, which would have told you that workshop is where people go to learn this stuff. inside of workshop there's threads like zircon's 'mixing for free' and nutritious's free orchestral setup thread. since it's pretty obvious that you don't really know anything about music as it is (you do know that we've only got one live classical [i believe you called it 'orchestral'] mix on the site, and the rest are synthesized, right?), you want to get some theory background first to understand what it is you're actually trying to do. it's cool that you're new, but we expect even new people to do their 'research' before they post and ask us to teach them what really is better learned by yourself.
  18. i agree with you, toad - i don't like playing against angry 12-year-olds. i DO like game modes like horde in GoW2 and zombies in CoD5, that allow you to work together to beat a named foe - a foe with limits, that you understand and can 'gameplan' against. nothing feels better than a 10-level run on horde where no one dies, no one gets knocked down, and your plan works to perfection.
  19. i've 'found' like six, but all of them jam at one point or another regardless of my popsloader version or firmware revision. it still comes down to the fact that it feels nice to hold a controller instead of an all-in-one.
  20. so it's better to be emotionally satisfied, with no way to convey that to someone else? i get the same excellent ending, but i can point to something and say, hey, i got this! and they can say, wow, i wish i had that! i'll never convince you to my point of view, and you'll never convince me that shitty graphics and (what i consider) average and annoying gameplay is better than the games i can do now. at least i can play multiplayer with my brother-in-law, even though he lives 200 miles away.
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