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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. you can move any item to a different slot simply by dragging it there. seriously, though, the chalice is something that you just don't need. regen isn't as important on malphite as having a reasonable-sized pool and just being judicious about his abilities. edit: author, did you say what your in-game name was?
  2. author, his abilities only splash if you activate his w. for what it's worth =) the only mana items i build on alistar are sheen and glacial shroud (en route to frozen heart). i know he blows through mana fast, but you shouldn't be spamming your q and w the whole time, especially mid game, when you might need them to escape a gank or protect a carry. glacial shroud and FH give you cdr, mana, and reduce incoming damage from AD heroes. sheen gives him the extra damage he needs when pushing towers and tons of mana. cdr boots give him extra cooldown reduction, philo into shurelya's gives him extra hp and the AoE movespeed boost for positioning, FoN gives him extra health regen, extra movespeed, and tons of MR. beyond that, i get abyssal or quicksilvers for extra MR, rabadon's or (if they're stupid and keep focusing me) zhonya's for pure AP when we're creaming them, randuins if they're all ad, sunfire cape or warmogs if they've got tons of overall damage, and banshee's if they've got high burst or a fearing opponent. edit: since i know someone's going to ask about zhonya's, i've used it a few times and here's my usual strategy. i pop shurelya's for team positioning, initiate into their base or at their tower with w, knocking a tank away and popping up local players. everyone immediately focuses me under the tower, so i pop zhonya's and let them blow all their abilities on me while my team follows up with their movespeed boost and gets a kill or two. THEN, i ult, as my q and w abilities have cooled down, and start doing my tanky business. the three times i've tried it we've gotten aces under their tower (once under both nexus turrets, with me sitting there eating them for breakfast) with no losses to ourself.
  3. oh, i know. i build sunfire's cape on a lot of tanks, so i know to stay out of aggro range because of that =) tower attacks don't splash, and minion kills don't matter about tower aggro, but making sure i don't accidentally attack the other player is something i am careful about =)
  4. i played some malphite tonight for the first time in a while. i forgot just how good he is as an all-around character. he can tank, he can tanky dps both AP and AD, he can go glass-cannon AP and do tons of damage, and he's got one of the best initiations in the game in his ult (which does a surprisingly high amount of damage early and mid-game, even without ap). his q is awesome for chasing and for allowing getaways, and his passive shield makes him even more tanky depending on how you build him. having an extra 300hp stacked on top of what you have can easily make the difference between losing a teamfight and acing them, and his skills cool down fast enough that he's always ready to start chucking around rocks again. i like him, and want to play him more. he's easier than amumu (ult is a 'skillshot', but it's AoE...all other abilities are targeted), and builds similarly, and his ult can't be shortened by tenacity like amumu's is, and he does more burst damage than the mummy does.
  5. there is always somewhere relatively quiet to crash at mag. floors are usually available =)
  6. well i doubt they were planning on just leaving it be once they introduced it =) i like the respawn time range adjustment - it prevents the 200pt comebacks (to an extent) that seem to happen every game. the gold reduction is nice too because it doesn't reward bad players as much as it used to.
  7. that's kind of cool. i was able to play a few matches both laning with and against xerath today. despite an annoying glitch that refuses to tell you what spells did all that damage to you in the death screen, i think his range is ridiculous, and would make him one of the better AP summoners in 1v2 and 1v1 (solo top, not mid) lanes very quickly. in mid, he's outclassed by characters like morgana and fiddles, who can do devastating amounts of damage in a short amount of time while he's immobile in Locus of Power while healing or resisting his attacks. characters like veigar and brand can also just punch him in the nose when he sets up to cast, although they pay for it. casters like cass and malz don't seem to do as well against him because their DoT doesn't do enough or isn't big enough to risk coming in close enough, and AD ranged carries or AP melee carries like akali or kass just get annihilated against him. i saw a match where xerath sat in the middle of the map in locus of power from level two to level nine, and didn't move once (with proper ward support, of course). he just punched the snot out of the other mid (ashe) and they couldn't do jack about it. even when ganked, he was able to stun enemies and our jungler would just eat the ganker alive. obviously that's not a normal situation, but it was awesome watching a character basically turn into a turret for ten minutes.
  8. so the comments about my cs being low (as a tank) or having 'too many deaths' are because you liked playing with me? maybe i missed something. also, dominion...i can count the number of dominion games i've played with ocr people since it came out without taking off my shoes. so, yeah. summoners rift is still by far my most-played gametype, as well as most other ocr people.
  9. that's not supposed to happen, for what it's worth. if you never connect and are assigned a random champ, you auto-dodge when the timer runs out. you didn't need to dodge =) tensai, if you like the game, why do you never play? ever? i leave my client open quite a bit and i haven't seen you in at least a month. every time we DO play with you, you act like you know everything, and whatever we do that's not exactly in line with what you'd have done is automatically wrong. i have a lot of fun playing, and i'm to a point where i win roughly 60% of my games. i feel good about that. i don't feel good when we play together, even when we win, because all you do is quietly bitch about "oh, i wouldn't have done that". it's so. incredibly. annoying.
