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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. so am i - my computer maxes at 50% the whole time that i use it =) better, though, that it's maxing at 3ghz rather than 2.4ghz.
  2. i've been pleasantly surprised with the power my 9800gtx+ has. it's been exceeding most benches on a daily rate, and since it doesn't run so hot it's got a good amount of overclockability. yeah, but unless you shell out big bucks each core is still only 2.4 ghz, throttling most of your speed. two 3ghz cores is enough if you don't run a million processes at any given time. being someone who benches systems on a daily basis, i can say wholeheartedly that quad core processors are great in some things but useless in most day-to-day activities. dual-core is more than enough, unless your processes in the background take up the entire second core (in which case you're an idiot and should get rid of some of them). i never have slowdown with mine. and if he gets at least a 500w psu with two rails, he'll get that. if you didn't know much about computer building, would you really want to dig through technical specs on how many amps are on each rail, or would you just rather look at the number of rails? i tried to simplify. the one i suggested in PM had two rails with 28 each on it. the cases i suggested were much larger than your average mid tower, and they'll be fine for what he needs. he doesn't need a 300$ monstrosity of a case. i agree wholeheartedly with this statement. and, dvd-roms actually read much faster than burners - 48x or 52x instead of 24x or 26x. his system would be almost identical to mine, which would read 3.5 gigs. is that extra 510 megs of memory or so really that big of a deal? vista still isn't really THAT good unless he's going for a really high-end system that'd be able to really take advantage of dx10 graphics and the like. for what he wants, xp will hold him out until w7 comes out. the issue is that xp or vista usually won't automatically utilize the last two cores unless the first two are getting really thrashed. and since many applications (including flstudio, regardless of what crap gol says about it) aren't really written to be able to multi-thread yet, you'll still be getting stuck in the bottleneck that is each individual processor: 2.4ghz on an (individual) 266mhz bus. with a dual core, each core gets a much larger bus as well as being able to have a much higher clock rating. will it be able to run a fully multithreading application as fast as a quad? no. but each core being 3ghz on a 666mhz bus means that each core is communicating with the computer about 2.5 times faster than one from the q6600.
  3. man, you believe that garbage? if i believed the 'fact' in my fiction books, why, i'd believe that zombies were taking over yonkers (world war z) and that the illuminatus made up the bible or jesus had a baby with john the baptist or whatever bullcrap davinci code was about. fiction is fiction because it's fiction, idiot. why haven't you left yet? http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/tech/cloning/ although it looks really dumb, there's actually a surprising amount of material that you might be able to find through this site.
  4. wondered when this would come up =) if you're browsing newegg, sort by number of reviews. it's easy to see trends that way. zircon, no offense, but for the normal person a quad-core isn't a good idea. most applications can't even use quad-core computing yet. an e8400 would be a great processor. 170$ for a dual-core 3.0ghz processor with a super-fast (1333mhz) bus, way faster than the quad. and since the 8400 is based on the 45nm tech instead of the older 65nm that the q6600 is on, it's more overclockable and has less heat problems. don't get anything older than the e8400, they're just not worth the time anymore. a wd caviar or seagate barracuda that's 500g is like eighty bucks. make sure it's SATA, and the larger the cache size, the better. 4 gigs of ram is 80 bucks, g.skill has a deal on newegg for about 65 bucks. make sure it's the right size, don't go over what your mobo can take. if you take what i think you should, get ddr2-800 (pc6400). an asus p5n-e is a good mobo for what you need. the 9800gt is a terrible graphics card for the money, it's way overpriced and is exactly the same card as the 8800gt with a new (less efficient) cooler. buy a 9600gt if you don't have much cash (evga sells one for about 125), or a 9800gtx+ or a radeon 4870 if you have more. i prefer evga for nvidia cards. they have a lifetime warranty. i'd say to go with nvidia, i'm not an ati guy. better driver support IMO. if you go with a 9600gt, get a 500w power supply, preferably one from rosewill. make sure it's got at LEAST 2 12v rails. if it's the 9800gtx or 4870, i'd bump it up a bit. any case is good, it's just a case. sort for ones with free shipping, then just pick one that looks good. any dvd drive is fine. make sure you get a burner, they're only like ten dollars more. make sure it's a SATA drive. did i miss anything? a system with an e8400, at least a 9600gt, 4 gigs of ram, and a decent cooling solution on a good power supply and on a good mobo can run crysis at medium-high settings and get more than enough FPS to make it worth the time. and it'll scream with xp. don't bother with vista. pm me if you have an issue.
  5. they sell a cube case that's like 500$, i think. and their premade watercooled cases are almost as much as the rest of the computer.
  6. timing doesn't really matter all that much. pretty much, never touch it - ram's a lot more touchy than cpu or gpu overclocking.
  7. 5-5-5-15 is a ram timing. wikipedia is your friend, man - if you'd just googled those numbers you'd have found information online about it.
