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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. thanks for the extra advice, andy. honestly i'm not going to take this to court. IF they contact me through mail or phone, i'll just take the site down. i don't think that they're real, though, so we'll see what happens.
  2. ...and there goes the joke, right out the window. hence why i said he was a goon who wouldn't look it up =) it's the same person, and part of why i think it's a scam. anyways, i think dusk nailed it. not the same industry, so not the same issue. where's wacky when i need an asshole lawyer to piss on someone?
  3. email thread follows: -------- -------- --------- ---------- --------------- ----------------- now. i know that bioware vs. mojang got dealt with before trial. i brought it up because this guy seems like a moron and i think he's a failtrain. i also know that my artist name here is prophetik, but he's not asking about OCR. he's asking about my site, which is clearly marked as the music of Brad Burr, not the music of prophetik. the word prophetik never appears without the word music after it. do i need to be worried about this? there's a lot of inconsistencies here that make me think that the answer is no, but i figured i'd let you guys who actually know what you're talking about tell me whether or not i need to worry. thanks =)
  4. loved the movie. i'm not a comics guy but i still think it's awesome seeing some of the guys i recognize from cartoons and the like when i was a kid. also who can complain about scarlett in a bodysuit?
  5. i lolled a bit too derrit. try me again sometime zero, i think you'd be surprised. i more get frustrated with blatant idiocy (like the four-AP carry team) or software failures than with being outplayed. the worst that can happen is i do bad, which doesn't happen near as often anymore =)
  6. no, don't do raid unless you're talking about four or five drives. waste of money otherwise when a simple backup program like cobian can do it easy. think easy for now and upgrade later. just pick one or two drives and roll with it. i cover the basics of raid in my guide in my sig, but let's put it this way - in all my builds, i've done raid arrays twice. one was a twenty-drive array with five backups, and one was a ten with five backups. there's almost always a better solution for small-time stuff.
  7. instalock ap trist, ww in jungle instalock, vares bot, i play morde top. what does the fifth player lock with five seconds left? gragas. guess who goes 0-0-30 "for the gold"? gragas. guess who decides to go AP ww? also guess who refuses to surrender after giving up fifteen kills in ten minutes? not this guy! and when i comment on how bad the comp is, gragas says, "wait, morde is ap?" and truly means it. RAGE i've been playing mummy top lately and really enjoying it. he's a real damage dealer depending on how you build him, and with my build (abyssal/rylais/guardian angel/eleisa's miracle/spellpen boots/wota) he heals a ton as well as being very mobile. i've gotten first blood several times and he farms well. it's particularly nice being able to nab blue all the time from them if i'm top purple.
  8. i would buy an external hard drive case and an internal hard drive like the wd caviar. i don't buy externals premade any more. a good example is this combined with this.
  9. on infiltrator, it's great, but since the engineer can't cloak to run away...yeah, it doesn't work as well.
  10. the trick is twofold. 1. max your turret for damage, not babysitting. 2. never use hunter mode. i didn't even skill into hunter mode, since while it's a nice dps upgrade it's not as good as having that extra shield and health bonuses. triple arc on overload, loads of hp, max damage turret, maxed out force bonuses (for turret dps).
  11. edi in this game is likely my favorite character. so i did my first gold over the weekend - well, we did it twice before we had to break up the team. we had my geth engineer (geth shotty and smg), a geth infiltrator (geth shotty and viper, which he was incredible with) as a team, and a turian sentinel with a scimitar and geth smg and a salarian engineer with a widow III as a team. absurd. we did geth on the cerberus facility map from the demo (starts you on a platform outside next to a shuttle). the salarian and the turian were in the console room down on the left side, and we were outside. it was literally easier than any silver i've ever done. the only thing we had to worry about were a few hunters occasionally who'd close in, but between my geth turret and infiltrator/hunter-mode charged shotgun blasts, we were pretty much fine. it was awesome because i could use my turret to shoot into the room where the other team was at to assist-magnet and help their shields out occasionally. it was hairy once when we had to go occupy an area, but we had so much burst damage - since everyone had overload with double jumps except the infiltrator, and we spammed the crap out of it - it was over with pretty quick. i think the most times we went down was like three or four? we got a five rounds survived one run. we got 72k gold per run, and each run took about 27-29m. considering it was the 99k spectre pack this week, i'd say that was pretty solid.
  12. so the first time i played through this game, i didn't have the spell that brings you back to life after you die, and i fought that boss at the tower that kills everyone at the end of the battle, and i died. so the second time through, rather than going to get that spell, everyone in my party only used the steal-mana attacks. took forever, but since a creature dies when it's out of mana...i won and didn't die.
  13. vanguard on the lower difficulties is hilarious - you can solo geth pretty easy (they're the only one with no instakills) once you've got the 100% shield regen for biotic charge. upper difficulties against anything but geth get kind of annoying though. they're good at taking out isolated phantoms, but since both the atlas and phantom and both the brute and banshee can instakill you, it makes it hard to do much in those on silver or gold unless you're really careful about where you charge (which takes the fun out of it). honestly, i think instakills should be replaced with just really damaging attacks. why a sword can kill a krogan is beyond me, but i'd much rather have those just do a lot of damage to allow for vanguards to actually be viable on upper difficulties. they're totally worthless on gold, and only in specific situations on silver. same with sentinals and soldiers - they just don't have the supports to do damage on those difficulties, and just get gibbed repeatedly except against geth.
