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Posts posted by orlouge82

  1. All the cancelled titles had low sales I believe. Don't know the figures. Virgil did show up in Teen Titans as Red Robin's go-to-science-guy.

    You can't really do the DC Universe without parallel worlds. The concept of parallel worlds has been such an integral part of the line that it's actually surprising they didn't launch it right away with the New 52.

    The benefit of the New 52 as a "reboot" is that it's actually much easier to keep the continuity straight. They've sort of reset things back to square one and can clearly delineate what book takes place in which universe.

    Huntress and Power Girl are both from Earth 2. Helena "Bertellini" is one of Helena's aliases.

    True enough re: DC's parallel worlds.

    I'm actually pretty excited about several of the new titles, and was wondering how they were going to treat Fairchild after she was revealed in Superboy (I couldn't believe that she was only going to be limited to being a tertiary character in his story).

  2. It's only six. You have Hawk and Dove listed twice.

    Also how can you not like Blackhawks? Blackhawks was awesome. So sad to see it go.

    I wasn't reading any of the other books though. Not surprised to see Hawk and Dove go, considering it's Liefeld's art, but the real puzzler is that now that H&D is over, Liefeld's working on three books for DC.

    Static's failure as a title had mostly to do with a creative and editorial team that did not get along. A shame, really; Static's a great character.

    I'm more excited for the Second Wave of titles that's coming in to fill in the space, like Earth 2, World's Finest, Batman Incorporated and The Ravagers. Dial H for Hero and GI Combat don't sound very interesting to me.


    I don't know, I guess Blackhawks started turning me off when it started getting so much into the government bureaucracy stuff. Just starting taking a turn for the formulaic to me. Personal preferences, I suppose. Kind of the same reason I wasn't terribly into JLI at first, but now most of the government guys went kaboom, so I'm curious to see where it goes from there.

    Interesting about Static's failure. Do you know what the sales figures were for it compared to the others? I hope that they at least integrate him into the Teen Titans story or something. I don't want him to just fall off of the face of the planet. And though his recent cameo in The Savage Hawkman was kind of neat, he as a character didn't really seem to fit in with the story (i.e. Hawkman's story at the time was much more mystical, whereas Static has always been very centered around science).

    As far as the new titles, I just hope that DC can keep their continuity straight with all of this parallel Earth stuff. I'm still trying to straighten out exactly what's different in the New 52 Universe, and now they are already adding parallel Earths.

    I was able to pick up the Huntress limited series that leads into Worlds Finest, but I'm still not clear if both Huntress and Power Girl are from Earth 2, or just Power Girl, or how they got on this Earth. Probably will be explained, but I just hope the parallel universes don't spin out of control, necessitating another DC Universe-wide "Crisis" event.

  3. Seven of DC's "New 52" titles have been cancelled (presumably due to low sales)

    Hawk and Dove

    Men of War

    Mister Terrific



    Static Shock

    I think that this news is months old already, but I just discovered this fact this morning when I was checking on my titles.

    I'm particularly upset about "Static Shock" and "Mister Terrific," but probably more so about the former. Static was the brainchild of the late Dwayne McDuffie (who also did story work for the DCAU series Justice League and Justice League Unlimited), and it makes me bummed to see Static fail so soon after it started.

    On the other hand, "Blackhawks" is one title that I'm not sad to see go. I started reading the title when it first came out, but by issue four or five, I just couldn't read it anymore.

    Anyhow, any comic readers out there sad about any of these titles going away?

  4. Well, last song was actually my first try at the genre, not my fault some other people wanted to go for the same :P.

    As for my track, I'll just go with whatever I feel goes better with the original source. But so far the italo is strong with this one.

    I usually do not like the "wub wub," but I just loved your last song. So, excellent "first try," I guess.

  5. Further clarification and reasoning:


    Not to mention getting older and more fed up with the retarded "nerd" scene


    It only really gets that retarded when the "nerd" scene takes itself as seriously as it has been as of late.

    Really going to miss your stuff. I've been listening to OC Remixes for over ten years now, and I've enjoyed your stuff for almost that long. Best of luck to you in the future.

  6. No, it has to do with some of Capcom's plans for Street Fighter's 25th anniversary celebrations.

    Why would Keiji Inafune's departure from Capcom have anything to do with me pushing GMRB to a later date?

    Please keep your conspiracy theories to yourself.

    I never even suggested that it had anything to do with you or OCRemix, only with Capcom's request. And it was speculation, not "conspiracy theories." No need to get so defensive.

    EDIT: Oh, I see, they didn't ask you guys directly to put off any Mega Man compos. Yeah, then Inafune's departure wouldn't really have anything to do with it. All I was saying about the Inafune issue was that Capcom seems much less enthused about the Mega Man franchise since he left.

  7. You're starting another compo darke? :P


    I won't be participating, the WCRG took up too much of my increasingly busy time so i'll be sitting this one out. However, good luck to everyone who enters, i'll be keeping my eye on this.

    That's right, save up your time for the Mega Man compos. No excuses then. :)

    Definitely looking forward to this compo, though!

    Capcom came to us and wanted to do a Street Fighter thing, so GMRB is being pushed off until a later date. In the meantime, enjoy Maverick Rising, which hits soon!

    Probably has something to do with the release of Street Fighter X Tekken and the departure of Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune from Capcom.

  8. "Here you go, sir. Your cheeseburger with fries and a drink for $12.99. Oh, by the way, the drink comes with the combo, and it's on your table, but you have to pay me an extra five dollars on top of the $12.99 in order to drink it. It's On-Table DLC."

    Sums it up P-E-R-F-E-C-T-L-Y.

    This goes hand-in-hand with the rumors that the new XboX system is going to prevent anyone from playing used games.

    The market isn't growing at the exponential rate that it used to, so game companies are finding any new way they can to squeeze every last penny out of their current market base.

    I'm curious to see how well it works out for them.

  9. I spend less than an hour total in the comic book store and spend just under $200 every month. I probably buy more comics than you do and I read my comic books at home.

    Yeah, I only spend around $125 a month on comics. You got me beat.

    That was sarcasm before by the way, but I guess that's sometimes lost in translation to the Internetz.

    Not that any of this has to do with the WCRG.

    Sorry, this is the last offtopic post from me

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