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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. you're a fucking douchebag. go away. i've deleted alt accounts every single day off of that forum, and most of them trace back to your ip. the only reason i haven't blocked your ip address is because you're immature enough to have your friends spam us. this kid sent me a pm over a month ago telling me to not think of him as a noob, and how great he was...but he spelled everything wrong, he used terrible grammar, and he sent the DAMN PM TWICE. after i responded promptly, he responded a few days ago and told me just how dumb i was for thinking that made him a noob. after a MONTH! just a stupid idiot. next time i catch your ip on the site, i'll block your ip. which means you'll not be able to dl the files when the time comes that the project is released, especially if we don't block your ip on the site that we mirror from. just go away. no one cares what you think, and the only section of the site that you CAN see isn't one that's got anything of use - it's just got a few tracks in there for *our* discussion...there's two other wip boards that you CAN'T see when you log in for a little bit. i don't even think you can dl the files anyways without the necessary permissions. all that said, i wouldn't mind taking the finished tracks and releasing a 15-second-each demo mashup of all the songs. or maybe just the song that damned and i were gonna put together. you know, the psyduck one i wrote but didn't write.
  2. i beat ff8 at about level 14 or so. LOVED the game, and loved that it didn't take a zillion hours. i redid it at a normal set of levels, though. its not even just having a locked seal, make the bosses damn tough AND have them with a minimum level built in, no matter what. so, the bosses might be mapped to your level but they're never going to be below a certain (and still difficult) level.
  3. you didn't like the cliche 'this is where we all went and we're all happy now' movie? with cliche letter included?
  4. itt we take votes as to how long it is till nineko gets banned AGAIN
  5. except that they die slower, which i'm assuming is the idea.
  6. taucer, please update the first post. right now, we're mainly looking for a few things. 1. ellywu2, Abadoss, and tweek =) 2. i don't know if itoh daichi is ever going to finish dhsu's wip, so does anyone else want to take a shot at it? it's Portal to Open Grounds, and i've got dhsu's midi of it somewhere. 3. malicex, fishy/rk, and chrono need to update. keep up the good work!
  7. i got sappy. thanks for the help. demos! thanks for hosting them, oa! i'm still editing these for production, but the arrangement is basically done. i know that it might not sound like much, but trust me when i say these aren't the best parts in the songs =) there's a significant amount of arrangement necessary for most of these tracks because of the rather simple nature of them - it's usually just a funky synth playing not much of a melody with a sweet beat and an offbeat bass. pretty simple for the most part. also makes it hard to really arrange anything, since i'm less into that kind of music and more into melodic stuff for the most part. Title in Blue demo Learn demo
  8. apparently the last thread got pruned. here's the archive. i play guild wars, and i'd like to play with anyone who also plays from OCR. i've got my own guild, and i'm prophecies only. this thread should be about anything from game invites to trade requests to pvp stuff. and you should all join my guild (Knights of the Burning Mountain), i've got a hall, cape, and a xunlai agent so far. i started to run out of money, so i haven't gotten any more yet. also, someone play hard mode with me! The Prophet of Mephisto Cu Bhendhir the Red - lvl 20 E/Mo. Cu Hosch the Mighty - lvl 20 w/mo Cu Darain the Holy - lvl 3 mo. Orithil Ku Shang - lvl 20 A/R Victo De Dracula - lvl 20 MM Fishy The Fishy - lvl 12 E/Mo. Xerol Conan McBrien - ?? supremespleen Leia Mulder. lvl 20 W/Mo. ?? - lvl 