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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i just listened to shinny's wip...i've gotta say, there are a few issues but i am very much impressed. great job, shinny/shiny/whatever the heck your name is.
  2. it's called a dead link. look how old they are. just use a little common sense - in general, really old links don't work.
  3. has anyone heard from EonBlue lately about possibly having artwork for the site? maybe a frontend that looks a little better than black and green? that said, nice job epo - it's nice to have a central site.
  4. Yep. If you bought it, put your Username and password in your "My FLstudio" page, and voila! Access. i didn't buy it yet - that's why i need info. i was using a hacked copy before...and now i want to buy it...which is why i'm so insisitant about finding out when it comes out.
  5. ok, so there's info on the main page now for FL6, but i can't access it cause it's in the forums. any FL user got any info?
  6. not gonna lie but boobass is terrible. TERRIBLE. get the natural studios Fender Jazz Bass (google natural studios, it's a british site), and then rape kvraudio for your synthbasses and stuff. personally, i like the sound of a good distorted rhodes down really low for my synth bass sounds, but that's preference. i use the fender jazz bass on everything, though - if you use a lot of velocity work with your music, then you'll find that the ns bass has so much touch and feel. it's nice. it's big, though - just to warn you if you're on a dialup like me.
  7. i'll be uploading a revised version of my song soon to vgmix, and i'll put the link on this site. I played with some volumes, and added some piano at the end. Also, i fixed some problems with the double bass part. where the heck are all those wips we were supposed to have? EDIT - Facies Templum - this is officially the final version of my version of 'Face Shrine'. i'm assuming you guys will upload this to whatever server we're using?
  8. just to point this out, this wasn't originally done to be a smooth jazz piece. you want smooth jazz? i'll get you some of what i've done, if you want it. this was done to be more upbeat - the sax parts are similar to what i might find as the head to a slower chart on a set of bebop stuff. just fyi.
  9. i had no idea this was posted until just now. i actually forgot that Caio sent this one in. reminded me i've got four mroe remixes i've gotta submit eventually. thanks for the support. i know the sax part was a little fuzzy - i'm getting a new mike soon, so the PC mike i've been using will get smashed with a large hammer for all the crap it's put me through. expect better sax on my next submission. again, thanks for the comments. merry christmas!
  10. ok, so they've got new info on the page, but i can't access it. anyone got the details on official releases and stuff?
  11. because of the crap internet at the college I'm at, mIRC basically is blocked in the firewall that the tech department has set up...meaning, i'm not able to idle there just about at all. i can show up and chill once in a while, but usually it doesn't work. just fyi.
  12. i didn't even remember putting that in there... i can't translate shrine to latin. Face is Visio, but the word 'shrine' i can't find a translation for. anyone want to try their hand at it? edit - Or any other language. the welsh, norwegian, and finnish translations are really interesting (you have to change 'shrine' to 'temple' on a few of them, i think)
  13. that's what i figured. it didn't really make much sense in my limited amount of french i know. Eh...i like Encare Relicaro better anyways. Spanish was my first second language (if you know what i mean), so it rolls off the tongue easier for me. and how did i know you'd respond to me saying something about the french?
  14. Agreed. Not french actually, it's a direct translation of 'Face Shrine' into french, according to freetranslation.com...actually, i just checked it, and it's Spanish, not french. the french translation is something gay-sounding - stupid fag french. hadyn, check your pm box.
  15. Encare Relicario. That's the name of my piece, Aeth. I think that works. anyone speak french and know how to say it? =) who is this haydn dude, anyways? he's not in the member listing. i tried to pm him, and came up with nothing.
  16. well, now that you have given us such a definition as to what you want to do...do you have a song that might be similar in sound? just for a reference?
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