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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. The server's still having some issues, which cause it to crash for unknown reasons.

    Bahamut's working on it, although it might be related to Sourcemod's gamedata stuff... an update should be made available for that soon.

    Unfortunately, I really need to go to bed, as I have to leave for work in 8 hours.

    Edit: I've renamed the addons directory temporarily. This disabled all our mods, but it *should* at least prevent the server from crashing.

  2. Eh, I was doing ok... that was pretty funny when I was engi on Goldrush and teleported to the back and set up a sentry, though it was ineffective in that some people didn't die. Oh well, still fun. GGs everyone who played. Also, I'm afraid to play with everyone being scouts now. Very... afraid.

    I'm not sure what's going on with the server now... it vanished or something when the map changed; I told it to restart, but it hasn't reappeared yet.

    Edit: I filed a trouble ticket about the server being down.

    Edit 2: Closed ticket... there's a console log viewer now and Steam is currently updating.

  3. I think I would just use a damage sensor, or put a cp inside the point that must be taken for the gate to open.

    Garian just had the idea in #ocrtf2 about a 1 flag ctf infiltration style, 1 flag in the middle of a symmetrical map, the flag is neutral, any team can grab it. The object is to grab the flag and bring it into the enemy's base to score. You fight to push the flag along as far as you can and try not to let the other team get it.

    I think I wanna do Garian's instead now, anyone else have any suggestions for it?

    If you do that, make a note somewhere that the flag will appear as a red briefcase...

    Edit: Whoops, apparently Valve has changed this in a recent patch; neutral flags are now white. Due to this change, there's a rumor that Valve may introduce an official gametype with a neutral flags soon.

  4. I decided it might be time for me to make another map just for fun.

    I'm planning on doing a single flag attack/defend ctf map, but with a similar build to High Ground from halo 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p54ZDJ3WZFI

    It'll have a large main gate which will be locked at the beginning, it's blue's job to get in from one of the small openings and open the gate with a switch from the inside. Then the gate is open for all people to attack the base and grab the flag and bring it back to their base.

    If anyone has suggestions or requests, I build these for you guys so just let me know whatever you want to see in the map.

    How exactly is this button activated? TF2 doesn't have a use key bound by default.

  5. Supposably the achievements have been leaked, leading to the revealing of the double barreled shotgun.


    It only takes one fishy achievement to cast doubt upon the entire list.

    And there is at least one fishy achievement on that list:

    "Quick Hook - kill an enemy on the Well before the round starts"

    That achievement is fishy because:

    1. It doesn't mention which version of Well. It's assumed to be Well (CP) because the others don't have Setup rounds (only Waiting For Players, which you may not see at all on slow computers/connections).

    2. Valve doesn't refer to Well as "the Well" in existing achievements (See: World Traveler which specifically calls it "Well (CP)")

    3. Well (CP) is designed with gates to block off the center point. Due to the way it's designed, only RED Scouts can get over the train cars blocking the center (using the lights). Otherwise, you have to rely on a Soldier/Demo to jump the boxcars or being able to shoot between the boxcar and wall.

  6. Hmm, I had a mediocre night score wise, but somehow I had an absolutely amazing defense round on Gold Rush, and a pretty good offense round, even though we never got to the third part of it on offense.

    Although I ended as Engineer, I played Spy most of both rounds.


    Edit: I think my score was split 94 points on defense, 30 points of offense, to give you an idea of how well I did on defense. I think Martian even commented on how I kept getting multiple backstabs on BLU (when I was RED) when they were pushing the cart.

  7. I've updated the MOTD and server configuration.

    Config changes:

    - Alltalk is always on again... people got annoying that it reset every time the server did. It's not like we ever turn it off anyway.

    - Waiting For Players has been reduced to 45 seconds. It was 60 seconds before, but it seemed a bit too long.

    - Automatic map vote has been changed to start 6 minutes before the round end. This ensures that it completes before the map ends, which happens automatically if there is less than 5 minutes on the clock and a CTF/PL/CP round completes.

    MOTD changes:

    Added the following section:

    Custom options:

    - Alltalk is on!

    - Pregame Mayhem is enabled!.

    - Map Voting takes place 6 minutes before the round ends. It is restricted to specific maps.

    - Nominate is enabled!

    - Respawn wave time is lowered.

    - Slot 25 is for reserved users. The server is full at 24/25.

    Edit: This made the MOTD too long, cut out some stuff.

  8. (iz just trolllin)

    But yeah, /v/ invaded the server later in the night. I couldn't do anything besides try and kickvote/banvote them, and with the amount they had in there it would be pointless. I got sick of them at the end, so I just kept switching the map after about 2 minutes of play. It was just them by then (well, martian was there for a while), so it didn't hurt any pubs.

    Also, windstrike, you're kind of annoying.

    Oh, I was wondering why the server emptied after I returned to my computer, but before I finished checking my email messages and forums.

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