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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. it's so damn off the wall. i LOVE it. try reading it while listening to some of shnab's more crazy arrangements. THEN the truth comes out.
  2. hey, another Remix Affiliates guy gets posted! awesome. love the mix, particularly the opening synths you've got going on. what did you use for that pad? i love it.
  3. we should pidgeonhole all mixes appropriately, thank you very much. genre should be the only sorting option, so i can get all my breakbeat polka mixes without having to see the other heretical trash on this site.
  4. i turned in my phatty ps2 and a memory card, which normally would get around 20$. i get an extra 20% per trade in, plus an additional extra 20% off of any used merch that i buy. except we just traded the used box and disc out for the 'store copy' of the disc - that is, the one we open so people can look at it. so i basically got them new, except i opened them three days ago to show someone's mom the specifics on the rating on the box i work at gamecrazy.
  5. i picked up new copies of MGS4 and Resistance: Fall of Man today for seven dollars. i love my job. just need the system to get here - probably thursday, i'd think. tracking info hasn't updated yet.
  6. http://stereotypist.livejournal.com/40160.html OLD OLD OLD there i got it out of your system. possibly the funniest webcomic ever. it's really, really awesome. kind of reminds me of Waiting for Godot, a little. similar ending, at least
  7. keyboards aren't really necessary unless you're a really good keyboard player. i own one, for example, but i use it less to make music and more for demoing patches.
  8. ok, so both resistance games sound good. is the first worth playing more than once? like, i play halo 2 and 3 a lot in single-player because it's so damn fun. i rarely play anything online anymore. so, would it be worth it for just single/coop? also, do either allow for online coop modes?
  9. dur, just bought a CECHA01 for 275$. what should i get? i get everything for super cheap thanks to my new job at gamecrazy, so list everything you got. note that i have a 360, PS2 and a PSP, so i've probably played it if it's cross-platform, if it's on PS2 i've likely got it, and if there's cool stuff with the handheld i'd like to know about it. i don't want any music or rhythm games, as i play them on the 360. here's what i'm already thinking about. MGS4 inFAMOUS MLB09 The Show (maybe) Uncharted games Killzone 2 opinions required on these games required before purchase: resistance games (haven't heard much about either) warhawk (never really heard of it) any of the NFS games (supposed to be fun, which is what i care about) LBP (don't care about level editing...is it fun besides that?) also, besides linux, what other cool stuff is there i can do?
  10. anything that'll take a midi and stick it in a piano roll will work. you just play those notes, then. you could always look at the midi info on a free notation program and then use a pencil and paper to hand-write it out.
  11. edit: removed by me. dramarama my ass. opinion posts apparently don't exist any more.
  12. are you ill? armcannon's live sound is nowhere near powerglove's sound, and the shredding on their respective latest album totally gives the direction to powerglove. not to mention that they actually arrange the songs occasionally, as opposed to MIDIcannon.
  13. you do realize that it's just straight off of the midi, right? the chords, the bassline, it's all exactly as it is in the midi, with some artistic interpretation. and ridiculous solos.
  14. problem with rare shit is that no one wants shit, regardless of what you had to eat to crap it out in the first place.
  15. powerglove is excellent. their shows are incredibly entertaining.
  16. i noticed that the firefox 3.5 beta and RC did this occasionally with certain sites to me, but now that 3.5's out i don't have that issue any more. are you two using that browser?
  17. how did i know luke would know all the good ones?
  18. if you want something, pm that person. the whole deal with this is that it's a huge post-it board of people selling stuff. i just keep track of it all, out of the goodness of my heart. or, because i'm selling stuff. want a nintendo ds?
  19. i love these deal-of-the-week things. i've gotten catan, braid, bionic commando: rearmed, and several expansion packs through them for cheap - as in, 400 points or so.
  20. mailed. i wrapped it in bubble wrap and stuck it in a paper manger. should get there in a few days.
  21. something i do to work out particularly fast passages is to slow it down using audacity's "change tempo" effect. it allows you to slow audio files down - albeit with some distortion, but the pitches are intact.
  22. great ad, man, but you'll notice he was looking specifically for metal and rock stuff. if he wanted to sort through the general dross he'd have done that himself without posting to begin with.
  23. there's a song that i never knew about until recently that's quite good by the artist N-Jekted. only track he's ever contributed, as far as i know. great rock, right there. housethegrate's an excellent guitarist, as is OA. you also might want to wander over to vgmix and check out their DoD contest. there's always a lot of metalheads in there.
  24. you could find the sheet music somewhere - maybe - but you'd be far better off learning it by ear. ear training is one of the most overlooked skills of a musician today, and it's absolutely critical to your core as a musician.
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