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Everything posted by Piracy

  1. Curse you search...! Oh, well
  2. http://cutstuff.net/blog/ Check out the trailer, looks like it could be awesome!
  3. http://vip.aersia.net/vip.swf Pretty decent song selection
  4. I know exactly what you are talking about and I gave up trying to kill him after 3 hours of running around. At that time I had no internet connection either, so nothing to rely on either!
  5. First Person Tetris! http://firstpersontetris.com/ OMG MY HEAD:dstrbd:
  6. http://www.youtubedoubler.com/?video1=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fv%2FiTRS6FJkJFU&start1=3&video2=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DVgAXZHMi_ws%26feature%3Drelated&start2= lmao
  7. Ronald Jenkees + Akon = HOT!
  8. http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Mug'thol&n=Rigid I played up to 2050 this season with my druid healer in 2s. But raiding has got REALLY boring with only running ToGC10 and 25. Waiting on icecrown to come out. All the pictures and boss fights I've seen, it looks like a rehash of Black Temple with a blue/black color scheme. If you want pvp help go to -->Arena Junkies<-- some decent information there. Getting bored of the game, the only thing that kept me interested was the pvp aspect, since that was most challenging. But now my partner has left for IRL stuff with his girlfriend. And myself having a new girlfriend, I don't find myself playing that much anymore.
  9. I never got into any of the Sonic games. Which is probably why I never bought a Sega system.
  10. I stumbled across this looking for other videos of people playing piano, all I can say is wow! A child born with severe learning disabilities, can remember and play almost every song ever heard. There are 5 parts, and after the first I HAD to watch the rest Part 1/5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kwjDLHX92w&feature=related Part 2/5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGOH1xzNCOU&feature=related Part 3/5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2p2g84h9U4&feature=related Part 4/5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKBbziuMTPY&feature=related Part 5/5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6iV8wGnJVM&feature=related
  11. Same, at least the intro. Now if it was Guile's theme it would make a lot more sense.
  12. For those of you that have beaten the game entirely I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you read this: Prepare to have your mind blown!!! WARNING SPOILERS!! (story not the puzzles) http://www.rllmukforum.com/index.php?showtopic=190136%A0 Edit: A GREAT article on the creation of the game: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/3753/the_art_of_braid_creating_a_.php
  13. Random internet dude playing the theme to Forrest Gump
  14. I just got the game after seeing gamespot have it win XBLA game of the year. After playing castle crashers (great game) I couldn't figure out why something would be rated above castle crashers. From the demo, I was immediately hooked to the music! The simplicity of the game mechanics is what makes it amazing. They took a very simple mechanic and made it into an amazing experience. Not to mention, the story itself is not what I expected at all. Much more profound and insightful then most games I've played. It's a game that makes you think about numerous different things. I love the art style too, reminds me of Yoshi's Island for SNES for some reason Music from the game on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7BMM-M1Yyw&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kflCLshkOg&feature=related
  15. David MeShow - Mystery And his keyboard drum solo
  16. You are right that these raids are "entry level". Blue posts from the official forums even said that Naxx is more or less a beginner content. Much like Karazhan was for TBC or how Malygos is the Ony equivalent. The link from Otaku is terribly misleading to say that all the lich king raids have been cleared. We have just begun the game and we have another two years before we even see the end. I think its great that they allowed most of the casual players to see or even clear the level 70 end game content. Raiding is a huge part of the game and reducing the HP of all raids by 30% gave much more people a chance to experience what only a small percentage of players could only see. You shouldn't have to raid six hours a night to experience a game. Of course there are those same people who do spend that amount of time every day who would counterpoint that arguement. Same here, I have T6 and some sunwell gear and have only replaced a trinket and my weapon from the new ring of blood quest at 76. From what I remember hearing before the expansion came out was that T4 should last until about 72, T5 to 76 and T6 to 78. But with not having to replace my gear all the time most greens I get from quests or drops I have disenchanted to sell on the AH. Or any items that I repeatedly make to level my tailoring profession, atleast that way I make a little bit of the money invested in things that would normally never sell for much. Or donate them to the guild bank for the enchanters in the guild to level their profession.
