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The Womb

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Everything posted by The Womb

  1. I'm gonna have to disagree with the prey I Rented the game and beat it in 2 days, single player is extremely linear with the same puzzles over and over not to mention the multiplayer was boring, and the graphics whern't really stunning Games I would add to the rent list would include Ping Pong Perfect Dark Zero NHL 07 (For me this is a must buy but meh I'm Canadian) Splinter Cell Double Agent Rainbow Six Vegas (Okay I haven't played this one but I have like 3 friends who say it's amazing) Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle-earth 2 Enchanted Arms (Really good RPG, And the Videos are just amazing, not to mention it's quite long me and a friend put like 30 hours in and only got half way) Condemned (Quite creepy actually, made by the people that made Fear) Speaking of Fear if you hadn't played the comp version it's pretty good for Xbox360 Anyways there's definetly some I forgot but those are some really fun rentals
  2. I Guess by popular vote this game was crap but I loved it to death Perfect Dark Zero was a ton of fun, I had one friend who absolutely hated it with a passion, but other then him all my friends loved it. I remember staying up till the wee hours of the morning on a couple occasions just playing X box live or trying to beat it on perfect agent, but I haven't heard one other person on the interweb share my opinion
  3. I'll take that over "HEY, LISTEN" any day I'm only at the winter palace place right now And although I really love this game, am I the only one that misses the instruments? The flowers just ain't doing it for me, and the howling isn't musical at all and the high howls are usually flat Also what was up with the 3rd dungeon boss Are you even supposed to lose a heart? 4th dungeon was an improvement but still a bit easy
  4. Actually as a little fun side gift, a got Sneak King and Bumper w/e and they're actually really addictive I played the bumper game for like 2 hours yesterday with a friend, even though it was the second game he'd played on his xbox360 that he got for christmas
  5. Haven't read a bad review yet. Loved the campaign, beat it by myself, once and I've basically beat it 3 times with friends on co-op. I still only have 19 COG tags though The live was a bit disappointing, don't get me wrong the game play for the live is amazing (Although I think they should have scraped the satellite of Dawn for the multiplayer) but I don't see why producers copy a bit from Halo, once the games done you just go back to the title screen, no way to join a party to play ranked games, and in ranked games you can't even see you rank, with a mod free game I don't see why you wouldn't put your rank on there
  6. Seeing as how theres a couple 360 owners on this thread, did anyone else have trouble getting Halo 2 to work on their Xbox 360, so far I'm the only one I've found that actually had to go out and buy the map packs cause the maps where not downloading properly
  7. I know this was like 4 pages ago (Hey I just got my tonsils out gimmie a break) But I absolutly loved ping pong and was really tempted to buy it, If you can find a friend who is good at it, there can be some really tense matches, and the single player isn't a walk in the park either.
  8. I really liked Dead Rising (Who can't resist fighting a bunch of Zombies in a mall) If your into sports games, NHL 2007 with the Skill stick is absolutly amazing A game that's a bit older now that I really enjoyed was Condemned, really cool, got a bit freaky sometimes which was fun Haven't played Viva Pinata but supposedly thats some good fun I still enjoy PDZ
  9. Like most people are saying already I'm really looking forward to the games coming out for the Xbox360 And I'm actually really happy to see people liking Lost Planet (Snow Pirates = Immediate Win), I thought it would be a bit of a sleeper hit, but I fell in love with the playable demo Mass Effect looks really cool Bioshock is made by the System Shock people Heck Fusion Frenzy 2 is even coming out
  10. The only good one that I can think of.
  11. I think it's January 12th or something like that, it was in one of the video's you can find at Xbox.com anyways. Yeah I bought my Xbox360 at launch and I'm loving it. I'm already finding games like Dead Rising, Gears of War, and NHL 2007, to completely satisfy me, it's actually kinda funny because in the last month 3 friends of mine have bought an Xbox360, and at least another 3 are seriously considering it. And I don't get how everything you download for a game, is just a key. What about the Halo Maps? those where definetly made after the release, and there is supposedly more coming out in the next 6 months (Maybe I just misunderstood you, which definetly could be)
  12. Doesn't competition produce better quality? I really don't see how your arguement goes True now theirs 2 different audiences The Wii market and the Microny market But I really don't see how to companies fighting can cause each other to short circuit and die
  13. Finally I got all my trades in order meaning right now I'm making the bonus resources fine jewlery AND steel not to mention I'll get microchips once I get another 1.5 tech =D I'm ilking the level 23.6 Happiness
  14. That was so wierd I randomly clicked the Hairy Drummer when I was looking at possible trade people and saw he was a member of OCA without even checking here first CRAZY! so anyways I did send himn the trade invite
  15. Okay 2 questions 1 question What is a modern day middle eastern religon that focus' on monotheism its not judaism or Islam (Christianity was my first religon so it's not that either) 2.) I was trading for gems and then the guy pulled out but my happeness dropped from almost 20 to 10 X_X what happened?
  16. Anyone wanna trade? I have cattle and Oil What I really want is Gold and Coal because I have gems and silver and would like to get fine jewlery But right now I'd be fine with anything
  17. Country: Wombadia Capital Flopia Ruler: Megawomb I gots Oil and Cattle I'm still a little lost on what resources do
  18. Hmmm I'm the level 17 (Lost it by winning a game?), I only played one game and thats the one in waterworks where we somehow won? I just got back from Saskatchewan (Choir trip, 44 hour bus ride) So I can start playing again
  19. Gamertag: MisguidedWomb Level 18 in Teamslayer I tried to apply for both of the last OCR Clans Nobody sent an invite Edit: I live in the Pacific Time so I can't make it to most of the meetings sorry
  20. I agree more emotion would be nice but I gotta give credit its well done and I like it kinda
  21. Wow....Just wow This piece is truly amazing Definetly a favourite in my books (I have a soft spot for orchestreals I respect other peoples opinions but even looking at it from other peoples views I can't see how people don't like it lol Great piece truly amazing + thanks for the tip on the library
  22. Being creative is kew in my books, Thats part of the reason that I like it so much is that this guy was going out on a limb true it might have sounded a bit better but personally I don't think I would have liked it as much (Even though im a sucker for the orchestreal stuff)
  23. Muhahaaha it works thanks a ton endblink
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