  8. he gave a price, and i filled it. 220$ for a motherboard may be a lot - but it's a long-life motherboard with solid-state capacitors that won't leak in a few years, like most of the mid-level asus and gigabyte boards. it supports a bunch of newer technology (optical audio, e-sata, etc) NATIVELY (you might not realize this but the support for spdif audio and dual lan is kind of hacked onto the p45 boards, try an older bios and see what happens )that he might want in the future. it's definitely an upgrade from some basic mobo, and the overclocking support and sli support (both of which might be possible for the future) are worth the time. and there's a lifetime warranty, which is worth the extra few bucks because the mobo is generally the first part to fail in really well-built computers (barring spilling coffee on it or kicking down a hill or something). you're also forgetting that when lots of people review something there's generally a reason. the evga board is purchased like fifteen times more often than the gigabyte board, and not cause it's bad. and raptors, raptors are so much better than standard drives for the speed that they give you. say what you want, it runs faster (by seconds) in loading programs and the like. if it's a big deal, whatever - but it's worth getting a boot drive of some kind that's physically separate from the storage drive, since it's the heavy reading and writing from day-to-day usage of your OS that generally kills an hd as opposed to having a bunch of movies and music backed up on it. makes it easier to defrag your storage disc too =) if you don't want the raptor, get an 80gig western digital caviar drive (sata, plz) and use that for your OS instead. just store all your illegal content on the other disc =) and no, vista system rating doesn't count as a benchmark. the rating was likely higher because it was a fresh install, not because the drive was faster than one spinning 30% faster. as for a case, here's a few. remember that all three have free shipping, which means a lot when it can cost thirty bucks for shipping nowadays. fantastic smooth-looking case great-looking gunmetal gray case, great build quality, a little cheaper rosewill makes a few varieties of these. i've put three computers into their cases, and while they're not the most rock-solid cases i've ever bought they do the job and are a good price. if you don't mind modifying your case's fans a bit, this is a good buy. it's got two LED blue fans in front which you can take out and replace with yate loon med-speed 120mm fans (i've got five in my case and it's near silent - about 30db total ambient), as well as adding one to the side of the case as well if you want. anything in this list will handle what you want, and it's more of a selection, if what's above doesn't suit your fancy. hope that helps. edit: this was about twenty minutes of browsing, mostly because i had some huge downloads going on in the background =)
  9. i thought it was like 2.75 years or so. it was my sophomore year, i think.
  10. wait, 8.8ghz p4? that's wrong. i don't know what it is, but it's NOT that considering the fastest i've ever seen was 5.2 or so on a core 2 extreme, with liquid nitrogen being poured on the CPU to cool it. since i build custom computers, i likely can help you figure out what you need. pm me with what you want to upgrade, and how much you've got to spend, and i can figure out what components would be the best for you.
  11. updated as of now. remember, i'm not going to contact you because someone expressed interest - use your pm box for that.
  12. in all honesty, i went frmo the 7600gs to evga's stock 9600gt (whatever their cheapest was) and i got a huge upgrade. i'd say to go with evga - it's a bit more but you get their lifetime warranty. and i've never had an EVGA dead on arrival card. zotac's ok, but i'd say go with evga.
  13. dammit, jahan, give me systems. i ain't doing research =)
  14. SERVICES OFFERED computer building, pc and console modding [prophetik] composition (fair trade for games in this list or just as a commission) [abadoss] artwork (prices) [sindra] poetry writing [random hajile] fixing ps3 consoles with YLOD errors [kitty] artwork (prices) [the otaku] artwork by commission, contact for details [linkjing donuts] really cheap and cute buttons (little piggy and d20) [the otaku] recording engineer. check out website in post for more infoz. [corran] business card and logo designs, random artwork, very cheap [relyanCe] story writing, data entry and and/or audio transcription [JH Sounds]
  15. some dells ship with an empty pci-e slot and a pci-based graphics card. besides, aren't there some 8-series cards that are PCI based? i don't remember.
  16. i realize that. however, whatever computer he's using might not have built-in support for widescreen - a lot of laptops and desktops with basic built-in video don't - and so i was suggesting something low-end. since most graphics drivers nowadays don't support the standard 640x480 (or whatever 480p is), i suggested the standard low-end res.
  17. xbox computer should be done by then, and i might do an OCR mod just for the hellz of it.
  18. and...thank you, bahamut! if you want to buy something, pm the seller. if you want something or are selling something, post in this thread.
  19. i'm tenatively going as a vendor with some computers. i'd be staying with oa and avaris. i might be bringing two other people (not sure yet). i also have room in my car, i'm coming from central NY (ithaca area) straight south to the conference. i'm willing to deviate from my driving plans to pick someone up.
  20. likely the resolution for your PC is out of range (too big or too small) for your tv. most tvs can't support the normal resolution for a pc monitor, it's far too big. if it supports 720p, turn your screen res down to like 800x600 and go from there to find the largest possible resolution that is in the correct ratio. btw, this should have been in help and newbies. i'll pm a mod to move it.
  21. sounds like your drivers are bad. i mean, your card is bad, but your drivers probably are the issue. install, restart when they tell you, and give it a shot. see what happens. if it's still fritzing, look into a new card. even an 8500 (like 40 bucks) would be a massive upgrade.
  22. i don't remember what it was, actually. but you still owe me a collab or two.
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