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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. thank goodness SOMEONE knows me a little bit =) does anyone know how to recognize sarcasm?
  2. too bad nintendo did it the quick-cash way, selling to old folks homes and all. these more advanced controllers from ms and (to a lesser extent) sony will be bringing in dollars for years to come. nintendo's golden teat that is the wii will come crashing down soon enough, now that they've totally alienated the entire gamer subculture thanks to 'casual gaming'.
  3. aww, and i was looking forward to posting about how you've got more games than any five people in this thread. i own thirteen games currently, between ps2, 360, pc, and n64. i only keep the ones that make an enormous impression on me.
  4. the 'second analog thingie' is the start and select buttons, from the looks of it.
  5. anyone got a link to the trailer, preferably in downloadable form?
  6. anyone know if the games for the go will work on the psp as well? supposed to be similar screen ratios and controls, so i'm curious.
  7. platinum azure is working with a linux distro. dunno what he's using.
  8. did you all know bustatunez worked on the audio for this trailer? says so on his facebook.
  9. even my wife, who hates action and violence in any kind in movies and games, thought that this was awesome. i've had two people contact me specifically about getting a star-wars-themed customized computer when it comes out i admit, i'm nearing that level fanboyism at the moment. i LOVE star wars, although i don't know as much about the comics as i'd like to. edit: i downloaded the .mov version on some website, and it's quite laggy because of the nature of the .mov codec. anyone got an .avi, .mkv, or .wmv version? i want to watch it without all the crappy streaming artifacts everywhere.
  10. boy, that flamerwolf guy spammed like every judge's profile, didn't he?

  11. probably because every fanboy in the world is logging on and trying to see it (a la windows 7 beta)
  12. you have excellent english, better than some of the regular posters here. welcome!
  13. oh, i heard about this, but it never quite clicked. thanks. i'll try it tomorrow at some point.
  14. i agree with this, completely. my fourth ocr submission was posted, as was my fifth. i had nine - count them, nine - rejections until my next posted mix, and that was over the course of four years during which i went from a one-trick wonder to a professional soundtrack composer. and i've still had mixes canned with frequency since becoming a composer. i still don't consider myself anywhere near a lot of the artists on this site, those of which also have rejections. i just got lucky with a job offer or two.
  15. screen magnifier might actually work. the reason i don't just adjust the screen res on my secondary monitor is because the widgets on that screen are set up in a specific way, and i don't want to re-arrange them every time i decide to kill some demons. again, i don't want a hotfix, i want a windows-based file extension that'll allow me to adjust the windowed resolution to exactly what i want it to be.
  16. meteo is another example of how i'm #21 on the team still, even though i don't fold on my own system and haven't for months. everyone i build a system for gets this on their computer, and they fold for me until they change the info. my little bonus =)
  17. i recently started playing diablo 2 again. fun game. the graphics are so painful, however, on a widescreen 1680x1050 monitor (soon to be a 27.5" 1920x1200 one), and alt-tabbing out of it to check emails and such is nigh impossible (old coding and all, i guess), so i've been playing it windowed. it's kind of small, though, in the standard window size, so i'd like to expand the size of the view slightly. d2, however doesn't support higher than 800x600 resolution, and you can't resize windowed games like you can other applications. i just want the next size up from 800x600 - 1024x768 would be ideal. does anyone know some windows-fu to augment the -window argument to allow for adjusted resolution? i'm assuming it's possible, i just have no idea how to do it. no one else on the intarwebz seems to know how to do it, either. edit: if this isn't possible, is it possible to assign the program to open (full-screen, not windowed) on a specific monitor other than my primary? i've got an HDTV that would work well, as well as a square 17" that doesn't amplify the glaring non-widescreen play.
  18. why, video games, of course =)

  19. i'm a d. bachelor's in music education, working on a master's in saxophone performance.
  20. hey, this dude's pretty cool. seriously creative influences flow through his brain. totally different from most of the cookie cutter remixes we get around here. he went to school with me. i touched his abe lincoln beard once.
  21. it would be simply for fun, really. my internal soundchip has six channels (or eight, don't remember which, but six is all that matter, right?). i've got true surround sound, fo sho. i'll have to sit down and play with it some more, i guess.
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