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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  1. Emotional, arranged great, and as others say that the reverb is bad I think its just fine. I'm still waiting for one to rival "Time's New Scar" from Gutzalpus, but wow, still great in all aspects
  2. http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=2645 I've finally finished my Silent Hill 2 remix and I'm very pleased as it is my 1st fully finished remix. I hope all of you SH fans like it (Little sidenote to Ifrit:Compaired to what you wrote on my WIP thread you'll probably want alot more from it but I do think this is the best I could do)
  3. At first I was hesitant to listen to this song but as soon as it started I was hooked and to me its probably the best use of techno on this site, a real surprise
  4. The WIP version was good enough in my opinion but now its just great. I dont really see anything else you could have done with this track...which makes it perfect , nice one
  5. Seperately these would both be very good songs on there oun but mixing them together they work menacingly well, very soild job here I'll be jamming out to this one
  6. I think im the only person that really doesnt like beatdrop that much...other than that this is a really soild track but my biggest complaint is that the vocals that the girl would originaly is not sung by a man, which makes it werid since I love the original Hysteria, the new lyrics kick hard ass though very nicely done
  7. Wow Letter From Silent Heaven is amazing...a great achievement in fanboy/girl sites
  8. Makes me want to dance(which is a VERY bad thing), I tried to remix this song into a loop a couple of days ago and it came out NOTHING like this badass mutha, and I especally love those violins and drum/bg fx used in this one. Greatness In a MP3, I'll be listening to this for a while 10/10
  9. Me no like all these Street Fighter remixes but I took a listen to this one and yay its pretty good. Not much is new but what here is done absolutely great, check it out
  10. Now everyones saying this is a weird song and thats perfect for me(i really wanted to see something COMPLETELY wacked for OCR). This isnt as werid as i thought I was going to be, but its jammin, lots of things you wouldnt expect but they all combine to make something soild. 8/10-Nice little experament
  11. Speaking of marrage you know if they accept gay marrage they have to accept all marrage? That means, for you slow ones, you WILL be able to marry you favorite videogame characters Anywho whats your most frightening moment in SH history? For me its just seeing the monsters, there all so scary and the way that the meat handed character moved in SH3...wow
  12. Wow the original Silent Hill was a pants staining game. As soon as that damn flying thing came through that window right at the start I was scared as hell, more afraid of what wasnt there than what was...great
  13. Hey never saw this thread before but its pretty damn sweet. Silent Hill's always been one of my favorite games for two reasons... 1.This game ACTUALLY scares me, none of the cheap "OMG SOMETHING POPED OUT" scares just like...wow the monsters are so fucked up sometimes its crazy 2.The MUSIC and SOUND EFFECTS are beautiful. Im currently working on a Silent Hill 2 remix for Promise(link in my kinda-sig)and I just love every second of it. You guys think that they should do SH like there staring to do RE...give you more action and control(but still keeping the shit-my-pants-factor the same)?
  14. Binster made another mix? My god... Wow the intro made me do the robot and seriously freak out my parents. I love how he uses the game noises in the song for those little tibits. I bow my top hat to your sir, excelent mix
  15. Hardest boss ever for me goes straight to South Park for N64's final boss(I forgot his name), in god mode I fought him for like an hour because HE HAS A LIFE REGENORATOR!!! CHEAP!!! Never beat him without god mode
  16. Oh my god just absolutely beautiful. One of the best songs on this site and even the best live piano I've ever heard. 10/10
  17. Wow this mix just kicks complete ass Amazing production, samples, ideas, execution <3
  18. Damnit DJP where you holding these kick ass remixes out on us? This ones just amazing in every single way. The drums,bass line,everything is just PEREFECTLY put into its place to make one bitch slapping remix. This turned one of the most boring songs i've heard in a game into something that completely kicks my ass over & over. Final Score:10/10 Final Comment:THIS is what high quality remixes are
  19. lol I can so see this as the theme song for a Sonic TV show. Normaly i'd say that the drums and stuff was done bad if this was a normal song,but since its on purpose it just makes the song better. Ah the times when right was left & break was dance came back to life. I'm just gonna pop this on one day and all & my friends and me are gonna laugh and be doin the Robot. Just the way it made me simle,think back & want to dance like a complete jackass makes it a great song. Final Score:9/10 Final Comment:Makes you want to dance like a jackass...IN A GOOD WAY!
  20. Ah heres an idea, make a Civil War-ish marching song for a shooting game about a huge war. It has been made great and has a nice little sound but some parts come in and make me just go "ahhhh damnit just messed up a great part." Other than that its nice & im liking all the instruments that they use. Final Score:7/10 Final Comment:A marching song for a game about war...you'll eather like it or not
  21. Oh god im loving this song. Its sorta a mix that I can only explain as having a fast paced beat collide with medium paced piano & a slow background that makes 1 hell of a remix. Incredible work done and easily one of my favorite remixes on the site. Final Score:10/10 Final Comment:Its like fast,medium & slow got together & made a kick ass remix
  22. Meh i dont really play megaman games...mabye the formula got to old for me or something so i dont know the original song of this. Other than the actual song it sounds like something you'd hear at the begining of an anime cartoon or something. The name Seduction is also a great name because when this song stopped i just wanted to keep listening. A nice slow tempo with a good piano when it kicks in. Its also one of those beats that get stuck in your head so one day when your just messing around you'll start going "do do do doo DO DO!" Normal I dont like these kind of slow tempo songs but im going to make an exception for this. Final Score:8/10 Final Comment:Even of you dont like this style of music it STILL sounds good
  23. Things are in the exact place i'd want them to be & I'm a big fan of Hitman so this mix is right up my ally(4/5)
  24. Ah I love it. I like alot of different genres of music but metal is one of my favorites and this pretty much is the best you can get to a metal version of a Castlevania song. 5/5
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