  17. Averaging about 6 hours a level right now on my mage. Today I hit 77 and got my flying ability back for another 1000g....sigh.... Your right about Dalaran though it is VERY small in comparison to Shatt. Smaller then any previous major city. I must say though that the music is 100x better then the soundtrack from The Burning Crusade. I actually enjoy listening to the in game music rather then listening to some onlline radio in the background. The violins in Grizzly Hills and the piano in Dragonblight are my faves:-P. The quests are very well made and far more interesting. Sure there are some grinding quests here and there. Or some go to point X and get item Y. Any online game will always have those. Getting to see the lich king in some of the longer quest chains pulls the lore together. Although I think he sounds alot like Christian Bale in Batman. That raspy sounding voice makes him sound like a chain smoker. I'm hoping to hear him say "I'm the God Damn Lich King!". The zones themselves look beautiful8-O. I didnt care so much for Borean Tundra, although the expanse of the place is huge. It seems like you can see for miles on end. My scaling atleast with my hp/mana pools have gone to ridiculous amounts even keeping most 70 raid gear that I've yet to find replacements of. I went from a 70 around 8k hp and 9.5k mana to about 11k hp and 13k mana at 77. Another interesting thing I've noticed about leveling was the fact that the EXP from 70-71 or 71-72 doesnt jump by a large amount from what leveling used to be. Each level even at 77 is only about 1.6million EXP. The instances are fairly cool too, most seem to be well designed. I enjoyed The Nexus alot, lots of cool effects and glowing stuff to look at. Haven't tried to many of the others yet.
  18. Yeah we killed Kael with a PUG also. Some of the player inside had only been lvl 70 for 4 hours hahaha. Some noob mage named Corney also rolled need on a T5 chest when we had the rule to pass then roll /random 1000. After he needed the leader kicked him out of the raid and rolled need against him but he ended winning the roll. However he didn't receive the item since he was no longer in the raid and after I won the random roll I couldnt loot the corpse to receive the loot. So now my ticket has been escalated by a GM to see if I can get my token. I HATE NINJAS! I also crit the mechano-lord in mech where you stack the polarity for 19,000 THREE TIMES!!! Fireball, Fireball, (hot streak) Pyroblast! I was laughing so hard we literally killed him in about 15 seconds. My new guild cleared Hyjal tonight also, I was 4th on dps averaging about 2.8k for the entire time I was in there, with some ZA and t5 badge gear. That a huge improvement from my previous 1.1k pre3.0 We do have a sunwell geared druid (moonkin) averaging 4.9k dps! 0/50/11 Flamestrike + Icy veins + Combustion spam FTW! Also I noticed that flamestrike is only 460 mana with talents to cast. And with the flamestrike crits I was getting 600 (3x200) mana back from the master of elements talent. If I needed mana back I'd just spam it and actually regain to full. Probably a bug right now since you should only gain 30% of its original cost.
  19. True, but not everyone has the key to UBRS too. Luckily I got the seal off of the 2nd trash mob as I was waiting around for the group to get in and finished the questline once everyone came inside since no one had a key. Even if I don't need to get into UBRS for the title I make a good 50g just opening the door for people who don't. Now I need to go back into LBRS and get my dog and spider pets.
  20. Got my Jenkins title today! Kill 50 whelps in 15 seconds is harder then it looks, at first we had a tank go around and gather them all up. But because the mass of whelps trying to be AOE'd we all got disconnected about 2 seconds starting the fight. The second time we all just ran in and used all of our AOE at the same and killed 50 with 3 seconds to spare.
  21. Your using what is essentially lvl 80 spells or attacks at 67. So of course its overpowered. You have to wait until all the mobs and other players catch up to the level of the power to see things balance out. My mage is almost all frost right now. In the last few AV games I've played either im in the top 1-5 of killing blows, or if I choose to spam Blizzard in chokepoints where groups of enemies dont have much room to move, I can top the damage charts. 615,000 damage in a single game is nuts considering the person in 2nd was at 520,000. I also had a epic AV win for alliance, we won with 1-0 reinforcements and took a Screenshot, which i cant link here cause im at work. Blizzard now crits and with all the slowing effects (75%) and freezing in place. It makes it extremely easy to farm multiple mobs anywhere, as long as they arent casters or ranged. And if you go far enough into fire to get the 10% chance to stun, it affects ALL spell damage now not just fire. So if enemies arent freezing in place they are getting stunned for 2 seconds. With master of elements restoring mana on crits, you get around 60 mana for every crit that Blizzard does! Leveling in the xpac is going to be amazing!
  22. I just recently rediscovered this song after hearing it a long time ago. All I can say is that the beauty is in the simplicity. And its Wonderful!
  23. To the OP: You must be new but "favorite" threads are not allowed due to the breakout of flame wars. See here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2360
  24. Pencil trick... 'nuff said
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