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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  1. I heard Skrypnyk did the drums for BT's "This Binary Universe" that's how good he is at it It's a jam tastic beat
  2. That's a great picture I haven't seen the poll anywhere myself but Smash Boards says the Japanese Poll Sakurai took (that he does for all smash games) had Diddy as one of the highest voted characters to appear in the game, another was Ridley and we're all pretty sure he's coming as well, I've posted a few other characters on pages long ago, such as Richard Belmont
  3. No. Diddy Kong is one of the most wanted characters in the game in Japan and North America, he will probably be in
  4. Hey the manga thing was right Looks like a less crazy version of Guilty Gear, think the Fist of the North Star game, but they gave them their weapons I like the asist system, I'm wondering what the Lv. means, it looks pretty slick, hopefully it'll be good EDIT: http://www.arcaderenaissance.blogspot.com/2007/07/sengoku-basara-x-images.html Working images
  5. I laughed, for real
  6. Which means they pretty much can include metroids Yeah they will no brainer
  7. It just said bad refeerer for me
  8. Dumb, now every character has a meteor smash
  9. Yay more reason to buy this game
  10. Not really, Jungle Japes can completely destroy you if your opponent knows what he's doing and plays Falco or Fox. Not only can you very quickly use the illusion attacks to quickly get across the stage, but you can fall in the water and firefox, so by the time you get out you're on the other side of the stage It's a good trick and very useful in certain situations
  11. No beatdrop ?
  12. Tom Nook For Brawl
  13. RL is overrated, it's like HL2 except without the gravity gun
  14. Oh fucking wow, they're not nerfing Fox at all from the looks of the video combined with what we've learned Firefox still goes incredibly high, the fire from it hurts you, the bazooka looks crazy, he has all the same moves Boo
  15. Arek just got owned because Cliffy B just announced at the Microsoft press conferance that Gears will be on PC with new content and a game editor mode It'll be on XP & Vista
  16. MaybeI take it that you can just hold down A and Metaknight will have his sword constantly slashing, WHICH WOULD BE REALLY REALLY GAY if you could do it all the time while moving or jumping, but that probably won't happen It also means that there probably won't be a way to cancel C.Falcon's rapid punch Oh well
  17. http://krakoo.com/?p=89 Looks real as it can, new maps, new boss I don't know if it's real or not yet, but god damn does it look good
  18. Actually...Boudakai/Tenkaichi can be good at times Also, SHOSHOSHO
  19. Dumb statement, it's a new game, it's a fighter so it needs to be tweaked, only scrubs will complain about that shit, everyone else will learn to deal with it and still destroy you
  20. Yeah, it's sarcasm
  21. Mr. L is the greatest character ever that isn't Luigi
  22. Do As Many Backflips Are You Are Old
  23. No I do not, induldge me!
  24. 4th of July weekend, yeah And it's a weekend, yeah I'd come but I'm on the other side of Americas D:
  25. ^ Word life Smash tournaments this weekend, and a CvS2 one at the same place? Praise the lord he has shown me the way
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