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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. fair enough, red shadow. i figured it did =) when you get ideas from up there, feel free to write them down and pass them along. so long as they don't smell funny =) @soc - figures that someone else would TRY TO STEAL MY THUNDER...are you bringing a copy of it to mag? i'd love to see/hear it. @meteo - dude, you gotta chill, man. you're always so pissed. if you want to write something down and send it my way, go right ahead. this isn't a competition or an audition, i'm just looking for people who are interested. i'll roll with whoever wants to contribute =)
  2. if you must get a laptop (i'm a desktop guy myself), wait as bloody long as you possibly can to get it. there's always issues with releases, not to mention the fact that mac's having huge issues with the nvidia 9600 onboard graphics dies, and needs time to work them out so yours doesn't die in a few months.
  3. it's free because they think you'll buy it. it's not a magazine, it's just a sales catalog. they just codify everything on their site into a bunch of pages with SALE splattered all over it. if you're going to buy, just use their site - and use the clickthrough ocr link that sents some money back to the boards to help with bandwidth costs.
  4. totally worth it. and if you're in college, you can get a huge discount through sites like academic superstore and the like.
  5. i dunno, i just wasn't diggin that vibe. i'm not a super-philosophical kind of guy. and while i cuss like a sailor, i don't like it in artwork that i participate in. same with the religious reference. i thought it was a cool idea, but i wasn't into it. and i don't want to tell you to change it to fit into my little box in my head, because that's not right (and that's how art dies, often). edit: redshadow and bleck, go ahead and shoot me some ideas =) ryusei, i prefer that feel because it fits into the more abstract, ambient electronica i prefer to write for this kind of thing - but i can change =) and no, i haven't tried that idea. edit2: if you decide to do a topic that stems from a game of sorts, and i can link my part of the song into a remix, that'd be pretty cool. but i don't necessarily want you to stick it into a box and slap a label on it, you know?
  6. yeah, she's not likely to make anything worth the time of using =) i dug around a lot when i originally posted, but i was looking under the terms 'bag' and 'case', not harness.
  7. pm me ideas! we'll roll from there. i cleared out my inbox a bit, so i've got room. zup: i just don't want it long, that's all. caster: i prefer that theme, but i'm willing to adjust. that theme tends to fit the more abstract ideas that the music and art generally focus on. will: i dunno if i'd do a collab for the music stuff, but maybe. i'll keep you in mind. i've got jh, zephyr, caster, ga, zup, soulin, darklink42 (MEXICANS ATE MY COMPUTER), and jamil (THE PROBLEM IS YOUR CRAPPY-ASS MONITOR, WIFE) written down. meteo xavier sent me something pretty crazy, too, but i don't know if i could go with what he sent atm. but he's written down too. anyone willing to try doing art as well?
  8. wait, you weren't? i thought that it was truth, with all the progress on ff4 lately =(
  9. hey guys. this is just something i've been into lately, and i'm curious if anyone else wants to participate. when i was in undergrad, myself and two others (an artist and a lit major) got together and did a bunch of sets that we called 'pictureboxes' or 'oneshots' (not the normal use of the term). the writer would pen a short story - few hundred words at most - and give it to me. i'd write some background music that captured the feel without being really in your face and huge, and the artist would draw something for an illustration. the writings were usually either based in the future or generally dystopic, the music was generally ambient/electronic stuff, and the drawing was usually pretty abstract and out there. it's just intended for a feel, more than a continuation of a storyline. we did ten or twelve of them during the course of my time at college. i don't have anything left of them because they were just something that we goofed around with. now that we've all graduated, we've gone our separate ways...and i'd like to get back to doing these. SO. is anyone interested in participating in working on a few of these? you don't have to be good at what you do, it just needs to generate an idea. shoot me a pm or reply here, and we'll get going. we need artists more than writers nowadays, though feel free to jump in and contribute writing as well! so far: radical dreamer: november 22 - story of a man's really sad life and contemplation of the past. ends with fire. jam stunna: twins - in the future where births are monitored, two twins are born and kept alive by their uncle. their dad turns them in, the narrator sacrifices himself to keep his uncle and sister alive. soulinether: human #12 - crack, robots, space, and first person perspective. radical dreamer: the last tombstone - master chief meets duke nukem, except that he accidentally dies. caster13: quest - robot chick from outer space pwns real robots. ryusei: flamingoes? - just read it. it's pretty funny. zephyr~: cry a goodbye - guy in future society tries to save his wife. caster13: ghost - story of a girl's friend, who committed suicide and is back as a ghost.
  10. this is an uber-old topic, but it's still relevent. does anyone know ways to transport lcd monitors that doesn't involve a towel or comforters? i'm not looking for a method, but a strap or something i can purchase.
  11. those sound like two different sounds. it sounds like a harpsichord in the studio version, but there's a fatter sound with vibrato in the live one. for the studio sound, there's an awesome soundfont out there called German8 (i think i got it at hammersound) that you could just fatten up with some eq. for the live sound, it's similar to a mellotron - maybe look for a soundfont that uses tones from one? i think reason's got a pretty nice mellotron set in the factory sound bank as well you could tweak. i make a set that's pretty close in the fl keys (on roto organ) plugin in about two minutes, but then it crashed and i lost it just turn knobs until you hear it getting closer.
  12. you've got it backwards: natural minor isn't necessarily aeolian, but aeolian is the basis for the natural minor scale. same pitch set, same progressions are common between them, and there's no V in natural minor due to the lowered 7.
  13. this project waited five years because it took five years to complete. ff4 took a fifth of that because people finished up quickly in comparison.
  14. he would know, he's talking about the children of the children of the monkey machine
  15. congrats, andy! see you in two.5 weeks!
  16. did you know that i'm the admin on the project forum? or that i was one of the first people on the project? or that i had the first finished mix?
  17. there's way too much professional crap out there for this stuff - that's the problem. people need something explained in a simple, easy-to-understand format that'll allow them to make their own decisions. of course, i do interject my own opinions on subjects (pcie x1 is useless, as i mention repeatedly), but that's because they're pretty broadly accepted. also, since we're on the topic of grammar, here's two to use the edit button for (i'm understanding more and more why larry loves that smiley)
  18. totally. you're relegated back to forum trollette.
  19. i remember recording the bassline for my song in the library at my alma mater (it was on an old oxygen 32 midi controller) during the beginning of my sophomore year. damn, that was forever ago.
  20. i intend to type this just as anything else that i type - no caps. i just turned off the grammar/spell check in word, and intended to turn it back on before i finished...yeah that didn't happen. you caught all of those right. this is what i get for 'printing' the file really late at night =) thanks for reading, man. i'll go back and check this up before i move on.
  21. wait, ANOTHER girl? i thought having da was stretching it, but now two!
  22. no fair, i'm losing my awesome-sauce avatar then?
  23. i used to pound out those battles over and over again =) i loved the one against the super star destroyer in the expansion.
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