  10. except that kog has no stun, doesn't have the cool-looking lockdown ability, and doesn't have the ap-to-armor passive that makes him so interesting...? also, tensai, i haven't seen you online in at least a month. why do you bother trolling this thread and telling everyone that their opinions are wrong if you don't even play the game anymore? go back to the HoN thread. that community fits you better.
  11. thanks for posting that. i'll get zach to update the first post =)
  12. a soraka/brand lane where soraka had clarity was possibly the worst lane i've ever had. there's simply no way to hit brand ever and have it mean something, and he always can punish you for trying.
  13. another good example is sona. you can legitimately build her AD, AP, and support. alistar as well - AP/CDR ali is a ridiculously awesome tanky dps character. also, derrit, i got a really nice bottle of bourbon for my next time i'm playing with you guys. just fyi.
  14. i think that masteries are awesome because they allow characters to do tons of different things. i know you don't multi-role characters much, bardic, but being able to build ap udyr dps, ad udyr dps, and tank udyr with roughly the same cost of all your items is amazing. it's all from doing 20-0-10, 0-20-10, and 0-21-9, different builds, etc. same flexibility with characters like maokai (21-0-9, 9-21-0, 0-21-9), singed (9-21-0, 0-9-21, 0-21-9), amumu (9-21-0, 0-21-9, 1-13-16), and nunu (same as mumu, but add a 21-0-9) make them so much more fun to play. also, rune setups make a big difference too. do you want 15 ap early, or 75hp initially? do you want armor, mana regen, CDR, etc. runes are what allow fiddles to jungle, whereas i'd use a totally different setup (if i had the pages) to lane with him, going towards early AP, mana regen, and armor.
  15. here's why i suggest halo 2's leveing system. +1 - halo 2 allowed you to level independent of different game modes. coop vs. ai and 3v3 and customs don't count towards your total level. +1 - leavers earned negative exp. while disconnect issues do crop up, it's more frustrating to have someone just leave. this fixes it. +1 - your stats tracked wins and losses per map. while you can't see how someone does per map since there's only a few, tracking w/l ratios over champs and being able to see that will allow improvement for people who care. even if they're only visible by you as the player. +1 - you could lose levels due to consistent poor play. while bad teams do drag you down occasionally, as a whole players average higher or lower in certain key statistics. halo tracked KDR, but since that's not as accurate as comparing gameplay to a baseline, go from there. my point isn't that you should lose a level since you lost ten games in a row, but you should lose a level since you lost ten games in a row AND went an average of 1-10-1 in those games as amumu or singed, characters that may not get lots of kills but should be able to generate assists simply by being around fights and using AoE moves. halo 2 also didn't punish you as much if you accounted for less than 1/Xth of your team's total kills and assists (as in, one fragment of the size of the team), even if you had just gotten steamrolled. so if you lose 50-15 with two towers down, and don't contribute 1/5th of your team's total damage or total takedowns, then you should lose a bit extra as well. i, like zero, feel that a visible ELO that matters in normal games as well as ranked is a big deal, and would prevent the huge win-loss ranges that you see. i'll often win a game big - like, 60-20, steamroll win, not ever close - and then get rolled the next game by a combination of skillful play by the other team and comically bad play by mine. a good example is a day ago, when i went 16-2-8 in my first normal akali game. the next game i played amumu, and wound up surrendering at 25m with only two towers left (in my original lane) of the nine lane towers. we got rolled 50-12, with half of those deaths being credited to two people in bottom lane. it seems every game is either a huge win or a huge loss, with no consistency in the skill level of either team. basing it around a level means that it's not about the time that people play as much as it is about the ability of the player. as for runes, use two level ratings. one in respect to how long they've played - maybe a summoner "age" - and one to show ability. allow runes to be used only to summoners over 18 of "age", for example.
  16. dear lawd that'd be awesome. a similar system to what halo 2 had for levels would be amazing.
  17. go ahead and add me =) i am always looking for someone else to queue with. solo queues are boring as sin.
  18. guys scotch is the best ALSO CHIPS OMG CHIPS ARE THE BOOOOBS and add an r and take away the s and you get crotch! also good
  19. so is the bridge simply made from side-mounted sticky pistons? i'd have put it over lava as a way to prevent entry, since water is kind of a blah way to protect a castle when everything can swim.
  20. i agree completely. that team i mentioned was just asshole team 101, not a serious comp. alistar is also a solid defender because he just doesn't die at a turret.
  21. heimer's awesome at occupying people bottom, since you can't let him go or he'll take the other bottom turret. he can't do that with top, though, and that's where mao is awesome. also, denial team: karth, lux, ez, tf, zil?
  22. i saw that guide, but i didn't get it. doesn't that give her 9.65 damage boost at level 1, not 10? also, is the extra ~100 scaling health better than armor at early levels, as well? she gets roughly 11 bonus HP per level with those yellows, and i'd think that the armor negates that almost immediately. i tried armor yellows in-lane with her, and having that armor early makes a huge difference.
  23. singed and udyr use dodge yellows as well, actually. which flats for akali? ad marks and ap blues?
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