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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  1. You sir are a real family man
  2. Horrah, fantastic even
  3. The album even disapointed me I mean you put on a song like crawling and...you just laugh your ass off, it's like a musical joke that you and friends enjoy. But this? This isn't even funny bad, with some good instrumentation, this is just BAD music Terrible
  4. I hope they announce the release date already When they do we'll start hosting tournaments at the nearby EB Games next to my house. Since my friend is the manager, we'd be able to do this to promote preordering of the game
  5. I don't think I'll have time for this one, sorry
  6. Dreamcast has KoF 99 Dream Match (actually a better version of 98), arcade perfect MvC2 and better versions of some SNK games PS2 has everything else better or just as good, and a bigger library, and you already have a PS2 Your call
  7. You are born on the day my favorite arcade goes out of business YOU ARE BAD MEN
  8. Never played it, heard so many bad things, and no one around here has online support for their PS2 Why shut down the 2nd and not the 1st?
  9. ...ewwwwwwwwwwwww Terrible looking joystick, I'd rather play with the pad. Then again it's Xbox so, no real quailty pre-made sticks
  10. What kind of joystick and what version of Guilty Gear may I ask?
  11. For real, I'd like to get a mini meet up going. I'd like to hit up Milpitas/San Jose Golf Land for some 2D fighting and arcade craziness Not real interested in the concert though
  12. #3 - Law of Sonic Amplification, First Law of Anime Acoustics- In space, loud sounds, like explosions, are even louder because there is no air to get in the way. I laughed way too hard
  13. That is what my phone says to me when I start it up. Truly one of the greatest lines ever written in film
  14. Did no one read the RUMORED part of that whole article? Also, Street Fighter The Movie was FUCKING EXCELLENT. So many great hillarious lines, Bison was such a bad man, the gaming puns where great, and you have to think about the time. Most people didn't even know the game had a story other than "Bison r badmen." This tried to build a story for everyone, and it's a pretty ok story. Yes Ryu and Ken are fucked up, but god damnit THEY'RE NOT THE FOCUS. It was a great, hillarious movie, and if you watch it with friends, or even by yourself, you're going to have a GREAT TIME
  15. I like the stick, except Fio, Tarma and the Solider look really weird to me
  16. Lizz, why do you continue to win so hard?
  17. I personally enjoy the sticks when the moment arises. Some games need them PRECISION movements, like 3s and some crazy stuff in CvS2, like PTF, so you come to appreciate it. The buttons are VERY low to the ground and react quickly, which I don't know why it's cheap, unless your opponent doesn't have it. Then again, you're playing competitively so you've got to give yourself what edge you canHaving said this, I own a MAS stick, with HAPP parts. It's mostly about what you like and getting used to some new things like competition buttons without the curves going inside. If you play long enough on it, you'll get good on it While on the subject, I do heavily recommend all people who are seriously going to get into 2D fighting to take a try at playing with sticks, and getting your own stick. It's simply better to use sticks than pads. I started out the other way around, but the more I play with mine, the more and more I enjoy it until I really don't want to play with pads unless absolutely necessary. Just do some research or ask here about what you should get, so you don't get ripped off
  18. No Evilhead, wrong. Part choices come down to HAPP for the American style of gaming or Sanwa for the Japanese arcade greatness feel. If you don't know what Sanwa buttons would be like, think of Tekken 5 in arcades, those are Sanwa sticks and buttons, they're the ball top sticks (which are great for CvS2, 3s), while HAPP will be your choice for bat sticks (MvC2). You'll want competition buttons, I'd say Sanwa has the better ones since they're closer to the ground, but HAPP isn't bad at all Also, paint the shit out of that fence son, an't ever seen a fence painted so fine
  19. It's an ok game for a while, but then you realize that everyone who plays is pretty much a master of their character and everyone's. It's a hard game to get into and you will get your ass beat constantly. It's ok though, not bad, but I don't like the characters at all
  20. I'd say more of a beat em up than a fighter, but yeah it's a pretty fun game
  21. PS2 or Xbox like I think it is? If it is, have fun with the online play for it Also, if you didn't know, they've hacked GGX2:#Reload for PC to have online play
  22. Everyone who has played it in my area just said they didn't like it, felt like a worse Everquest overall. If you really want to fill that void, why not try playing some Diablo 2 again, or waiting for Hellgate London (no monthly fees is good)
  23. EXACTLYAlso inside jokes I think everyone would agree it is the right choice
  24. Life has just been made better
  25. So I got my custom MAS arcade stick in the mail, and it's pretty bitchin. Sadly, it took over 2 months to get here, but I've heard if you live in LA you can pick it up at their shop in like 3 hours. It is a family business, run by pretty much family only, so I can forgive them, because the quality of the stick is OOZING out of it, I highly recommend it
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