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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  1. The theme song confirms Ridley for me. Ridley was one of the top voted characters in Sakurai's Japanese Poll, now he has a theme song, the character is being begged for by fans Good enough for me
  2. I am very sad on what was a happy day D:
  3. So today I was playing smash and all of a sudden a voice in my head started saying something. I could make out what it was. Something very vague, two words. It got louder and louder as the day went on. Until finally I heard it... "Wigi time" Oh my god, Luigi is one of my new favorite characters. Constant wavedashing is amazingly fun and fast, chain grab, great edge gaurd game, a huge amount of his moves lead into the fair chop, down b is amazing and combos. IT'S WIGI TIME!!
  4. I'm pretty sure no matter how bad you are, Luigi falls so slowly that even if you fell off you'd be able to get back onYoshi's Island looks good and epic, Shy Guy's graphics look a little out of place, but they've saved my ass many a time in Melee so it's nice to see them back Sequels to fighting games always have changes in priority, lag time, damage the move does, ect. It's called balancing the game. Still, people figure out what to do with their character to play him/her the best they possibly can. It doesn't matter how different the game is, one of this magnitude with it's already established tournament play leagues, it's going to stay at a tournament level play (Hell, even Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters for SNES still gets tournament play in New York, New York, every fighting game has it's top level play) Another problem fixed is, if you don't want to play these people, just play anything but 1v1 (No Item) and 2v2 (No Item). Tournament players don't like item matches, don't really like Free For Alls and are against time match, coin match, ect. So just play one of those if you're really against it Tournament players don't wish anything bad to you scrubs, we are just completely against fun and hate people who don't break the game
  5. Look at Arek making funny posts when he knows full well what happened when we played Alpha 3 & SvC last night
  6. Lucky as hell I'm not near there, otherwise Street Fighter and Melee would be mine
  7. Fucking love the How 2 Hax Video 1. You hate...bair? Fucking lulz, this could not be a serious post 2. What is the game about then? 3. LULZ For serious, wavedashing can't break the game. I could wavedash with Link all day long against someone who doesn't play compeditively and doesn't know how to do it, but that won't stop the fact that he could walk up and hit me in the face and knock me off the stage taking away a stock. You have to LEARN how to IMPLEMENT these techniques, you can just be instantly good at everything you do and ruin the game. As said, the developers knew this was in the game and didn't take it out. They had the chance, and they kept it. L Cancel was in since the original game, same as fast fall. Bair...bair too don't worry that wasn't magically added in this one. All I really see is "bitch bitch I don't have skills bitch," and that's fine some people like to bitch, but for serious, just don't play against them, or learn it and feel the joy of beating them. All these techniques do is make the game play at a faster pace, which I'm sorry if you can't handel Anyways I got a tournament comming up next week so just, yeah I'll be doing advanced techniques and stuff because u knoes I hax lulz & i brek teh game IT IS NO FUN ZONE THE SIGN SPECIFICALLY SAYS NO FUN ON THE WAY INTO THE TOURNAMENT Read The Art of War and get back to me
  8. That was my guess, but at least this time it looks crazy shorter
  9. Geno is owned by Square Enix, and they are quite the douchebags, so I bet it would be much easier to get the rights to Simon Belmont (already have Konami on board) and Mega Man (Capcom would kill to put him in) instead of paying crazy money to get rights to Geno But anything can happen
  10. We did talk about The Germ (I personally don't care much for his wigger self and one of these days I'll get him to Link ditto with me if I ever see him), just Aniki has plenty of videos of beating Ken He didn't say it was impossible, but he said it was very hard to win a tourney with Link (truth) I already posted my piece on what he said, but yes it's always possible to win against anyone using anyone
  11. I'd say if you're going to order something small, like a single game or whatever, it'll be fine, but anything big like a console or even arcade stick, dear lord you are in trouble I've also heard their OCR Shirts are deplorable
  12. No one uses Bowser... Say that to leader of the No one uses DK... say hi to while you're there
  13. Mewtwo can be deadly in the right hands, I've gotten my ass served in tournaments, Ganondorf is a widely used tournament character with good results, Peach is top tierYeah know what you're talking about, the second best player in all of the state of Washington uses Luigi ( )If you think he's just playing against crappy people, he's playing against people like Eggz and Silent Wolf, west coast pros Basically if you want to use a character well enough in tournament play, you'll figure out a way how Yes Aniki is amazing, and it is hard to do well in a tournament, no matter what character you're using, I just want to give out the hope that yeah, anything is possible Literally every big 2D fighting game depends on combos, this one does to, but those once you start a combo, you really can't get out. In this one, different characters can escape from different combos, so one that might work for one person won't for another. I basically want people to put some originality into how they play and not completely rely on a single style, because if you're a clone, how can you beat the original? Link does have big combos though, I'd have to say out of every combo in the game, that isn't infinite, his grab combos give out some of the biggest damage and knockback while guaranteeing that they will work I completely see what your saying, but if everyone played the same, I'd be much less interested in this game, I'd rather promote individuality. Having said that I also realize that some things such as SHFFLing are things everyone should do. Still, when you play a different person in Smash in a tournament, they almost always feel unique, and that's something compared to the thousands of Yun players in 3s that just play exactly alike
  14. I tried to by the MAS Pro Arcade Stick through them, they said 10 days tops. 2 Months and god knows how many attempts to email them and use their live customer service that was never on I don't have it and I decide to cancel the order, he they didn't even begin shipping it. The order is canceled, only for them to ship the item anyways. While I'm sort of glad they shipped it, what the fuck
  15. If Aniki can beat Ken with Link, anyone can beat anyone with Link There also really aren't many gaurnteed combos in smash, a lot of it has to do with making it up as you go or doing what you like to do. With Link, the grab combos actually work once they're in, every time unless your opponent has a very quick recovery But yeah, still working on it, thanks for the advice
  16. They've already stated that they're really working on getting the game online, but it has to be lag free Anyways, HAL is a high quality developer, believe in them P.S: Link Guide in Development by Me, hmm hmm hmm
  17. For all you Smash players wanting to learn a better Link, I am writing a kind of guide in the form of the Link (SSBM) page on the Shoryuken.com Wiki, I'll tell you all when it's done
  18. Sonic wasn't in the poll Sora didn't get many votes Other characters that did get MANY votes where King Dedede, Ridley and Diddy Kong
  19. Mega Man, Simon Belmont (Castlevania), Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Geno (Super Mario RPG), Crono (Chrono Trigger) where all on a Japanese poll made by the director of SSBB himself. Sora is probably just to cause hype, but the rest do have their chances
  20. I think it's just the angle doing that, I've always been able to recover pretty amazingly far with the guy
  21. Yay, life is good, SNK is truly coming back to the US market News Update Also, when looking inside the subforums for both games on the SNK USA message boards we find out that KoF XI will be released in September, while Neo Geo Battle Coliseum will be released this October
  22. Damn, thought it was a part of the backgroundOh well, still good
  23. Milpitas for Milpitas Golf Land supa arcade San Mateo for me
  24. I'm betting that they will. It seems like SNK is releasing their games in the US on the games time lines, so we'll get AoF, then FF Vol.1, then FF Vol. 2, then Garou, since Garou is a apart of that series, then we'll get SamSho or KoFAlso if you're dying for it, you can always get the game to run on your computer
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