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Amayirot Akago

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Everything posted by Amayirot Akago

  1. Oh, thanks for the tip. First post updated with new download link.
  2. So far, I've no complaints about Zelda. I've finished the 2nd dungeon; Midna rocks, wolf form is the bomb, and there's plenty of variation.
  3. I live waaaaaaaaaaaay out to the east, off the edge, somewhere near "insignifigance", "windmills" and "hills".
  4. www.nedgame.com has just what you need, and also sells import games. You rock. Thanks a bunch
  5. Well if that's the case I'll just wait for next month's salary to come in. On that note, anybody know any good Internet shops that still sell (used) GC games that accept transactions to a bank account? Preferably in the Netherlands.
  6. About damn time I posted in here. Wii Friend Code: 1757634043482067 DS Friend Codes: Animal Crossing: 120343086874 Clubhouse Games: 3307-9388-0781 Contact: 1375-2272-1161 Mario Kart DS: 051623 429371 Metroid Prime Hunters: 0602 1336 3774 Star Fox Command: 282 175 358 520 Tetris DS: 144078 191942
  7. I -think- you might be able to use the SD loader method. Because there's no mod chips for it yet, PSO is literally disabled so you can't stream it, and the freeloader doesn't work on backups. SD loader? Explain thyself further.
  8. Well, I finally picked up an el cheapo GC accessory pack this morning (controller, memory card and carrying case for a bunch of discs), but I'm lacking in funds to obtain any games as of right now. Is there some way to download & burn GC ISO's and play them on my Wii?
  9. You can't have a trilogy without a third movie, unless you're counting Dark Fury as well (which I still haven't seen by the way ).
  10. I was hunting around my playlist for a happy song when I realized I hadn't listened to this one yet. Suffice it to say it was exactly what I was looking for. Fabulous stuff.
  11. My stash: Two small bronze-colored lucky Buddha sculptures Blue keychain with my name on it DVD's: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Chronicles of Narnia, Ice Age 2, and Chicken Little Axe showergel + blue sponge And last, but not least, my Nintendo Wii + Wii Play/Remote + Nunchuk + Classic Controller + Zelda Twilight Princess. The last one doesn't really count, since I picked it up myself last friday, but nonetheless I'm very happy with it, not to mention that I picked it up just as Christmas vacation began. All that's left now is to pick up a GC controller, memory card and a game, as well as a Wii Points Card.
  12. They got some pretty decent stuff on there; downloaded the complete Deus Ex and Unreal Tournament 99 soundtracks off that site.
  13. Here's my current stash of Mii's: Myself; not as accurate as I'd like since the actual Mii creator isn't as flexible as the Flash version. Clark Kent Jimmy Olsen Lex Luthor (DCAU version) Mini Mii (Mini Me from Austin Powers) Mr Mxyzptlk (minus the hat)
  14. Would anyone care to explain to me how the whole Emailing to and from your Wii works?
  15. Well, I went to Dixons at 10:00 this morning, picked it up, then went to look around for some other stuff I wanted, and finally made my way home with my Wii, Zelda TP, Wii Play + remote, Nunchuk, AND Classic Controller. SCORE! I've been playing around with the games and the channels all day since then and I FUCKING LOVE THIS THING. Period.
  16. Yes! YES! OMG, YES!!! Coming home today my dad tells me Dixons called to tell me my Wii was ready to be picked up. So tomorrow I'm racing straight over there to grab it
  17. My parents rock. They gave me a bunch of cash as a Christmas present, enough for me to get Wii Play + extra nunchuk with my Wii Of course, I'm getting ahead of myself as usual... still waiting till the damn thing is back in stores.
  18. Behold, my ugly mug in all its glory: And a happier expression: Note that I do not currently own a Wii; I'll post my actual Mii when the time comes.
  19. Anybody in the Netherlands care to list what games are currently available on VC? Just curious.
  20. You look like the offspring of Mark Hamill and Gabriel Knight
  21. Two Thrones remake FTL.
  22. So, 1 week has passed since the European Wii release. I got all the cash, still waiting till the new shipment comes in though. Le sigh. When I'm picking it up, I'll be getting Zelda with it, and with next months pay I'll pick up Wii Play + remote + nunchuck. Goddamn it. Why do I have to wait when the rest of the world is already enjoying the wonders of this revolutionary new console? Not to mention the fact that the US already has Elebits and we're not getting it till March
  23. He didn't stand a GHOST of a CHANCE.
  24. Before you start, Bible Black started out as a Hentai game and the anime uses the exact same music as the game. So there. Now that that's out of the way, I would kill to hear a remix of this tune. Something adequately spooky/mysterious and powerful in the same vein of the original. Any style/genre is good, save for mindless (IE repetitive) techno/trance. Here's the original MIDI: http://media.putfile.com/Bible-Black-Main-Theme Now let's see some hustle out there, people!
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