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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. cables? www.monoprice.com. super cheap, and they're quality. never had a problem with their cables or switches - they sell a 3-port optical audio hub that's five dollars and is fantastic. 25' 1.3a hdmi cables for under 30 bucks!
  2. i saw today that you shipped it, amy. i'm looking forward to having some smooth tunes playing in my house.
  3. probably because it's either set on the wrong time zone or because it's thinking it's DST when it isn't, or the other way around.

  4. probably because i'm never online. i never really was before, tbh.

  5. i get air from office depot/max and best buy. i use air pretty often - around once every four months for a complete cleaning (like, motherboard and psu and drives come out, i blow it out, let the wind do some cleaning, and then put it all back in). i keep an anti-static wipe thing near my desk to wipe out my cpu fan often, as well - usually every time i take the side panel off.
  6. i KNEW it. no info, no posts, no punctuation... grar. and i just wanted to be nice!
  7. have a good b-day, floor-sleeper! DO IT FAGGOT lulz, what a good joke
  8. no, not compatible with ps2. at all. they're NOT going to make a backwards-compatible system until the ps2 goes the way of the n-gage. that's what it comes down to - stop saying otherwise, people. they're making too much off of the 99$ ps2 right now to undercut that completely.
  9. didn't they take out backwards compatibility with ps1 games as well?
  10. not sure if i'm going to be able to poop this one out in time. we'll see - it'll be close.
  11. generally, teams use defensive formations to mirror what the offense is using. if a team is using two wide receivers, you'll see a 4-3 formation - meaning that there's four linemen on the line, three linebackers in the middle, and four DBs in the secondary. nickel refers to the fact that there's 5 DBs on the field - teams bring on one extra DB to cover the third WR, and leave one LB on the sideline (depending on the team, either the LOLB or the ROLB). in turn, dime has six DBs and one LB, and quarter has seven DBs (for 3rd and 20, or to defend a hail mary), one LB, and only 3 linemen (they drop the second DT). 4 deep would be to defend against the big pass - preventing a bomb but allowing them to get yards underneath. if it's 3rd and short, use a formation that stacks the line or blitzes the LBs. roster updates depend - i don't know if they're supported now that the new season is upon us. punting is easy. you hike the ball, pull the right stick back to charge it, and throw it forward to actually punt it. use the practice mode - it helps a LOT. if there's another type of mode that you need help with, ask me - i've played every madden since 2000. i love football games, and i have no problem paying the money for what equates to a roster update simply because i WANT those players on my team.
  12. you can buy a phatty used for 50 bucks - or a slim for 70 - almost anywhere, with a warranty and everything. it's really not that huge of a deal, is it? or you could do what i did, which is buy a backwards-compatible ps3 for $275 on ebay. an MGS4 limited edition one, too.
  13. there's a great program called Skype that'd let you branch out internationally for free.
  14. hey shaun, what else needs to be done on awakening, anyways?
  15. runescape + ocr1537 = tween's swan song. edit: so i stole the above link from myself, sorry brad won't do it again
  16. i still play gears of war 2 constantly, if only for horde mode. my old roomie and i play it often. just did a 1-50 run on river the other night. i still do some super smash bros 64 when people are over. nothing like a classic to get competition going.
  17. wait, you enjoyed too human? it drives me BONKERS. the targeting is impossibly bad.
  18. or give it to your friend without giving away your account, or download it for people who don't have high-speed access, or a lot of other issues.
  19. i hope not, that'll drive game stores out of business really quick. digital distribution really screws over resellers.
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