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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. Not sure what you mean. I don't use fruity LSD, just MIDI outs, and my MIDIs render fine. I also hear the output in the project. No offense, but that shouldn't happen. The website specificly says that because MIDI is post-FL in terms of sound card application, it doens't render in FL. Are you playing the MIDI into the computer? that might be the only way that I can think of that would cause that.
  2. You need to use a Fruity LSD - and set the port number on the MIDIs to the same port that the LSD is set to. Check the fruity website for more info - thats where I got the answer from when I was looking. http://www.fruityloops.com/ is the site. have fun with that one, kingchris.
  3. Larry: "My name is Binnie and I like Darkwing Duck and when I make a remix, it really SUCKS!" Binnie: "WHAT?!?" This is also the only place you can hear Fowl Jive LIVE 2K4, btw, so you have to get it. That is the greatest MP3 ever. Word, man. Word. KEEP THE BEAT rofl
  4. Took me a minute but I seem to have figured out copy and paste, so that should do. I'm not quite sure what you mean by the playlist thing. THe playlist is the part where all the arranging takes place. It is the screen where you place all the patterns in, whenever you want them to play. Now, if you do a short beat and you want to extend that particular beat, just putting several in a row on the playlist has the same effect as making one really long.
  5. Copy paste works pretty decent for some people. Other than that...you can kind of just make the beat short and bake a million of them onto the playlist thing.
  6. You need to link the controller to the pitch knob (or the volume ontrol, based on how you're doing the vibrato). Basically, you need the "basic sine LFO" to control what the pitch knob does. DO NOT make it hgue or it sounds nasty. Just setting up the controller doesn't work - you need to link it else its just a CPU eater and does nothing.d Or maybe i did it differently and i'm jsut an idiot. You decide. Have fun with this.
  7. Ok.. thanks. Keep in mind that whatever pattern you have open at that time is the one that the 'edit event' will occur on. Suggest maybe making a completely seperate pattern for your speed odjustment.
  8. Please. I get this everywhere. Its a signature, man - some of the guys over in UnMod tried to yell at me about it but one of the moderators chewed them out for it. just don't hate the face, man. look up mephisto - you'll see why. Just don't hate the face. Besides...would you rather have me or some loser who proliferates those things all over the place? I use them once a post - and anyways, if you feel like calling me out use a PM or an UnMod thread - not the fruity thread. I'm not trying to be cute, funny, or unique - that's just what i do. its what i've always done, and its what i will continue to do until i leave these forums. Subject closed.
  9. sorry about the double post - but i forgot to say that I'll adopt any n00b who needs help with fruity or basic muzikmaking in general. I'm classically trained but i've been writing trance, techno, jazz, orchestral, rave, hard rock, etc for years so i'll be able to give you some good teaching if you need it. in addition to helping on whatever project you want help on.
  10. yo, i didn't know this was in here. Name: Asmodeus, the Prophet of Mephisto Age: 18 Occupation: College student, part time at Wegmans food market and Houghton college Music Library Interests: I'm a sax major here at Houghton, i like music obviously, i like techno a lot. I also enjoy basketball and verbal sparring. I am willing to help people if they have a need for bass/effects programming as well as live vocals, saxophone, bass guitar, latin percussion. Have fun with that, everyone. ps - i know i'm not exactly a n00b - i've been around for a little while, but i'm close enough to get that distinction to some effect.
  11. I think so. You could do that, or just use Formula Controller to get it to work. Either should work. However, vibrato sounds a little better if you do it with volume, not as much as with pitch. I know its supposed to be pitch but it can sound funky if you don't get your length right.
  12. Close programs. Use less layers and extra stuff. Maybe your computer just sucks. I would say to close random crap programs that are sucking down your cpu usage. it happens to me once and a while - so do what you think is best. Its partially because FL hogs more memory than a fat man hogs space on a bench seat.
  13. so you're saying you don't like the idea of simply recording your MIDI and just importing as a MIDI file? well, if oyu don't want the easiest way to do it, then under the opening screen in FL you should be able to selsct your MIDI settings. Check under settings - there should be something in there about MIDI input - just make sure you've got the driver in your comp. have fun with that. my personal recomendation is to hack Finale of a sort and input it into there - its much nicer about inputs and such. then just save as a MIDI and import.
  14. Are there plans to master the volume levels? Binnie and Icy Guy are way too quiet I mean, who doesn't want to hear binnie loud and clear? every person's dream....
  15. I love the random drunk froshboy trying to deliver pizza. So what in FUCKING HELL were you thinking doing a 5.5 hour show? for gods sake - i've got cable and its taking like an hour to upload this stupid thing to my computer. for gods sakes, liontamer, what were you thinking? beides how much you wanted that drunk freshman's bud, that is.
  16. Assuming you mean chords, you need to know your original chords of the song that you're working on. Expirimentation really tends to help you find the chords yuo're looking for, but i think that i dont' understand your question very clearly. More when i get it.
  17. ... what? Do you mean "chords"? LOL. it seems that its official - Online noobspeak officially joins Ebonics as one of the newest languages taught in school.
  18. Good Gawd. 5.5 hour show? I gotta hear this.
  19. yea, the best one yet cause I'm a fag ROFL
  20. Well, the basic way that I would do that is simply using the Audio Clip channel in Fruity. Just plug that in, and use it liek you'd use a sampler. You could theoretically use a sampler also, but the AC is a lot more specialized. No Mp3s, though - it only takes OGG or WAV files. sry.
  21. Yes you can, you link one of it's LFOs to one of the voice's pitches in the modulation matrix. Easy (: oops..... wow, how did I miss THAT one? yeah...Prophet is a sad panda.... yeah. thanks, though, skullkrusha. thats helpful.
  22. Ok. I'm not going to get mad at you. I personally think that this is the exact opposite that you just described. As I listened to this, I found this to be one of the most exciting remixes on this website, on the order of Foray to the Western Horizens by mv, Ruined World by CotMM, or BrainSickMetal by Prot. The use of contrast, through the flashy, technical runs in the theme, all the way to the musicality that Noir exhibits throughout the entire piece really shows the a) skill of Noir b)arranging skill of Noir c)one of the most original and best arrangements that I've ever heard of a theme thats been overmixed and overworked by a variety of far less-skilled musicians and programmers. I give this piece my unqualified reccomendation...to the three or four people who actually care what I think.
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