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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. collabs are so annoying sometimes though. i always think they'll be awesome but then it's eight months later and some schmoe still hasn't recorded the t-pain vocals for the scuba divers track on FF4.
  2. and a good one, too! =D also heard an interesting idea from kat, looking forward to see where it goes. i've got about 2:30 on my wip for terra's bellybutton so that's coming along pretty good.
  3. thanks mok =D @OA i'd love to hear it! just hit me up with a wip and it's yours.
  4. i got about 45s into a wip of navel of the world before i had to go to work today, and it's sounding like something i'll want to keep going with. i've added it to the list. some great gems there for someone to pick up. dragon knight? prisoners of fate? island of the earth dragon? =)
  5. lizard dance is claimed with a wip. and a bomb-ass wip it is! @The Coop, i feel you man =D
  6. sounds great. lizard dance is a fun and unique tune that doesn't get enough recognition.
  7. cool and wiesty are locked in. i'll update the front page. we've got three slow tracks and none fast, so let's get something for that soon =D
  8. @Esperado send them over! i'd love to hear the best ones you've got.
  9. hey @The Coop, feel free to work up a wip and send it my way. i would love to hear it. it's still up for grabs until then. @Kat, give it a shot! even if it isn't super good, maybe i can help out and collab on it. you can't explore and improve without going for it. @Wiesty, i would love to have you, man!
  10. dungeon of the endless, distant star: revenant fleet, and halcyon 6 might be of interest to you.
  11. edit: we're done! =D PROGRESS: 28/28 tracks finished! i've always wanted to get back to the game that got me into remixing, and for the past six months or so, i've found myself listening to this soundtrack again more heavily as i have gotten back into writing music again. mitsuda's work on this album is timeless - the unique sound he created for CC is so consistently represented in these tracks that it's always apparent when you hear a song from the soundtracks. notably, his use of the arpeggiated minor 9th chord comes back again and again and never fails to inspire and move me. similar to the Link's Awakening project i directed, i'm interested in using a defined genre element for this project. ideally i'm thinking 20-25 tracks on a total of two discs - half fast/intense and half slow/languid. genre ideas for the first one would be faster rock, edm, or even intense film-style classical. genre ideas for the second would be chillstep, solo piano, groove, etc. the CC soundtrack combines some really fun and funky upbeat tracks with elements of mixed meter and ethnic instrumentation with some incredibly beautiful, more relaxed tunes that thrive on realistic articulation and great performances of solo instrumentation. i want to reflect both aspects of the game as clearly as possible. note that i have no problem with the same tune being on both discs - i would love two versions of the same tune as long as they're heavily different and unique takes on the theme, one faster and one slower. also please note that i'm interested in sticking with an even number of tracks per disc - i'd like to not have 15 fast and 5 slow, for example, so when you note that you're interested in a track, please say which disc it might be on. since there's enough interest, i'll expand past 10 tracks/disc, but i still want to keep them roughly even. here's a tracklist. note that i've marked some songs as being repeats, arranged versions of the original, or just noise tracks - i've taken them out. 67 original tracks minus 12 repeats/arranges leaves us with 55 possible tracks. i'm leaving weirder or non-melodic ones like Grief and Fortress of Ancient Dragons on here because, honestly, i'd love to hear a remix of grief done well =) and now that Ophanin took it, you will! i'd encourage you to pick tracks that aren't super popular like Scars of Time and Frozen Flame, but of course would accept WiPs for those too. there's a lot of gems on this soundtrack that have never been remixed and i'd prefer