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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. I'd be fine with a stats reset, as my previous stats have been less than admirable.

    As an alternative to or in addition to a reset, I might suggest raising the kills required for points to 100 or 150 (or more), which would allow only players who play on the server more than once to be part of the stats system.

    Unfortunately, I don't have any access to the HLStatsX configuration.

    Speaking of changes, I added the advertisements plugin to the server... not that regulars really need to know the triggers.

    Although, thanks to the magic of the advertisements flags, only people without reserved slots see the message bugging them about reserved slots. :P

    It also tells you what the nextmap will be and in how long.

  2. There are also alternatives for stats. Psychostats for instance; Psychostats updates aren't instantly reflected, though.

    All you need for Psychostats is a host with Perl, PHP, and MySQL... all of which I conveniently have.

    Edit: Gameservers already has a setup with GameTracker for our server, but it's not as in depth as HLStatsX.

    Edit 2: As for KDR, I don't really care about that... which would explain why, despite having the highest played time on the server (10+ days), I only have a rank of 14!

    That and I like playing Spy. :D

  3. it is now impossible to crouch jump onto or over your own or any enemy sentry...really fucking gay this is.

    Er... I think that was part of the point.

    Edit: Patch released to fix jump heights and make it so you can duck twice in air. I told the server to update and restart, but I can't tell if it actually applied the patch.

    We need to bitchslap Gameservers until there's some reliable way to tell which server version we have installed.

  4. Update!

    Hooray for sidestabs again. Also, I'm glad you start the disguise with primary weapon as default. It was very obvious when a spy ran around holding the class' melee weapon out. Also, Natascha supposedly works again.

    Server upgraded and restarted. I also removed the compatibility plugin that we needed to keep the server from crashing because Valve finally fixed that bug... only took 9 days! In case you want to know, it was this bug: "Fixed a buffer overflow issue related to network string tables"

    New version of Sourcemod is also out, but automated Sourcemod upgrades blow away our config files, so I need to wait until I have time to do a manual upgrade to fix that... hopefully it's only a feature update not a bugfix release...

  5. The biggest problem with hlstats is that it incourages individualistic goals and playstyle, which obviously detracts from the team as aspect of TF2

    What, I work with the team... occasionally!

    Although, with Alltalk on, my role as a Spy is somewhat diminished. Particularly since Spies can now see enemy health meters when disguised.

    Still, I try to sap Sentries when they're wailing on my allies... makes them easier for my team to kill them, too.

    Edit: Oh, and my teammates make great distractions on Payload maps, while I backstab our enemies. :D

  6. You hit rank 11, making Dshu's rank of 15 seem even more far back than it already is.

    Good thing these rank things apply to real life.

    GMan stole my rank?


    And by war, I mean playing Spy less as I lose a metric tonne of points every time I'm killed, and as Spy I get killed a lot...

    I did play a bit last night... I came home from work early because I had a migraine headache, slept for 7 hours, played TF2 for 2-3 hours, then slept for another 5-6 hours...

    I should have been doing an assignment.

    P.S. WTF happened to the BLU team on Dustbowl last night? As soon as round 3 hit, we just started sucking. HARD. To the point where a single pyro/medic combo was successfully keeping most of us in our spawn at one point... without actually camping it.

    P.P.S. I scored a Mega Kill (6 kills in one life) as an offensive Engy on Dustbowl, so I know it wasn't me that was sucking!

  7. I prefer when I burn you to death after you miss backstabbing me two times in a row!

    Backstabbing is both easier and harder at the same time now:

    Harder because:

    1. The range is shorter.

    2. The area considered the back is smaller.

    Easier because:

    1. If you are close enough to backstab, the crit animation is nearly instant. No more 2 second stab.

    All in all, I find it easier to stab now, provided I don't click too early. Medics and Scouts are still hard to hit, but everyone else is easier.

    Of course, I have a lot less time to play TF2 now than I used to, at least on Monday - Thursday.

  8. So what does that do for our Sandvich? Disabling that taunt seems like a bad game breaking idea.

    As far as I know, it just cuts out the animation for it... I think quotes and effects still happen, but your character just stands there.

    Edit: atmuh's looking into re-enabling taunts in that addon's cvars to see if that change causes crashes again.

    Edit 2: Taunts animations have been re-enabled, but the plugin is still blocking other animation files... no idea what they do, but since disabling them stops the crashes...

  9. So, I installed an addon I found earlier (atmuh actually tested it on his server) that disables "scene" files.

    Unfortunately, this includes taunt animations.

    Still, with this addon installed, the server no longer crashes.

    Other changes: map voting no longer occurs every round... I think it pissed some people off. Whoops.

    I need to find out why nominate doesn't display cp_junction_final in the map list... I know I added it to the list. Soon, I'm going to fix up the map list so that it's in alphabetic order to find maps easier.

    I also need to find out if the new, shorter backstab is a result of this plugin or not... I don't think it is, though.

    . I assume this is what Valve changed to help prevent front-stabs, as it no longer has to do two calculations to predict when a stab is a backstab.... Well, the animation length and the size of the area; you can no longer sidestab someone, it has to be from behind.
  10. Today on Goldrush, everyone lost connection to the server for about 20 seconds. Not sure if that's of any help to you.

    Did the map also reset back to ctf_2fort?

    Edit: Actually, I can see from the HLStatsX chart that it did... the green diagonal line on the server graph jumps back down to 0 whenever the server resets.

    Edit 2: The other thing about server crashes is that it should load any new gamedata files that SourceMod's team have released. It also periodically tried to update the server, even when I don't tell it to upgrade... not sure what's up with that.

    Edit 3: New versions of Metamod: Source and Sourcemod have been released. Unfortunately, Gameservers way of updating those is annoying; I may manually upgrade them so that all the config files don't get hosed.

  11. The gamedata autoupdater appears to be working again.

    Rumor has it that payload maps may be causing issues. Not sure if it's true or not, but default map has been changed... temporarily to cp_junction_final, but then to ctf_2fort.

    Edit: I'm going to assume from the lack of responses and the 1 hour, 45 minute connect time Brushfire has that the server is still working at least somewhat correctly.

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