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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  1. Binster is a remickzing bastard child of goodness. Every track is always awesome, no exception here, the man always knows what he's doing and whatever he wants to pull off he can with amazing production quality and makes it seem eazy(p )
  2. My weeks have never gone by slower without WoW...may Christmas come quickly so I can get a CD Key and continue my adventures
  3. Eh...didn't like the DooM ReMix Project but I've got hopes for this one since the king of DooM remixes (Mazedude) is on it
  4. WoW Trial over...so...cold I need to get it for christmas or something
  5. Yay, started my first real character. Undead Mage, at 10 right now, I found a guy who knows all the quest so I'm blowing through them not to mention i'm about to get in my friends group and i'll fill the missing class so we will pwnt God the horde is alot more fun than the alliance
  6. God damn j00 Blizzard! Nice to know that I server I pick to play on is over heavy lag most of the time
  7. So yay, started a Human Warrior and things have been going good so far, fun game, I just can't find the alchemy trainer...mabye I just need to wait until I get to a bigger town
  8. I'm planning on starting the game soon, mostly because just about every one of my friends from school play the game. I'm thinking about Orc Warrior, offensive & be an alchemist... Anything I should know?
  9. Strolling past OCR and new mix and whats this? GaMeBoX! Everyone I know is getting onto OCR but me D: Anyways it's a fun song to just kick back too. The from game samples are used nicely and the pads really give the mix a flooooooow. And mabye it's just me but, his is something that's going to be playing in the background of the MMORPG's I play
  10. Exactly the same situation for me, I do not know how this one skipped me, for gods sake make more remixes sir
  11. Just notice this thread again, and I thought it would be a good idea to post my newest song, an original and a tribute to Silent Hill so heres a link EazyP - Silent Night [ A Silent Hill Tribute ] Also, I was talking to my friend and said "I wish Harry was back in another SH" only for him to answer "Harry is dead." That true?
  12. Disagreed, I have no knowledge of notes or any of such yet I still make music, MIDI's are my saving grace until I learn all them notes and can start doing VG ReMixes by ear
  13. Another great hit by Akumajo! Not a Stuff Of Legends as his Bust A Groove jam but still very fun to listen to. I did a full review if your interested in more but overall a very soild track worth a download http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=3689#85372 my review
  14. You dont sound bitter, people look at Super Dodgeball and go "its dodgeball how can it have a good soundtrack?" I think people just arent giving it time or are too busy already
  15. Yes there was and it was a launch tittle, I still play it today even though that one was laughably easy
  16. I'd join but the best song from that game, Revenge Of Metaknight Ending, isnt on the list
  17. Sorry for the double post but I have (kinda) good news Looks like I'm out of OCR Idol, which is cool for me because, I couldnt have remixed Ultima 8 at all and now I can focus on songs I actually want to remix If I come up with something good I'll come back on the project until then we'll just have to wait
  18. I don't know how you can say that, seeing as that there's only one other song right now. Well you told me that you wanted OCR quality tracks and mine is no where near that right now and as its goingSad this is being overlooked by many remixers...I'll go around and ask a few more to join up(hey I got AkumaJobelmont didn't I?)
  19. Silent Hill music is awesome and this is a pretty good remix. Its just sad that the strings, drums & choir volumes are to low, mabye just do a quick remaster on that and update? Eather way its a good listen
  20. Sorry guys but I dont have the time to do this anymore. I'm already busy with OCR Idol, working on oun secret tracks, starting a job, and alot more. Anyways what I have right now is just plain average and if my track was put into the project how its going now it would just bring the quality down. So sorry guys I'm leaving this but hey if I can help you guys in anyway I will. On that sad note, I might hop back on this when I have some extra time Keep working on this guys and...
  21. Adhesive showed me this when it was at its WIP page at VGMix when I asked him if he had anything new. A damn fine track hes made here. The effects and all sound wonderful, everything is done masterfully. A must download
  22. Such a damn awesome song, I wrote a review for it when it first came out (gave it a 97/100) and I listen to it at least once every day or two you can see the review here if you want http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=3391
  23. Damn I need to get my ass up and get a WIP out while my OCR Idol song is finished, I'll be going full steam ahead on this project tomorrow
  24. OOO! How'd I forget, DMC3 has fucking relentless bosses, takes a while to get past them but once you learn to play the game correctly you're gold
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