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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  1. I remember when I bothered chthonic to let us post this awesomeness on R:TS, good stuff from way back when
  2. 1. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (the sand is messing with him) 2. Psychonauts (it's a level) 3. Ico (the princess you have to save) This is 99.9% sure
  3. My favorite parts is all the wrong information he gives, like Nintendo packages a Mario game with each of their systems (not GC)
  4. Too bad you'll most likely still need to sweet spot it otherwise they'll just smack you off the stage again
  5. Ganon is the one character I'm glad to have to shut down all Jiggly players (seriously, Jiggly players go learn another character)
  6. Hey, sorry something messed up with the submissions and Rama is pretty much awol (he handels it) It'll be nice to see it on here though, and it'll probably feel a lot better for you, GG
  7. Sadly, it might be too alike to Sheik/Zelda (aka Sheik is top tier, Zelda is low tier and used only for her recovery)
  8. I'd say you move too much when you should be attacking, and at times (especally with IC) you're not going for a "safe" approach you just kinda run in headfirst You're great with IC once you get a grab in, you just need to get those grabs more often. Try sheild grabbing more, when your opponent sheilds WD into dsmash to grab, just try and get it going
  9. On the topic of those new pictures...Link has counter now?
  10. Wait...from the new sheilding animations without the bubble does this mean you can be hit from behind if you're sheilding forward? If that is true, the game will be SO FUCKING BROKEN
  11. Yoshi fucking pisses me off whenever I play one, YES THIS IS ANNOYING Beginners lol
  12. I think it's pretty stupid, it's just going to make the character better for scrubs since they won't need to know how to sweet spot or anything
  13. Went to Palo Alto to play smash, had a money match Did I win or not? The video will be posted soon (Sadly this is a Ganondorf Vs. Ice Climbers video, and I thought it was pretty boring but whatever)
  14. DisasterPEACE is a good man, and this is a good netlabel
  15. Saw them in Berkeley, crazy good
  16. ChuDat is too good, it's perfectly acceptable Hopefully I'll have a story of greatness after the SFSU tournament on Monday
  17. Just to point out, that people have proven that picture to be edited and fake
  18. Oh yeah, I started playing again Parkinsons (27 - Warlock / Horde) ~ Mal'Ganis I'm in the Something Awful WoW Guild (Goon Squad)
  19. Seriously now, greatest game ever made
  20. ...and start with predictions of what the underground is! I say it's full of candy unicorns I hope you can fall for a long time so that you can get into air fights
  21. Word on the streets are Roy & Marth are to be replaced with Ike & The Black Knight. Ike came true, lets see what's next...
  22. It was great, Ralph's quote was pretty much gold
  23. Can someone say top tier? But seriously, at least he looks like a bad ass, not some tiara wearing bitch
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