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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  2. Mine has been submitted, I don't really want to spoil it, and I don't know if I can post it, but if you want to hear it or something PM me or message me on AIM
  3. Sorry Pixie, I've been thinking up ideas and I just got one in the shower, so now it's all up to me finding the sample I need
  4. Sexy by infinity
  5. Wingless Vs. D-Lux for sexiest voices in VG Radio
  6. Finally got up on the site, great song since it first started in the WIP forums. Good job on both remixers parts
  7. Please, we all know that it's Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, Start *pantie sniff*
  8. Thanks everybodyyyy. And was that you who called in a little before 7? Somebody did, but they didn't say their name in the message. Twasn't me, but I will sometime today or tomorrow
  9. Happy birfday pixie, woooo! I'll have to call in the phone line
  10. "You're on this project" PMs sound like a good idea. I'm still waiting to see if the collab is going through, but as soon as I get the news, I'll says
  11. Same This weeks show was a good first listen for me. You can always roll the dice again for Mazedude
  12. I've just lost pretty much all interest in this game going from lvl 30-40. I'll just wait it out for a bit and start playing again in like a week
  13. Not only is the remix full of awesome, but when I listen to it and the final battle of Army of Darkness is going through on my TV in the background it's even more awesome. GG
  14. ^ Someone call Akumajobelmont!!
  15. Could my song possibly turn into a collaboration? Stay tuned
  16. Sorry Bren, World of Warcraft is RAPING my time on EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE Otherwise I'm still working, I'll just made this thread my homepage when I open Firefox
  17. I'm glad they fit "DARKNESS" in the trailer
  18. I got a WiP for that.... And now i gotta go sign up for the forums!!! And I must hear it now plzkthxbai. i'l get a WiP up on Monday Speaking of all this WIP talk, a while ago I made a quick midi rip-ish version of my jam to make sure I can come up with something worth while, and I like it, I'll have to upload that somewhere when I can
  19. Even if this does somehow fail (which it won't) Taucer & his juggling will save the day All we need now is pretty buttons for our sigs
  20. Nice to know whenever WoW updates, something wrong happens, server full when it really isn't at all ftw
  21. Same here, man. I normally just remain patient though, and after like 40 minutes, it jumps from 2% to 100% in like .5 seconds flat. WTF indeed. Honestly, this patch has been a HORRID download, otherwise getting it through fileplanet was pretty quick
  22. I say, if any of you are Herbalists and are Horde, a great way to get gold pretty fast at new low-ish levels is to farm stranglekelp in Merchants Coast (right on Ratchet). Easy to find, and somehow sells 6.5g for 20 packson, very quickly, constantly, at Auction House Easy street from now on
  23. Doesn't matter, anything is better than the time it takes to normally run around
  24. Barrens chat for the win. Indeed, Barrens chat is probably the best example of stupidity ever, how many times have I started an arguement over how Chuck Norris is better than Vin Diesel?Anyways, almost lvl 20 now, much pwnt, I've only lost to rogues in PvP (cheap stealthy bastards) and I can't wait until I can Shadow Wolf ( no need for me to buy a mount )
  25. Yay, WoW for Christmas Level 16 now, Tauren Shaman, Stonemaul PvP Server, horray Any tips?
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