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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. Not at all bad. Very very nice. Very pretty. A good use of the gate effect, agreed.
  2. Pretty freaking delicious. One of those ones where you have to stop by and leave a comment.
  3. Deliciously dark... Hardly perfect, but very very cool. Highly recommended OCR.
  4. To all who may have been looking forward to what else I would've brought to the table; sorry. I was lazy and, for some reason, somewhat unmotivated. Also, I think a song of that detail/nature is both beyond my current skill level and requires more time than I was able to invest. Good luck all!
  5. I love it when it's different. This is a bizarre little piece, the drums, while arguabley sub-par, are expertly arranged and the synths are nothing but fun. The flute-ish samples suit the mix and it's very unique flavour. I love the organ work, sounding very very fresh. Anyone else hear some Shnababula-esque work here?
  6. FF8 fans will love it, I barely racognized it and I loved it, very very beautiful and captivating. I love it a lot... definitely a keeper and worth hearing repeatedly. One picky thing though, is that near the end it becomes increasingly obvious by the loop points that these are soundfonts. Oh well, so you didn't get a real orchestra. It still would fool most. People submitting orchestral: Stufflikethispleasekthanks 9/10
  7. Man, even with soundfont knowledge, I don't know how the orchestral buffs can be SO good at what they do. While it has moments where it doesn't sound live, this sounds live 90% of the time. Oh and the source tune & arrangement makes the idea of not having this hosted ludicris. Very very very nice for any SMRPG/orchestral fan.
  8. Good gravy Harmony. This is quality. I like. I really like. A little repetitive perhaps but everything you could ever ask for in a vg mix. 10/10
  9. That's pretty tasty. Mytril, you are a tasty man who produces tasty sounds. I like that you seemingly speak french and are black. This is indeed a very hard piece to genrefy but that's rarely a bad thing IMO. It's very quirky and very fun and I want your children so please be mine.
  10. Wow... quality level is very high. A tasty little piece. Hard genre to pin, I'd like to call it Progressive Rock. Outstanding work... an excellent tribute song... a lot of major songs covered here.
  11. Mmmm, I loves me some skilled rhythms, I loves me some funk, I loves TO LOVES me some tone bending. Can anyone say REPEAT? 10/10
  12. Say, shouldn't this project be moved to that official projects section yet?
  13. Wooohooo that's gold! Kinda reminds me of Shnabubula's remixes! Hunter's Community Chest = probably my favourite OCR. So yeah, you could say, though I've delved into and loved the 'genre' before, that Shnabubla's been an inspiration.
  14. Thanks guys, I agree that I like where it's going but it's funny... with my burn-your-bridges style that that'll probably be about a 10th of the material used in the actual finished package... I'll probably go in a few different directions with a very eccentric and disjointed feel. As for whether or not DCT is still game for his other song; I'm afraid you'll have to ask him.
  15. Well DCT and I officially got in contact about the Carnival theme and he essentially said I could have it. So I present you with, my first piece of musical somethingorother since my 3 month reprive from music, my carnival wip.
  16. I think I've determined something about this song. If anyone hates it, they hate it for the wrong reasons.
  17. Very nice... lots of delicious rythmic things going on here. My flavour of weirdness, very free from the original but definitely in the same mood. Doesn't lose it's momentum. Very fun. I love the grittier industrial parts... everyone loves something with a good chug-a-lug feel to it. 8.5/10
  18. Wow... this stuff gets fast and skillful. I am impressed. Very interesting spin, though I'm not too familiar with the source material (yeah, there's like 5 of us on earth...) it definitely is good for a few listens. Very intriguing mood to this piece. I like it a lot.
  19. Gorgeous. Absolutely awesome. High quality beautiful arrangement with a suprising amount of instruments. 10/10
  20. Understatement of the year. I agree, this is some good quality stuff... the recording quality of the vocals is very high as is the talent. Patty Schmitt, host of the CBC radio program Brave New Waves uses a word to describe music that I think this song falls into the category of: touchy. The sounds don't just reach your ears and create an emotive response... they sound as though they actually touch something with in your ear physically. Nice work. Can I join your fanclub?
  21. While this has a little bit of tightening up to do before getting on a album or something... it's still a sonic treat for the punk/rock fan. Any Space Harrier fan will be in ecstacy today. 9/10
  22. Agreed... even if you don't like 90% of the stuff on OCR you have to hand it to the community for being diverse; it's a site for music lovers all around. Okay, I've now listened to this song over 10 times and I've heard a midi of the original, and I've heard the 'dry-er' bladiator original, and I've reached a conclusion about what doesn't sit right with me on this piece. It's the melody in general, it doesn't go where I'd like it too. It's a stupid reason to get caught up on considering how beautifully it's executed, but I have a problem with the orchestration of the original in general. After hearing the original midi I far more easily heard it becoming a dance piece of sorts. But meh, that's preference. Let's look at it this way, I've got a great little obscure metaphor to explain my feelings about this track: Think of it as one of those white dandelions in a field, you know; one of these: most will look at this and either say: "it's a weed" or: "look it's a beautiful flower". For some reason with this piece, I'm saying: "I wonder where the seeds would've gone if there was more wind." But that's more the fault of the source material than the remix. Gah, I'll just shut up, I'm sure I'm not helping anyone's self-esteem. It's a great piece, and the 3 minute mark is really touching, but it's not one of my favourites... and maybe that's just because I don't think it holds a candle to any of your other masterpieces.
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