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Kureejii Lea

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Everything posted by Kureejii Lea

  1. The quantity is due to covering two games. Doesn't mean we're not going for quality.
  2. That's Yoshida Yukari. However, Motoi Sakuraba's daughter (grandaughter?) Mio sings a track in Baten Kaitos Origins...
  3. Yasunori Mitsuda, Yoko Shimomura and Motoi Sakuraba. Awesome.
  4. Sappy is a cute little track. VGMusic has a couple of midi renditions.
  5. If you want to discuss something other than the project, post elsewhere.
  6. Being that she's one of the summon spirits, I'd have to answer "magic."
  7. We really should have just done a Motoi Sakuraba project. Baten Kaitos battle themes need love. Oh wells.
  8. It's not downtown Toronto, but it is Toronto/GTA outskirts. Though in all honestly hanging around a mall with a huge group of people doesn't really give you a ton to do outside of food court lunches. Of course, it doesn't really matter what I think since I most likely won't be attending.
  9. Are you serious? Good freakin god...
  10. I'm now probably going to be IN North Carolina on the fifth, so I guess I'm not coming to this one...
  11. It's been a while since I've played, but I think it only works on the zealot-type enemies. Just shoot em in the leg or something to get them to kneel and the prompt should come up.
  12. I'm pretty sure you could do that in the GC version...
  13. Probably to look more the part of a glamorous diva. Of course, one could argue that those may be more likely to be found nude in scandalous situations, but hey...
  14. If I'm around then, sure. There's a chance I'd be in class/out of the country.
  15. Congrats, dude. I might hafta ask you about the details in that, seeing as my fiance and I are sorta in the same boat. ...so yeah, as for the thread: engaged.
  16. Saw it for the second time tonight, in IMAX. Kinda spooky when you can hear the hail of arrows around you.
  17. You say that like it'd be a new thing to the series. =P
  18. Older? That's pretty much the way he's looked in the last few games...
  19. I don't know how (especially since Sonic himself comments on it), but a lot of people seem to miss that the paths of light show where the boss will slash, making it easy to move out of the way if you react quick enough.
  20. Heh. I'd actually put it the other way around, personally... A Ghost's Pumpkin Soup could be turned into a fun backing for some improv sax or something. To buy or what? I know of several sites that have it up for streaming/downloading... dunno how it's in stock for purchase at the moment.
  21. Is it really so surprising if Sonic had a little reference to something else? I mean, look at the Death Egg. Though Super Sonic's eyes have since been changed to red.
  22. This section is for requesting songs to be remixed, not for requesting assistance. You'd be better off posting in the Remixing forum (which has a subsection for Reason).
  23. Yeah, AIM isn't lookin too likely right now. PMs would be best.
  24. You can blow up rocks to find rupees, heart pieces, those hidden grotto-places, alternate paths (such as to the zora areas), the two lantern-caves (one of which has two to four bombable walls at every intersection), a goron with a bomb bag, and (I'm pretty sure) at least one poe. So I wouldn't exactly say that there's none of that kind of thing anywhere.
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