to focus on them if possible. UPDATED: we're done, so there's no more room for music =D to reserve a track, contact me first! let me know what style you want to do and what track, and i'll let you know if it's something that should fit within my vision for the project. if i give you the go-ahead, a WiP or demo of what you want to do reserves it. all tracks are fair game until i've heard your vision realized. if i get a few of the same one, i'll determine which one we'll stick with. black is available, red is taken, green is done, gray is cut due to similarities with other tracks. [Disc 1] 1. "Chrono Cross ~ Scars of Time ~" (CHRONO CROSS ~時の傷痕~) 2:29 - claimed by @Tuberz McGee and @prophetik music 2. "Between Life and Death" (死線) 2:38 3. "Arni Village - Home World" (アルニ村 ホーム) 3:23 - taken by @VGPianoMan, finished 4. "Fields of Time - Home World" (時の草原 ホーム・ワールド) 3:26 - taken by @Earth Kid, finished 5. "Lizard Dance" (トカゲと踊れ) 2:41 - taken by @evktalo, finished 6. "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory ~" (回想 〜消せない想い〜) 3:25 - taken by @Jorito, finished x2! 7. "On the Beach of Dreams - Another World" (夢の岸辺に アナザー・ワールド) 2:22 - taken by @The Coop, finished 8. "Arni Village - Another World" (アルニ村 アナザー) 3:32 <- Mostly same as D1S03 "Arni Village - Home World" 9. "Ephemeral Memory" (うたかたの想い) 2:51 - taken by @OA, @Scaredsim, and @prophetik music, finished 10. "Lost Fragment" (失われた欠片) 3:12 <- Mostly same as D1S01 "Chrono Cross ~ Scars of Time" 11. "Drowned Valley" (溺れ谷) 2:00 - taken by @prophetik music, finished 12. "Termina - Another World" (テルミナ アナザー) 2:43 - taken by @Jorito and @Earth Kid, finished 13. "Departed Souls" (去りにし者ども) 3:43 - taken by @prophetik music, finished 14. "Forest of Illusion" (影切りの森) 3:25 - taken by @noTuX, finished 15. "Viper Manor" (蛇骨館) 2:54 16. "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring ~" (勝利 ~春の贈り物~) 0:56 - taken by @Hylian Lemon, finished 17. "A Child Lost in Time" (時の迷い子) 3:24 18. "Guldove - Another World" (ガルドーブ アナザー) 3:26 19. "Hydra's Swamp" (ヒドラの沼) 3:10 20. "Fragment of a Dream" (夢のかけら) 1:35 <- Music box version of D3S15 "Radical Dreamers ~ Unstolen Jewel" 21. "Voyage - Another World" (航海 アナザー・ワールド) 2:32 22. "Ghost Ship" (幽霊船) 2:00 23. "Death Volcano" (死炎山) 3:39 - taken by @prophetik music and Tacorina of Time, finished 24. "Fortress of Ancient Dragons" (古龍の砦) 3:54 25. "Grief" (悲愴) 0:20 - taken by @Ophanin, finished [Disc 2] 1. "Beginning of a Dream" (夢のはじまり) 0:42 2. "A Narrow Space Between Dimensions" (次元の狭間) 2:47 - taken by @Steven Melin, finished 3. "Termina - Home World" (テルミナ ホーム) 3:38 4. "Dragon Knight" (龍の騎士) 3:01 5. "Voyage - Home World" (航海 ホーム・ワールド) 3:22 6. "Guldove - Home World" (ガルドーブ ホーム) 3:58 - taken by @OA, finished 7. "Marbule - Home World" (マブーレ ホーム) 2:55 - taken by @Jorito and @Earth Kid 8. "Zelbess" (ゼルベス) 2:42 9. "The Splendidly Grand Magic Troupe" (天晴驚愕大奇術団) 1:31 10. "Nap" (まどろみ) 0:13 11. "Chronomantique" (クロノマンティーク) 3:18 <- Mostly same as D1S04 "Fields of Time - Home World" 12. "Dilemma" (窮地) 2:47 13. "Optimism" (楽天) 2:19 14. "Isle of the Dead" (亡者の島) 3:11 15. "Dead Sea/Tower of Destruction" (死海・滅びの塔) 3:10 16. "Prisoners of Fate" (運命に囚われし者たち) 3:26 - taken by @Ophanin, finished 17. "A Light for Lost Hopes" (あらかじめ失われし、ともしび) 0:32 18. "Island of the Earth Dragon" (土龍の島) 3:16 19. "Navel of the World" (世界のへそ) 2:59 - taken by @prophetik music, finished 20. "Gale" (疾風) 2:00 21. "Victory ~ A Cry in Summer ~" (勝利 ~夏の呼び声~) 0:53 <- Mostly same as D1S16 "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring" 22. "Marbule - Another World" (マブーレ アナザー) 3:00 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves" 23. "Magic from the Fairies" (妖精のくれた魔法) 0:13 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves" 24. "Etude 1" (エチュード1) 0:12 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves" 25. "Etude 2" (エチュード2) 0:14 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves" 26. "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves ~" (MAGICAL DREAMERS ~風と星と波と~) 2:02 [Disc 3] 1. "Garden of God" (神の庭) 2:45 - taken by @prophetik music, janna mckinley, and @Cyril the Wolf, finished 2. "Chronopolis" (クロノポリス) 4:12 - taken by @bLiNd, finished 3. "Fate ~ The God