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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. to a point, i agree with 27 or so being the ideal soloqueue area. that and 5-man teams are pretty much as good as it gets for competitive LoL.
  2. this is correct, for normals. basically, it tries to balance the average elo fo your team with the average of the other team. so you could end up on a team of all 1400, or all 800 where you're 1400, and it's balanced with what the other team's elo is. for ranked, there is no adjustment after the placement matches. you're slotted in your ELO until you leave it. edit: and, yes, elo hell is clearly there. i have games where i'm going 13-4-10 as morde - basically a hypercarry - and we're still getting absolutely HOSED in games because bottom lane feeds so hard. it's most frustrating as a jungler - lanes invariably push all the way to the enemy towers, and then teammates complain that i never gank. or, as a top in a 2v1 situation, where my team complains because i keep getting dove under towers. i had a 1-4-5 morde game that was a surrender at 20 because we were losing 25-8, and they blamed me for feeding when i was against a fiora (120ad at l2) and they had a fiddles that literally just sat in gankbush and feared me every time i walked out of tower range. i had top farm and most gold for the game DESPITE that. meanwhile our bot lane was diving at level 2 and got double-killed by the other team's vayne a total of seven times by 15 minutes, with one kill and one assist to show for it. it's that kind of unawareness about what's going on in games that frustrates me even more than people who are bad at their champs. worst part is that this is at 1200 ELO, which is where i am sitting right around now. i have been fluctuating between 1175 and 1125 for ages, and i just can't get a team that doesn't have a randomizer, a troll, a failure of a comp, or a leaver. my last eight ranked games have featured five leavers and two randomlocks (we won a 4v5 anyways). that's TERRIBLE. ranked leavers need to be punished, and they're not, any more than other leavers. it's so frustrating.
  3. elo hell is cool if everyone is just bad. but purposeful idiocy? that's what i don't understand.
  4. just did two ranked games to finish my night. first game, we had a graves give up three deaths by the first ten minutes and then ragequit, so that game was over. second game, not one but two people instalocked random players they hadn't played before, and went a combined 5-23-15. what encourages that kind of assholery? it's completely worthless, and i lost 60 elo as a result of getting pounded first in a fed 4v5 situation and then as a result of morons randoming characters they'd never seen. and you know those games won't be forgiven, either, because that would make sense. i even said "i don't understand. what's the fun in getting annihilated because you don't know your character?" and he told me to screw off and to go outside more because i must be an internet nerd or something.
  5. for reference: -thunderbolt isn't offered as an upgrade phone for verizon currently. i'd have to get it special. -incredible 2 is free (LOL) -rezound is 50$ in terms of 4g, the only ones under 50$ are the bionic, rezound, and charge, and the next one up is the spectrum, razr, and droid 4 at 149 per. looks like the incredible 2 and the rezound are the frontrunners currently. should i go with the better network speed with the rezound and futureproof myself, or go with an incredible 2 and get proven quality but not the top-end stuff i might need in two years? edit: as i'm looking more, i like the rezound more and more. less than half the radiation, 1280x720 screen, bigger battery than incredible or thunderbolt (bionic is much bigger), etc. i might get the i2 for the wife since it'll be 50$ for her, but i haven't decided. right now, though, rezound is looking super boss for super cheap. edit 2: rezound is a 150$ off deal until tonight at midnight...we'll see what The Lady says when i talk to her later.
  6. i'm super excited about the geth classes. sound like they're going to be pretty awesome.
  7. sure i will. that's one of the current verizon prices - 100$, and i get 50$ off. from doug: so it looks like i'm adding the rezound to the list, and possibly the thunderbolt (gotta check current prices). any other ideas?
  8. hi everyone. it's almost time to turn in my venerable original Droid for a new phone. i would love some recommendations about good replacements. i am on verizon and am fine with the service and price of the plan i'm on (unlimited data! although i'd probably go with a 1 or 2 gig plan if i can't have unlimited). things that are important -functional. my droid constantly hangs and sits, even after stripping almost everything off of it. this is problematic when the two things i use it for the most is messaging/calling and gps navigation. -actually a decent phone. the droid's call quality and antennae strength was far worse than on my wife's free feature phone. not good. also battery strength was weak at best. -durable. the droid is a nice little brick with a good cover on it. i have never had an issue with the durability of the screen or body. i don't want something that's not able to be knocked around a bit. -not a tablet. i need a phone, not a computer. it has to fit in my pocket. -price. i don't want to spend insane amounts of cash if i can avoid it. preferably under a hundred dollars, but i'll go 150$ if it's super amazing AND brand new. things that aren't important -modding or rooting. don't care. if i want to root something i'll play with my modded consoles. -insane crazy app support. i like apps, obviously, but i'm not one of those guys that needs everything. the only ones i use on my phone right now are gps, google reader, TFLN, an eve online integration thingie, and a clock. i don't need more than that. i was thinking of either the iphone 4, samsung stratosphere, or the droid bionic - all 50$ new. thoughts? for reference, i've got a 50$ credit towards a phone, and i think that goes up if i wait the full two years, so that gives you a guesstimate as to what price range i'm looking at.
  9. REVISIONISTS REJOICE! ars and others are reporting a free DLC that adds additional cutscenes and end-game interaction to the game as a whole, to better elucidate us on the acid trip the original devs were on. who knows what will come from it, but it can't be as bad as the original. and no, the original ending wasn't 'controversial'. it was terrible, rife with plot holes and completely ignoring the investment of the users. i'd have been fine with a well-done tragic ending. this was not that, and just because it's cool to make fun of the mainstream opinion doesn't automatically mean that the ending was actually well-done and we're all just rose-colored assholes.
  10. i told him to put that there =) i write for hawtwired occasionally.
  11. not at all! it means that they actually intended the ending to end that way. like, it wasn't some horrid fever dream or mass acid trip or something. like, after all that incredible storytelling and worldbuilding, they actually wanted it to end with that barfbag of an ending.
  12. JUST WHEN IT COULDN'T GET ANY WORSE http://hawtwired.com/blogs/industrynews/archive/2012/03/30/1029.aspx AGRAGRAGRAGRAGRAGRA
  13. dom is good people. i own the album already, but i donated.
  14. i'm really enjoying xiii-2, actually. but honestly - dlc takes forever to finish and then get approved. you know that they had to be working on it before release if it gets released before june.
  15. i played a game against her where she absolutely facerolled our top lane and was 4-0-1...and then fell way off and finished 7-8-9. she's able to solo, which is cool, but she's far superior as a support with her CC, shield, magical fairy thingie, and ult.
  16. i like how they did it, too - they didn't reduce her ability to punch you in the mouth and heal off of it - they just prevented her from going from 25% hp to 100% hp in a few minutes of autoattacking with no items, like it used to be.
  17. as someone who doesn't like apple much at all, i have to admit that their ipods are top notch in build quality and usability. i use my phone (droid) occasionally, but my ipod classic 80g is my tool of choice for rawk on the road. i have had it since christmas 2007, and never regretted spending the extra money on it. i don't mind itunes. it doesn't give me every option i want, and it handles artist names strangely (i wish if i selected artist A that it'd give me all music by them, even if it's artist A feat. artist B, like how realjukebox used to work eight years ago), and sometimes it duplicates albums. as a whole, though, it works pretty darn well and i don't mind it.
  18. i love how he's leaving but he keeps coming back. i also like how he's getting more mature and therefore has to leave ocr behind. butthurt much? for laughs, i read this out loud with a snooty british accent and it's absolutely perfect. so classy.
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