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Posts posted by orlouge82

  1. It'll be posted whenever - it's not one of the flood tracks, although it's pretty great. It was originally a part of the GMRB competition that DarkeSword ran, so you can already grab it for free.

    Oh, I totally already got it. It is pretty sweet. I wasn't necessarily thinking that it was going to be one of the flood tracks, but I was just thinking that it probably should be linked to the album whenever the track is posted.

  2. Hoping that this is a minor fix so as not to delay the album any further, but I noticed in the Currently in the Judging Process thread that WillRock's "Countdown to Infinity" mix is under the "TO BE POSTED" list instead of the "TO BE POSTED - Project Mixes" list. Is it going to be posted when the album is released? I would assume that it wouldn't be posted separately unattached to "Maverick Rising" at a later date.

  3. Yeah, I'm fucking around with the type styles quite a bit in that version, STOP LOOKING BEHIND THE CURTAIN! :-)

    Since when did the number 2 result from a Google search for "Mega Man X Maverick Rising" become "behind the curtain?" You should probably close the curtain if you don't want people looking behind it. ;-)

  4. actually, only 16 of the 36 themes were re-picked. That's 20 new themes since the last grmrb, not counting 2010 (which had maybe one or two). And a 44% repick rate isn't that unusual, since there aren't THAT many themes to pick (about 88 ) and considering that some themes will be picked more often than others (Elec, Heat, Air, Flash) and some won't be picked much at all, and some really adventurous noobs (who pick stupid things like Search Man), it's not that overbearing.

    just speculation

    EDIT: Some quick calculations:

    Over three GRMRBs, 64% (56 of 88 ) of the robot master themes have been picked. And with 84 total participants in the three compos (counting every time someone has entered, so I counted Will three times, for example) only 29% of this year's picks were repicks from both years, and from all years 31% of all participants repicked from previous years.

    also 96% of statistics are made up on the spot

    but these weren't


    That was a nice story.

    Seriously, though, good stats to have. Did you count Tengu Man's three different themes (PSX, Saturn, and MM&B)? You should publish the list of robot masters who haven't been chosen yet to entice people to take on fresh robot masters in future compos.


    Fix'd again

    I wasn't actually saying that no new robot masters were ever picked, I was just saying that some people pick some robot masters that other different people had chosen in previous competitions.

    I LOL'ed though.

  5. Remember last year for a while when albums would come out on like, the 1st? Or the 15th? Now the schedule is all outta wack and stuff is coming out on like... the 22nd? Haha. But seriously, that was a good flow and it worked to get a good number of albums out at the end of the year, and leave a consistent amount of time between each one. I don't see this dropping "tomorrow" but it'd probably be cool to eventually get back on that 1/15 schedule for albums. Just my 2 cents. I could be totally wrong about how things go down. Seems like it'd be ideal for having 15 days of rest between each one though. There weren't too many mixposts since UH came out... 7? And UH is half way down the front page still. :-o

    How about if album's are just released as soon as they are ready? I wouldn't want to wait an additional week or whatever just so this album could be released on the 1st of March.

  6. Yeah we're trying to. Darke's got a couple of things planned, but not any definitive start dates yet. I'm pretty flexible as to when I could run mine, but I want to avoid overlap for those mixers that may want to participate in both. It may end up being impossible to completely avoid any overlap though, we may have a week or two where they'd coincide. We'll see. A lot of the people that expressed interest in this compo have never participated in one of the Mega Man compos though (not saying they wouldn't), so I'm not sure ultimately how big of a deal it will be. Plus both my Sonic compo and Darke's next GMRB and GRMRB are both elimination-style compos, so not everyone will be participating the entire time: once you lose you're done :wink:

    Yeah, in elimination-style compos, the last few weeks of overlap only matter if you're one of the finalists, and even then, assuming you have enough participants, you can do like Darke does for the Mega Man compos and do alternating weekly brackets, so that if a finalist happens to be in the Sonic compo, he/she can just ask to me moved to the second bracket.

    FYI - I'm really excited about this one.

  7. I submitted it in mid-Jan, shortly after leaving the message, so just waiting to see if it is accepted. If it isnt't, I'll just post a link directly here. The remix is of the song Earth.

    Wow, awesome, that was quick!

    Looking forward to hearing it!

  8. I was

    so wasted

    oh, also: if anyone is interested, I put all four of my entries into convenient "mini-album" format with artwork and all that. so if you want high-quality (320 kbps) versions of my tracks, get em free here


    These sound great as lossless (FLAC). Is the bitrate capped out at 320 kbps even for the FLAC, or is there a difference in quality between the 320 kbps MP3 and the FLAC?

    Also, more people need to put up links to lossless versions of their songs!!!

