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Posts posted by orlouge82

  1. Megaman 4, Dustman... made very quickly, I hope you like it :)

    If you really made this that quickly, you should definitely check out the Mega Man X competition that going to be starting pretty soon. Watch the "Competitions" thread for the GMRB 2012 or Grand Maverick Remix Battle 2012.

  2. I meant to post this earlier yesterday, but forgot completely.

    I've got an updated version of my song from earlier in the compo if anyone is interested (loudness, a barely noticable bit of arrangement, and better reverb on the main lead). I don't think this would qualify for a bonus track in the compilation zip so just putting it here instead.


    Worst time to post this - soon after the new songs come out. Lol.


    I really enjoyed your song. Loved the chill soundscape.

  3. Another super-close round there ending out the week:

    Brandon Strader: 14, Gario: 15

    Great job to both of the Robotnik Bracket finalists, both of your songs were great! Good luck now to our participants in the finale! Hold nothing back, pull out all the stops, for THIS IS THE FINAL BATTLE:


    Holy crap.

    Although, both Brandon AND Gario voted for Gario.

    Also, Brandon, it's not constructive to dissect every single voter's reason for voting a certain way. You're just going to scare people off.

  4. Wrong. Capcom of Japan reportedly sent out several C&Ds to doujin artists for some Rockman arrange albums a few years ago. It is extremely rare for it to happen, but there is a precedence.

    Copyright law operates a bit differently in Japan than in the U.S. (i.e. the fair use exception is much stronger in the U.S.).

    That said, selling remixes/albums doesn't automatically forfeit a fair use defense, but it sure does weaken it. There are four factors that courts consider when a fair use defense is invoked.

    However, it rarely gets as far as the courtroom because companies spam C&D letters like crazy, even if they are baseless. Artists usually don't know any better (because they aren't lawyers and typically don't consult with lawyers about it), and just give in.

  5. DISCLAIMER: I'm primarily a listener, not a remixer, so I can't give apt technical advice.

    However, I really enjoyed listening to this one on DoD, and I would certainly discourage you from abandoning the project. I would certainly like to see where you can take this mix. Skies of Arcadia doesn't get enough love on OCR, and Horteka is one of the better songs from the game.

    I'll definitely be following any improvements that you decide to make to the song (if you decide to pursue that path).

  6. I wasn't voting for Amphibious to punish Rexy. I much preferred Amphibious's entry. I wasn't paying very close attention to what was going on in the forums.

    Yeah, same here. I'll admit to some personal bias towards the slower, more relaxing type of music, so I will definitely be listening to Amphibious's entry much more often than Rexy's, but both were well done.

    There still may have been some influence from some of the voters at the end when all of this stuff was going down, but it probably worked out for the best that it ended the way that it did. Could have gotten a lot messier.

  7. Major spoilers if you haven't seen this week's episode...

    Mumm-Ra and Pumyra...an item?? Seriously? Where the fuck did that come from?

    Are the writers that lazy this early on? If so, the series is doomed.


    EDIT: I did a little research, and it looks like the show may be finished with this last episode, which really bums me out (despite this really stupid plot twist). It would be really bad if they left it at this low point. Oh well...

  8. I haven't read through the six pages of comments so far, but basically, if you can prove that you were using it before them, you are the superior rights holder.

    Also, you're music, and they are not. They are actually very different from music, so there is little to no likelihood of confusion, so there is little chance that they can nail you for trademark infringement.

    Feel free to send me a PM if they keep harassing you.

  9. Strange, stupid, but fun! It's safe to say that this is way out of my usual comfort zone and its probably not something I'll try again, but it's definitely going to be... interesting. We'll leave it at that for now. I'm also going to be really surprised if Brandon's song is in any sort of similar style.

    HINT: It's a kazoo solo.

  10. Robbie's response is here - and sadly, I'll have to bow out of the comp - I have to work an extra couple of days at work this week, and between family engagements, a baby shower, a bridal party meeting on the Saturday, Family meeting on Sunday AND trying to sort out stuff for VROOM, I haven't had any time to even touch my mix since Monday night after work. Nor have I even had time to get back to Diablo III either this week, so that's how much time I haven't had.

    Sorry to let you guys down. I didn't wanna be another person to drop out, and I'm kicking myself, cause I'm still so excited about this comp.

    But, priorities, y'know?

    Sorry again guys and gals, and particularly to you Matt :(

    Does that mean Magellanic can come back?

  11. I buy a majority of DC's currently published ongoings. I have neither the time, the money, nor the inclination to follow another huge superhero universe.

    Same here.

    I know that if I start buying Marvel events, I'll buy Marvel ongoings. It's a slippery slope that I'm not interested in going down.

    I really hope this doesn't happen to me.

    I buy the hardcover collections for cheap on Amazon.

    Good strategy

  12. The entirety of my Marvel reading is confined to the Ultimate line, which I enjoy immensely.

    No Avengers vs. X-Men, huh? I hadn't been following the mainline Marvel continuity that closely until the X-Sanction miniseries. Then I was intrigued. AvX is panning out quite nicely so far.

    Speaking of Archie, their recent Mega Man comic is also worth a look. While still following the art style, plot, and characterization of Mega Man, the book expands on ideas and ethnics of robotics while still remaining light-hearted. For example, in this month's issue (#13), Dr. Light and another character engage in a five-page debate on whether or not emotional attachment should be allowed towards advanced intelligence and the concept of a machine having a soul. It's well written, with neither Dr. Light nor the other professor in the debate being seen as having a wrong opinion. The question is left up to the reader to decide who they think is right. That's pretty deep stuff for a video game tie-in kids' comic.

    The Archie Mega Man series is top notch. They don't take many liberties with the source material. It just expands on the source material, like you said. Anyone who likes the Mega Man video games will like the comics.

  13. Good match, Main Finger. Best of luck with the next round. Hope I get a little more time to participate in the next compo (whenever that might be). Until then, great round everyone. Looking forward to what the next matchups bring. :D

    Your song was really great. Hope to hear more from you in the next compo!

    Thanks, even though I have to admit your song was quite better than mine :D

    Even though I voted for Amphibious, your song was definitely a close second. You should also participate in the next compo!!

    EDIT: Magellanic, I meant to also add that your song was phenomenal, and I'm sorry to see Starlight Zone come to such a quick end. You need to participate in the next compo, too!

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