of Destiny ~" (FATES ~運命の神~) 3:10 4. "Jellyfish Sea" (海月海) 2:55 - taken by @avaris, finished 5. "Burning Orphanage" (炎の孤児院) 2:44 6. "The Girl Who Stole the Stars" (星を盗んだ少女) 3:48 - taken by @Wiesty, finished 7. "The Dream that Time Dreams" (時のみる夢) 4:01 8. "Dragon's Prayer" (龍の祈り) 5:37 - taken by @prophetik music, finished 9. "Terra Tower" (星の塔) 2:26 10. "Frozen Flame" (凍てついた炎) 2:54 - taken by @Ophanin, finished 11. "Dragon God" (龍神) 3:21 12. "Dark Realms of Time" (時の闇にて) 0:42 <- Just noise 13. "Life ~ A Distant Promise ~" (生命 ~遠い約束~) 6:32 - taken by @prophetik music, janna mckinley, and @Cyril the Wolf, finished 14. "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory ~" (回想 ~消せない想い~) 1:39 <- Mostly same as D1S06 "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory" 15. "Radical Dreamers ~ Unstolen Jewel ~" (RADICAL DREAMERS ~盗めない宝石~) 4:25 - taken by @DragonAvenger and @prophetik music, finished 16. "Fragment of a Dream" (夢のかけら) 2:00 <- Music box version of D3S13 "Life ~ A Distant Promise" things i'll still need: release mirrors, when the time comes website design and hosting - @Jorito! some artwork would be nice! CC has some incredible visuals that would be great to capture. alternatively, some screenshots from the game would be cool too - DeviantArt and Reddit came through for this! i will look into a forum area we can work out of in order to be more organized, but ideally we'll use a private ocr forum section - nah, everyone was too quick in terms of expectations, please note that while i don't expect you to burn out a track in two weeks, i will not accept extended absences without you at least telling me what's going on. my goal for every project i work on is to discharge my obligations as quickly as possible, and i will expect that you're actively working on your track to get it completed within a reasonable amount of time. i personally have no issue filling in gaps where they appear so i can always pick up the slack where it appears. i've got two small children and limited time to work on music, but i'll make sure to do my best to be just as prompt and active in managing this as i am expecting you as a remixer to be in your writing. let's work together and create something really special. remix list (subject to change): disc 1: FROZEN (slow) 1. "Departed Souls" [prophetik] 2. "On the Beach of Dreams" [the coop] 3. "The Girl Who Stole the Stars" [wiesty] 4. "Ephemeral Memory" [OA, Scaredsim, and prophetik] 5. "Forest of Illusion" [noTux] 6. "Jellyfish Sea" [avaris] 7. "Grief" [Ophanin] 8. "Prisoners of Fate" [Ophanin] 9. "Chronopolis" [bLiNd] 10. "Radical Dreamers" [DragonAvenger, Chris ~ Amaterasu, and prophetik] 11. "A Narrow Space Between Dimensions" [Steven Melin] 12. "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory" [Jorito] 13. "Fields of Time - Home World" [Earth Kid] 14. "Radical Dreamers" (alt) [Chris ~ Amaterasu and prophetik] disc 2: FLAME (fast) 1. "Lizard Dance" [evktalo] 2. "Navel of the World" [prophetik music] 3. "Dragon's Prayer" [prophetik music] 4. "Drowned Valley" [prophetik music] 5. "Arni Village - Home World" [Steven Melin] 6. "Guldove - Home World" [OCU] 7. "Life ~ A Distant Promise" and "Garden of Gods" (alt) [prophetik, cyril the wolf, and JohnStacy] 8. "Frozen Flame [Ophanin] 9. "Scars of Time" [Tuberz McGee and prophetik] 10. "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring" [Hylian Lemon] 11. "Life ~ A Distant Promise" and "Garden of Gods" [prophetik, cyril the wolf, and janna mckinley] 12. "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory" (alt) [Jorito, JoyDreamer] 13. "Death Volcano" [prophetik and Tacorina of Time] 14. "Another Termina" [Jorito and Earth Kid]
  12. i'm in! a reminder - make your 'list' of stuff unique and fun! it's cool to just get whatever you say you want, but it's more cool to say a bunch of weird stuff and then get something really interesting or fun or unique or creative. i gave flexstyle a vinyl album, some artisan hot chocolate, and cans of a hard-to-find soda last year. not much gaming but still a fun thing to do. i'd never have done that if he hadn't had crazy stuff on his wishlist =)