11 N ?? - lvl 9 R Souliarc Crimson Foliage. lvl 20 Mo/E. Kakumei Prosperous Vanity. don't know his level/build. eternal Zero Katti Solaris - lvl 20 ?? Gimgak Gimgak the Pure - lvl 20 R Gimgak the Impure - lvl ? MM nodspaw51 Dear Fairlight - don't know his level/build Conan the Politician Disciple of Crom (Prophecies) - lvl 20 W/Mo Arcane Persuasions (Prophecies) - lvl 20 E/Me Bulim McFrisk (Prophecies) - lvl 20 N/R Hazardous Object (Factions) - A/Rt The Midnight Beacon (Nightfall) - D/P Brycepops Boraxus Xulrei - lvl 20 W/Mo Penoio Xulrei - lvl 20 N/X Falchion39 Sister Ayano - lvl 20 Mo/Me Raiden Astal - lvl 20 R/N Krysta Astal - lvl 20 N/Me Xavier Astal - lvl 20 A/W Luna Astal - lvl 20 W/Mo Tobias Astal - lvl 8 Me/E Celes Astal - lvl 20 D/E Daedalus Astal - lvl 6 P/W Amber Astal - lvl 10 E/Me Azul v2 Azul Panther - lvl 20 M redchorine Alexi Asleh - lvl 20 ?? (Nightfall) irriadin Miaya Sedai - lvl 20 M/X Protection Rnd - lvl 20 M/X Genneo Genneo Genjack - lvl 20 MM Fyrebhaal Wycked Woman - lvl 20 W/Mo RiKiTiKiNiKi Sweet Jeni - lvl 20 R/X Equinox Eclaire Ortensia - lvl 20 E/X Zaboomafoo Axlrod Gunnarson - lvl 20 Mo/X Stella Soulcatcher - lvl 20 R/X Look Im Emo - lvl 20 N/X Freya Evangeline - lvl 20 W/X Zoe Lilas - lvl 20 Me/X The Afflicted Huan - lvl 20 E/X Belah Belladonna - lvl 20 A/X Elijah Engelhand - lvl 20 Rt/X Like Isis - lvl 20 D/X Ecco the Dolphin - lvl 20 P/X Gonna Sting You - lvl 20 Me/W (PvP character) Mule of Nosferatu - lvl 20 E/X (extra storage) that should be everyone.
  9. basch was my only attacking warrior, my other two wound up being magicians. he was also freaking sweet.
  10. i agree. i would have also just liked more basch. i think that the story of redemption is one that is both central to a lot of RPGs (ff in particular) and i liked him as a character. i thought as a whole the game almost felt rushed, like there wasn't enough storyLINE to flesh out the story properly.
  11. another mistake i'm noticing. Perpetuate303 and Jungle seem to be the same track, but one's significantly longer. am i missing something, or is this true for you all two? i'm having trouble loading the miniUSF so I can't listen on the original soundtrack, and i'm using an mp3 render from the Unsung Plumber.
  12. might is not a term in our vocabulary, son. the correct term is "here's my finished song that's awesome" not "maybe might i think uhh". =) that said, reason 3.0.4 is fantasmic.
  13. lol, i wondered how you did that. white characters, i never thought of that.
  14. i do remember that, actually - that was back on RA, right? sappy is the track, and if anyone's got an mp3 of it i'd appreciate a linky. as of today, Prophetic Title and Learn are done. they're both electronica, and both are unlike anything i've ever done before. i'll have up samples soon. Prophetic Title (now called "Title in Blue") uses only one synthesizer, Rob Papen's Blue v1.01...and as such is entirely unlike anything i've ever done before. i think it's pretty good, but it's a lot more synth-esque than anything i've ever done. Blue v1.01 is quite possibly the most versatile synth i've ever used, with 6 oscillators, two chained filterbanks, a built in sequencer and effects bay...it's great.
  15. HAY I'M BACK and i've got both a good computer and a working intarweb now. we just got cable at home. i'll try and submit this round.
  16. wow, nice work, alex. i like the contrasting sections. and the godzilla theme being worked into the low strings =)
  17. are you dj.tuBIG, or are you MaliceX? i never figured that out.
  18. wow, a malicex sighting! i wish you'd pick a name. hey everyone, my computer's working!
  19. probably half the reason that those programs aren't getting wrapped into linux is just that it'd probably violate copyrights in some way. a wrapper for a free vst would still be violating the free distribution method of the vsts, wouldn't it? since it, to an extent, modifies the vst's functionality without the consent of the creator?
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