  9. Magnus Divinicus Chiptunicus – Caught this one on NewGrounds before Darke put the songs up. Really love it, too. Great blending of all of the themes, and you did it using the Wily Machine source as the backbone to make it sound like a final battle between Wily and your team’s three robot masters was in progress (and then WTF Schala shows up). Probably my #1 vote this round. Excellent work.

    In the Reading of this title, you hereby agree that all your base are belong to Wily – I really liked this one, but it was bothering me the whole week because this song hasn’t gotten a single vote. Not even a #3 spot. Sure everyone was quick to complement the production, but still, no votes. Was it because Block Rockmen Beats were positioned such that it would be very difficult for the team to lose? Nah, that couldn’t be it. Then, thinking back to other criticisms that WillRock’s received throughout the various compos, I realized something. WillRock’s really good at bringing out the hidden character of a source and making it explode. Kind of like the samurai class in Final Fantasy Tactics. He starts with a simple katana (or source music), and makes a big fiery dragon come out. The problem is that he has to focus on one source to really make this happen.

    Example: Showdown. I absolutely love this one, but I remember at the time that it was first unveiled that people criticized it for underusing Flash Man. And they were right. Flash Man was a very small part of the mix, but it didn’t matter. The song rocked. It took Tornado Man to a whole new level.

    With four different source themes, it gets really tricky. The song has several different movements it goes through, but each one kind of feels incomplete. I still really liked it overall, but my guess is to why it hasn’t gotten any votes is because it doesn’t feel as cohesive as songs where you’ve had fewer sources to work with or focused more heavily on one song over another.

    Anyhow, an unnecessarily long title gets an unnecessarily long review. Still really fun track to listen to, and probably going to be in my top 3.

    EDIT: Rexy did vote for this song, but it may very well change (and likely will). Sorry Rexy, I've gotten used to ignoring your votes until after voting closes.

    Sweet Wet Nectar – Fun arrangement to listen to, and very well-executed. I think I just realized that I’m a bit put off by live instruments in remixes (it was unconscious) because, as an inevitable consequence of using them, they just don’t sound as crisp as mouse-only arrangements. Anyhow, the point is that this song is so enjoyable that it definitely overcame that handicap. I’m thinking this one is #2. Great job!

    From the East – Man, I reeeeeeally wish you would finish this one. It started so well that it made it all the more painful that I knew it was going to end halfway through. Both parts are well done enough, but it’s basically like two songs that were hastily stitched together at the last minute. Please please PLEASE finish this one!! (also @Main Finger, you have to finish “I didn't have time to make this song The Song”)

    Amp – Fun song. Very dramatic, too, and jumps all over the place. You definitely nailed it with this one, and I wish I had another spot to give to you. You’ve gotten tons of votes so far, so my #3 vote wouldn’t made all that much of a difference anyhow. Great stuff again. Nice work!

    Bubble Man’s Requiem – Chiptunes again. I like. I don’t really have a lot to add to what’s been said, but this one is really fun. Again, I ran out of spots or else I would vote for this one. I’m guessing Rexy is hoping that you don’t stage another ninja comeback near the end of the voting, and this song is good enough that it may just be able to pull it off. Really fun tune, nice work!

    When Robots Collide – I really liked the arrangement and the style here. Trumpet + rock? Yes! The sound just seemed a bit muffled for me, though. I think if it were cleaned up and made a bit crisper, I would have definitely voted for this one. Here’s hoping to see such a version. Great work, nonetheless!

    Shinespark Glacier – I think someone said that this sounded like a Diddy Kong Racing level. I actually think it sounds more like a Metroid level (“shinespark” kind of helps the imagery, too). I also agree with what someone said earlier about using new synth sounds in this one. I really dig it. I think that there are some production issues (maybe the samples could be a little cleaner), but otherwise it’s a pretty solid arrangement and it’s great to see you come so far. Hope to see you in the GMRB and the GRMRB!!

  10. Yeah...

    Felt kinda terrible I don't have much to show for this round...ran out of time, and the mistakes are purely my own. Enjoy what's there...and I look forward to seeing what Chernabogue came up with. :D

    Good luck to everyone this round. :)

    That sucks, but it happens.

    I still hope to hear a finished product from you, though!!

  11. Jake did the first part of the mix and I rushed the second part, but my part suuuuucks... Not enough time... :sad:

    While I'm really excited to hear the new mixes, I'm disappointed that some teams weren't able to put something together or weren't able to put the time they wanted into it.

    Hopefully those teams who felt like they didn't have enough time can finish up and post them in the WIP forums. With so many sources used, there's definitely the potential for the mixes to be pretty epic.

  12. The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle was inspired by Mega Man 6. That was my game back in the day, and I loved the premise of a World Tournament for robots.

    My favorite Mega Man game is Mega Man X4. My favorite Robot Master is Knight Man.

    X4 was flippin' incredible, especially coming off of the SNES X games. It was probably the primary inspiration for my purchasing a PSX, actually, and it didn't disappoint!

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