  13. thanks man! it was a ton of fun to build. i never get to do more interesting builds like this so it was a cool experience. i'm glad i talked him into it =P
  14. here's a bump. i did a build for a member of ocr who said i could post pictures! so here's a few =) this was a small form-factor build with a really reasonable price point considering the hardware in there. it's got something wonky with the in-Windows temp sensor so the BIOS reports it correctly but hwmonitor doesn't, but it appears to be idling at 24c (75F, in a 67F room) and under max CPU load and heat stress stays below 40c. really incredible machine, considering how quiet it is. just doing the burn-in and then it's ready to ship. the specs: cpu: i5-6600 graphics card: gtx 1060 mobo: ga-h170n-wifi ram: g.skill 1x8gb ddr4 2400 ssd: kingston 240gb hdd: wd blue 1tb psu: corsair cx600 cpu cooler: h60 odd: asus dvd-rw case: corsair obsidian 250d os: W10 can i take a few minutes and talk about this case? this case is incredible for the price (85$). it's so well thought-out. so much room for wire routing, so many little nooks to stash stuff, and the fans it comes with are easily 30$ worth up front. i mean, look at how open this is! for a mini-itx case, having this much room to work with is fantastic. it also is well designed to keep each major component in its own thermal zone. the psu draws and vents directly outside the case with no internal air used. the gfx card can do that as well with an EE-type card, but even this one mostly draws and vents directly outside the case. and that little notch in the ODD tray? that's to allow for gfx card power plugs to fit in there easily, so you don't have to pull the ODD tray to take out a long card. so simple, so effective. another QOL thing - there's a notch by the P4 connector to allow you to route that cable behind the motherboard easier, so you don't have a big stray cable right there. the front panel cords are 3x as long as they need to be to allow for routing as well. and - probably the coolest part of the design - it's made so that the psu and hdd bays are externally accessible, so you don't need to climb into the case to access either. so nice for the price, easily the most fun working on this case that i've ever done. and it fits in the tiny case form factor! here it is with the cpu cooler in the wrong spot. i had some issues getting that in there along with the ODD - i wanted the pipes to go up, but they interfere with the ODD, and then i wanted them like this, but it blocks both RAM slots then. i wound up with them down, which creates the possibility of air bubbles within the pipes, but this should be fine. these close-loop systems rarely have issues with air and i couldn't hear bubbles after several minutes listening with a stethoscope for cavitation. note the size of the gfx card, up for comparison. it's almost the exact length of the inside of the case here's a pic with everything in. look at how clean the sight lines are for the center of the case. there's one cable - the USB3 cable, which i couldn't hide thanks to the mobo design - and that's it. also note the gfx power (yellow/black on bottom right) in that slot. really nice design there. a final shot of it all buttoned up. again, look at those sight lines. a nice psu (or one with individually sleeved cables) and some cold cathodes and this design is a work of art, hiding all the junk but leaving a ton of view space. a size comparison. i have a fairly small wallet. this case is really freaking tiny. hanging out with my gaming system, server, and music pc. i swear those cords are normally hidden.
  15. them rhodes tho! nice to see you making new stuff, caio, thanks for sharing =)
  16. we drag each other down so much that it wouldn't be a huge change =P
  17. so, revise your expectations. you'll get your ass kicked for, like, a year, and then you might be somewhat below average. the thing is, it's ok! it's all just learning systems and how to apply them...there's so much to learn though. my username in game is currently "i buy movespeed", and we're still friends on skype. just hit me up at some point and i'll explain some basics.
  18. hey mike, you're welcome to join us in lol =D i'd love to have someone else to play with!