  14. i wanted to say just how great a job luiza and stevo did on this one. i literally had to do almost nothing to fit into the awesome track they had already put together =)
  15. terrible timing, as i'll be moving to a new place soon and don't have access to my music computer during the week, but i will probably try to contribute nonetheless.
  16. beta =) the reason it sold out was because it's supposed to be a stress test...it'll go back on sale soon enough, i'm sure.
  17. kroguard *must* have the 100% shield recharge on biotics, and needs to carry only a disciple or a handgun for maximum recharge time. i'm charging every four seconds or less and spending literally the rest of the time meleeing (completely maxed out melee damage, try to find a melee damage amp for your gun as well) trying to get into rage mode for the extra damage ignorance. even phantoms on silver and later can be killed with a charge and a heavy melee while they're stunned, and against primes and atlases you just keep charging shit and meleeing. when it gets really rough, use your barrier (sparingly, since it increases recharge time) for the extra 25% damage ignoring. don't even put points into carnage. it's a worthless skill for his skillset. if you don't, you can max the other trees completely. basically you play like the krogans do in ME2 - they get in close and tear you to shreds.
  18. i'll test this out. i can definitely have a few spare columns in the test sheet, so hopefully this works. thanks man =)
  19. i was using a pistol with the melee damage amp on it, and that works well. it gives me a bit of range too, which is all i really wanted. got a geth engineer and infiltrator right away, as well as a krogan sentinel and a turian soldier. the engineer is super good - that turret is flat-out broken - and with the geth shotty is just so awesome. too bad he's so squish once you get through his shields - makes nemeses really dangerous again. the infiltrator...i don't know. salarian infiltrator's energy drain really adds a lot to the character. as cool as hunter mode is, a grenade on silver can almost kill you from full strength when it's on, so i don't know how viable that is. that said, i soloed my first dual atlas spawn on silver with my kroguard, and it was super hilarious. if it weren't for the 1-hit KO moves that seemingly occur randomly, i'd be using kroguard basically all the time. edit: i'd love love love to do some gold next weekend with OCR folks. i don't get back on my box until friday night or saturday morning, but if anyone's up for it, send me a message on Live and i'm in. i've got a level 20 of all engineers and infiltrators, and level 18 or 19 kroguard and asariguard. i'm working on leveling up the heavy guys now, starting with krogan/turian sentinel.
  20. i was always a gamer when i was playing through FFVII and VIII, but i think that chrono cross was really the big one that brought me over the fence to being amazed at what my little PSone could do the summer before my senior year. that and middle school's pokemon blue (and my clear purple gameboy that i got with it!) are probably the two games that really brought me into the next dimension of gaming. the first game that i played where i realized i was really a crazy, hardcore gamer, however, was halo on the xbox. i just couldn't stop playing - multiplayer, single player, even just watching was enough. i couldn't get too much when i first dove in. i'm not as nuts about PvP shooters anymore, but branching into RPGs on the PS2 and then into every genre i could get my hands on with the 360 has certainly broadened my scope.
  21. have a multi-worksheet file that i'm working with that includes several report worksheets and one data worksheet. I need to be able to copy-paste a large amount of exported data into the data worksheet and have it auto-populate onto the other worksheets. because of this, i need a formula that can be put solely on the destination sheets and not on the data sheet. i cannot use a macro as they're restricted on my client's machine. it must be a formula. column B in the data worksheet is a list of names with multiple duplicates and blanks. i can remove the blanks and alphabetize if required pre-entry. here's an example: Last Name, First Name: WXXXXXX, CHRISTOPHER WXXXXXX, CHRISTOPHER WXXXXXX, CHRISTOPHER WXXXXXX, CHRISTOPHER WXXXXXX, CHRISTOPHER WXXXXXX, CHRISTOPHER WYYYYYY, REBECCA WYYYYYY, REBECCA TXXXXXX, YI-WEN i need this list to pull as follows: WXXXXXX, CHRISTOPHER WYYYYYY, REBECCA TXXXXXX, YI-WEN etc. the list will continue to grow as things get more complex. i think a pivot table may work, but i'd have to build seperate tables per month. a formula would be much easier. i've tried using some match-based formulas i've found on the web, but they simply don't pull correctly cross-worksheet. assume that column B on the data worksheet is the names, starting at B3 and continuing indefinitely. also please assume that the output starts at B11 and continues for thirty lines. is this possible? i think i spent two hours this morning trying to beat square formulas into my round requirement hole, but i just can't seem to get them to work.
  22. i got a krogan vanguard with my first 99k pack. i use a disciple with it. i don't do much shotgun damage, but who cares? melees hit like a tank and you headbutt people. i'm doing that over shooting stuff. i'm still really enjoying the salarian infiltrator, which is a ridiculous class when you come down to it. you've got no hp or shields - but you can cloak forever, kill most non-gold characters with a headshot including stasis'd phantoms, you can kill a bronze or (sometimes) silver atlas in three shots with a widow, and you've got energy drain for when you take any damage at all. i can't solo bronze very efficiently like you can with a vanguard or soldier, but i can be a better fourth man than just about any other class merely because of the dps support i can do. are the other infiltrators like that?
  23. angry comment! so the geth engineer is basically game-breakingly good. i spent ten minutes trying to find a game in gold as a L20 infiltrator or L20 engineer because either we'd have someone who was L15/overall level <30 trying to get in with L1 weapons, or i'd get kicked because i wasn't a geth engineer. suuuuuper annoying. that said, promoting is dumb. why lose your level 20 character if all it means is that you have to re-raise that class all over again? to respec? i'd rather waste a respec powers bonus than have to re-train a class all over again.
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