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Amayirot Akago

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Everything posted by Amayirot Akago

  1. You mean Squeak Squad? Is that even out yet? EDIT: According to IGN, it is.
  2. Great atmospheric track from a great game. Thumbs up!
  3. I'm a big fan of synth stuff, and this mix is no exception, especially seeing how rockingly good it is. Thumbs up!
  4. Anybody here tried Scurge Hive yet? Had a go at the GBA version just now (DS and GBA versions are practically identical, except DS is worse according to IGN) and so far I love it, minus the Metroid ripoffage. And the main char is hawt. Long red ponytail for the win.
  5. This song goes above and beyond any OCR out there. That, and it's from a game I've actually played. Brilliant stuff.
  6. FINALLY obtained a 1 GB SD card for my Supercard today, instead of the crappy 32 MB thing I borrowed from my bro. Now I can finally play with the big boys So far I've tried Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! and Phoenix Wright, among other things. Both of em are freaking hilarious (but you already knew that, of course).
  7. Oh really? The Wii finalized my decision to get a Wii
  8. IGN's review for Touch Detective put me off big time. Illogical puzzles are just not my bag, baby.
  9. Contact sounds like a hell of a lot of fun. Definitely - ahem - picking it up when it's released
  10. Fantastic track. Lots of headbanging and great Final Fantasy tunes mixed together; what more could anyone want? Rock on, LuIza!
  11. However, it does, IMHO, have a fantastic story, and some of the most creative uses of the DS I've seen in a game so far.
  12. This is on my checklist. Right after I find a god damn copy of Trauma Center. No stores are carrying it anymore, and I'm afaid I might just have to get it online. Sounds interesting indeed. I loved Trace Memory and I might just be inclined to pick this up as well. Also, I've picked up Clubhouse Games and it's a heck of a lot of fun. Can't wait to try out the multiplayer sometime.
  13. One of the most recognizable and enjoyable remixes for a LONG time, not to mention it's from one of my all-time favourite games. That, and I LOVE piano tunes. Thumbs up for the Mazedude once again.
  14. Anybody here remember Star Trek: 25th Anniversary? Neat little PC adventure game featuring Captain Kirk and the others, with voice acting provided by the original actors in the CD-Rom version. However, it does also have its fair share of space combat, and that's what I wanted to talk about here. In the final mission you're put up against a replica of the USS Enterprise as well as three Vardaine ships. Well, let me put it this way: this battle is flatout impossible. The Enterprise is under such a huge barrage of fire that you'll inexorably die within a minute or so. Even if you keep firing like mad you'll only destroy two ships at best before going down yourself.
  15. Zenka from Super Cosplay War Ultra. Every single attack she does covers nearly the entire screen and does massive damage, not to mention her unblockable special attack where she chops your lifebar in half. AND you only get 3 shots at beating her; failure means Game Over.
  16. Pardon the pun, but this mix is definitely awesome. I've had the original MOD version of the song for some time now, and I was pleasantly surprised to hear a remix of the great song.
  17. Fantastic mix, even way before I ever played Final Fantasy VII.
  18. A fantastic and powerful track; it starts off with the familliar tune (which I recognized from WarioWare Touched; never actually played Mario Paint myself) and then explodes into pure awesomeness.
  19. Listening to it right now. Fantastic! Another great Magus remix (definitely my fav Chrono Trigger song too).
  20. I'd give you all a hand, if not for the fact that my remixing skills are non-existant Still, best of luck to you all and I'm definitely looking forward to the end result
  21. Mazedude's always been one of my favourite remixers since day one, and this song, as well as the rest of the album reaffirms his position as a master in the field.
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