  19. it's 1155, so you're restricted to 2xxx and 3xxx Intel CPUs. that might be a bonus, though, as they're cheap second-hand (overclock.net is my resource for that kind of thing). the case and PSU are more than enough for anything that's CPU only and maybe an HDD. it ran 2x HDD, 1x SSD, and a 2100T as a Plex server and XBMC box without any hassle when i had it in that case. you'd need to make sure you have enough room for a normal PSU if that's the route you go.
  20. i am selling the following: ASRock H67M-ITX motherboard - LGA 1155 motherboard, mini-ITX, SATA3/USB3 compatible with HDMI. APEVIA X-FIT-200 mini-ITX case - Mini-ITX case, about the size of a shoebox. picoPSU 120 plus adapter - 120w PSU perfect for media servers or other setups using only a few components 25$ each. this was a media server i had for a long time and only recently upgraded from. it was able to handle any .mkv i gave it in direct play or Plex with just an i3-2100T CPU and low-power fan. i had a blu-ray drive, a 3tb HDD, and an SSD in it. if you want that config you'd need a spare SATA power extender which i'll give you for free.
  21. wait, kwix, you still play? haven't seen you on in ages. i guess we play at different times.
  22. my kids are in bed by 7pm every night. i usually hang out with my wife till 9ish, and then play games until 1130. it's not six hours in a row like college...but i haven't done that since i was married, since i like my wife and would prefer she stay my wife. i never really gamed during the day while my wife was awake anyways, so it's not like i lost much. kids hamper social outings, since you've got less time that they're awake to do things during the week. they don't hamper tend to my gaming much.
  23. i've bounced around a lot since college, and honestly the only place i consistently met a few people i could be friends with was at our church, which we're pretty involved with. we've been in rochester for probably 3.5 years now but i don't think i'd say i have more than maybe four friends total that i'm really into spending time with consistently who are local, and the age ranges are from 24-33 as a 30yo guy, and they're all from church. i've got coworkers my age but they're no more than acquaintences. i've found i don't have as much time for friends as i used to thanks to kids, so i value more spending time with people i care about rather than tons of shallow interactions. we'll meet a couple and have dinner together once or twice, but to be honest we're pretty picky with who we care to spend our time with at this point i just would rather spend time with my wife than most other people. imo, playing games isn't a great way to get to know someone. a mutual interest in games is definitely a foundation for a friendship, but it's hard to get to know someone during a mentally intense game. if you don't mind me asking, where in western ny are you? we've lived in a lot of areas in W/CNY over the last eight years so i bet we were near you at some point. send me a pm if you don't want to say it here, i browsed your website but didn't see a town name. bardicknowledge, oa, and a few others play league several nights a week. you can add me when you get a chance, my current name is "i buy movespeed". we just use skype to talk during games. there's an ocr clan too but no one's ever online who's in it.
  24. hey, i didn't even have myself logged in and happened to see my thread up top =D a few notes: you've got all this fancy hardware but no cpu cooler. since you've mentioned overclocking, i'd expect you know the value of a good cpu cooler. make sure you get one. i still go back to the hyper 212 but whatever works. no case picked out? may i recommend a favorite - the corsair carbide air 540. unique layout, really is nice. for the mobos, the form factor doesn't really matter if it's got the plugs you want. imo, though, go with the 6600k and better board. it's a lot of money later to upgrade and you are already spending most everything, just don't buy coffee for a few weeks and that's the balance. i didn't look at your picks but i'm sure they're fine, i use a gigabyte board right now but haven't ever bought a performance msi board yet. i have a 970 and it's pretty dope at 1440p, so the 1070s can only be better. i prefer msi but their cards aren't really available. if you can get a 1070 made by msi, do it. otherwise evga'd be my backup. ssds are hands-down the samsung 950's ball. if you can get m2 with your board, you might as well do it, else 2.5" is fine too. that psu appears to be fine for this build, but doesn't really allow for any future-proofing down the line as your capacitors age. that build looks like it pulls 375-400w from the wall (estimated) before any efficiency is factored in. the G2s are gold certified, which is 88-90% efficiency iirc, so your build'd go around 450w from the wall the first year. it doesn't much allow, however, for overclocking headroom or future cap depreciation (5%ish of max power per year, or so, depending on usage). i'd go with at least 600w, probably 650w, since that puts your draw right in the 50-75% sweet spot that PSUs work their best in.
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